Even though patients started to feel physically better from withdrawals and their body learning to eat normal meals, sleep, and exercise, the mental exhaustion could really do a number on some. I remembered having a patient who literally slept from right after dinner until breakfast every day. She had participated in all her programming, but was just so exhausted at the end of the day, she couldn’t keep her eyes open.

When everyone else had gone off to bed, I sat with Erik on the couch as we watched the New Year’s party out of Denver. It certainly wasn’t anything even close to New York’s. But it was something to keep on in the background and gave us an excuse to sit and talk some more.

“I applied to nursing school,” I said to Erik as we sat there. “I’m not sure it’s really what I want to do. But I figure I won’t know that for sure until I give it a try. So, anyways, I decided to give it a try.”

I felt like I was babbling a bit, but I felt a little uncomfortable with Erik and I being alone.

He tried to look excited for me, but there was something holding him back. I knew the feeling. I had wanted to move forward and nursing seemed like a good option. I’d get paid well and could stay in my same profession, but I wasn’t sure my heart was into being a nurse. I figured that’s what school was for, though, to check things out and see if I liked them.

“Good for you,” he replied without going any further.

Our conversation seemed more strained without other people around. The sexual tension between us grew, and I felt like I was being pulled from one side of the couch toward him. My breathing increased. My lips felt dry. I couldn’t stop looking at his damn muscular arms and wishing they were around me.

When midnight finally hit for us, it was like an alarm when off and I knew I couldn’t keep myself to my side of the couch. There was music playing on the television, and I looked at Erik just at the same time he looked at me. Our eyes were focused on each other and no one else.

“Happy New Year,” I said as I moved over with every intention to give him a hug.

But Erik had different intentions. As I leaned in to hug him, he gently grabbed my face, looked around the unit, and whispered, “Happy New Year,” before he pulled my lips to his.

The touch of his lips on mine was more than I could have hoped for. My body moved up next to him and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I let his mouth press into me and separate my lips as his tongue entered me. A feverish need to take off his shirt hit me, and I reached for it like we were in a private apartment or something.

“Not here,” he grunted. “Come with me.”

Erik grabbed my hand and led me to his room. The door had barely shut behind us and I was grappling with his t-shirt and pulling it over his head. My hands pressed up against his bare skin like it was a medicine I desperately needed. I couldn’t get enough of him. I wanted more. So much more of him.

His hands quickly pulled my scrub top off and unhooked my bra. The release of my breasts made him pause as he looked at them in admiration before he brought his lips to meet my nipple and pulled it into his mouth. Yes, I wanted his lips on my nipples. I wanted his lips all over my body.

I didn’t care that we were in his small room on the unit. In that moment, all I could think about was how much pleasure I felt as his body and mine touched.

I let out a primal groan at the pleasure his mouth was giving me. My hands wrapped into his hair as I closed my eyes in utter enjoyment of the moment. He moved to the other breast, and I felt his hands as they pulled on the strings to my scrubs and started to press them down toward my knees.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

I wanted this. Everything in my body wanted Erik, and there were no other thoughts in my head. I had to feel him. I had to feel how hard he was for me, so I reached to his pants and pulled them down.

My need for him grew and I found myself falling to my knees and pulling his erect body into my mouth. Its size was pleasant, and I heard him moaning with each stroke of my lips.

Of course, I had some amazing tricks available with the tongue piercing, but I didn’t need to use them. He was already overflowing with excitement, and I just wanted to enjoy every second of it.

Within seconds, his body had released precum, telling me he was ready to explode. It had been over a month since he’d had a woman, much longer since I’d been with a man. His body needed a quick release, and I could only think about giving it to him.

My lips wrapped firmly around him and I thrust deep over his body. My hands braced on his hips as I moved and took him in deeper and deeper. I wanted him to get the release. I needed to feel that pleasure as he gave in, but I held my tongue at a gentle angle so my silver piercing didn’t glide against him just yet. I knew if it touched the tip of his hardness, Erik would be undone within moments.

“Cassidy, stop…I’m going…” he started to say through breathless words.

But I wasn’t stopping. I continued until he pressed his hands against the door and let out a deep throaty groan of desire as his body released the weeks of tension that was built up. That was what I had been waiting for. I wanted to see him finally give in to his release.

In one swift motion, Erik grabbed me, pulled me up off the ground, and pressed me onto his bed. He was like a wild animal as his eyes looked at me and devoured my naked body as I laid there waiting for him to take me. I was dripping with desire for him as he pressed my thighs apart and climbed over me.

His warm skin pressed against me as I let my hands move up and down his muscular frame. I felt myself relax as I guided his body into me. His hips moved slowly, and his lips moved to my neck as he started to thrust with my motions. Our bodies felt perfect together as we pulsed and thrust in a rhythmic motion.

For the longest time, I had convinced myself I didn’t miss having a man in my bed, but as Erik moved on top of me, I knew I had been lying to myself. I missed it very much.

My body filled with excitement and I felt my muscles tensing around him as his thrusts drew harder and harder. I willed my orgasm to stop as I tilted my hips down. I wanted more of him. I wanted longer with his body pressed against mine. Whatever I had to do, I would not let myself give in to the pleasure quickly building in my body; I needed just a little bit longer.

Thoughts raced through my head as I tried not to let my body give in to my desires just yet. I wondered if someone would catch us, and my eyes darted to the door. The idea that I was doing this with a patient hadn’t really sunk in yet because my need for Erik was so intense.

His lips moved vigorously from one side of my neck to the other before he pressed them against my mouth as his thrusts continued. His hands grabbed a hold of my hips and forced them up toward him and with that movement, I started to become undone. His hands held my hips so close to him that I had no choice but to submit to the rush that started to come over me.