Then two co-workers hurried into the break room. I recognized the taller redhead from the time I caught her crying in a bathroom stall. The other co-worker, a dark-haired beauty with dramatic eyes, was definitely the woman I had seen Rainer seducing at the end of the office holiday party.

"Good morning," I said and tried to squeeze past them.

The redhead blocked my way with her hands up. "I'm so sorry to do this, Ms. Nichols, but I really admire you. You're an inspiration, one of the only female junior executives here, and, well, I want you to know that Rainer Maxwell is no good."

"He'll ruin your reputation," the other woman said with a dark look.

I couldn't say anything, so I just clutched my coffee and leaned back against the kitchenette counter.

"He's only in it for the fun of it." The redhead approached me cautiously. "At first, I thought an office fling would be fun, but then it was over. I mean, just like that. One and done."

"Me too," the dark-haired woman said. "He never goes back for seconds. And then you start noticing the other women he's tossed aside. The women who refuse to make eye contact with him. The women who go out of their way to avoid him."

"I received a phone call, stopped in here for privacy and a coffee," I explained.

"Good. I hope that's true," the dark-haired woman said. "We just wanted to warn you. You're too good for him."

"Don't think he'll keep pursuing you after you've given him what he wants," the redhead said.

"Thank you. Excellent advice." I stayed put after the women apologized again and left the break room.

They were just trying to be nice, but they'd done more than share a warning they wished they'd heard. They gave me an idea. If I slept with Rainer again, maybe he would go away. I sipped at my cold coffee and wondered if I could handle it. Seducing Rainer sounded like the only way I could get rid of him for good.

The thought festered with me all day until it was time to go home and get ready for my date with Seth. Luckily, I did not see Rainer as I left the office because my heart did funny flutters every time I considered my plan. Coming face-to-face with him before I'd thought it all the way through felt dangerous. After he chased me into the break room, I worried that he could read me better than anyone had ever managed.

After showering, tugging on a little black dress, and rushing out the door to meet Seth, Rainer was still on my mind. I told myself that had been his intent all along - make me think of him until I gave in - but something my co-workers said bother

ed me. Rainer never went back for seconds. His list of one-night stands was long and despicable, but I wasn't sure I fit on that list. Not only had we slept together and kept working side by side every day, but Rainer was determined to have more.

The valet startled me out of the memory of Rainer's quick, searing kiss. I stumbled out of my car and jumped when my phone rang. It was Rainer.

For one heart-stopping moment, I thought Rainer had managed to crash my date. I looked up the restaurant steps and expected to see him standing there.

"Tasha, over here," Seth called.

I couldn't believe my heart dropped when I saw Seth. He was standing by the open door with a wide smile and was getting plenty of appreciative glances from the people heading inside. In a sports coat and tight tee-shirt, Seth looked good enough to eat. But he wasn't Rainer.

I glanced around once more and wondered if I should check my message. I forced the thought out of my head and ran up the steps to meet Seth.

He pecked me on the cheek. "You look wonderful. How was work?"

I flinched away from the question. "I'd rather hear about all the beautiful things you did with your day," I said.

Seth put a light hand on the small of my back and steered me into the restaurant. I caught a few jealous glances and couldn't help but feel bad. He was the picture of the perfect date, but I had my mind on other things.

"Ms. Nichols? Tasha?" a hearty voice called me from the bar. I turned and teetered on my high heels. Mr. Reynolds, the head of Parks and Recreation, waved us over. "Having a business dinner?" he asked with a broad smile.

"Mr. Reynolds, this is Seth. Seth, Mr. Reynolds," I said with a dry mouth.

"Please, call me Alan. Where's Rainer?" Alan asked.

Seth chuckled. "That'd be a little awkward. We're on a date."

Alan's smile froze. He gave me another look. "Oh, sorry. I just assumed that you and Rainer, ah . . . I just figured that was the only reason a man like Rainer was digging in the dirt day after day."

"Reasonable assumption," Seth said. "After all, the reason I took the volunteer gig was to get a date with Tasha."

I was glad when the hostess approached and gestured us towards our table. "Nice to see you, Mr. Reynolds."