“He told me I didn’t have a mother,” Noah said. “He said I was weird for not having a mother.”

I frowned. “Dan doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” I said immediately. “You’re not weird at all.”

“I told him so,” Noah said. “I told him that my mommy was coming back. And you did.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Uh… Noah, sweetheart… You know that I’m not your mommy, right?”

“You’re my new mommy,” he qualified.

I froze for a moment, but I didn’t let my surprise show. “Sweetheart, why do you think that?”

“Because you cooked my dinner and read me a story and looked after me when I got cut. And because you smell nice and are very pretty.”

I smiled and leaned in to kiss him gently on the forehead. I wanted to correct him again, but for some reason, I couldn’t bring myself to disappoint that sweet, innocent face. “Do you remember your mommy?” I asked instead.

“No,” Noah said, shaking his head for emphasis. “She was brave…like my daddy.”

“She was a soldier, too?” I asked, even though I already knew all the answers.

Noah nodded. “She went to Af…Afganiland,” he said.

“I think it’s called Afghanistan,” I said, suppressing my smile.

“Yeah, that,” he nodded. “She went to make America safe.”

“She did a very brave thing,” I said softly.

“Daddy says she used to sing to me,” he continued. “But I don’t remember. I was too little. I only know her from the pictures.”

“I saw her picture in the living room,” I said. “She’s very beautiful.”

Noah smiled proudly. “Daddy says so, too.”

We sat at the table for half an hour talking and eating, and I was surprised by how much I was enjoying myself. Noah was a smart child, but he was also thoughtful and observant. He had clearly noticed his father’s absence, and I sensed that a part of him had internalized that. I also sensed that Noah didn’t really like Janet, which was probably the real reason he clung to me and was adjusting to my company seamlessly.

Once the dishes were done, and the leftover food was stored in the fridge, I turned to Noah and clapped my hands. “I think it’s time to get to bed, darling.”

Noah’s face fell immediately. “Do I have to?”

“I’m afraid you do,” I said firmly. “Come on; it’s already past your bedtime.”

“Will you read me a story?” he bargained.

“Now that, I’d be happy to do,” I said, as I led him to the bathroom that was attached to his bedroom.

Once Noah was all ready for the night, I settled into his narrow single bed beside him and picked out a book from his collection. He nestled right next to me, resting his little head against my chest. I felt a tug of maternal love as I breathed in the dewy scent of him.

I was halfway through the book when I realized that Noah had drifted off to sleep already. Happy with my success, I gently extricated myself from his little body and covered him with his Superman sheets. Leaving his nightlight on, I tiptoed out of the room and left the door only slightly ajar so that I would be able to hear him if he woke up.

I walked back into the living room and stared at the picture of Daphne in her uniform. It was so strange for me to be standing there in her living room, having just put her son to bed. I remembered that first awkward meeting more than seven years ago. It was strange to think of everything that had come to pass since then.

“Daphne,” I whispered her name, wondering if by some magic she could hear me. “I’m so sorry. I wish things had been different…for both of us.”

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I spent the next few hours sitting in the living room flipping through channels and reading old magazines that were stored underneath the coffee table. But more times than I could count, my gaze drifted to Daphne’s picture. I was looking at her when the phone rang, shocking me out of my senses. I rushed to answer it before Noah could wake up.

“Jake Middleton’s residence?”