Barbie threw me a horrified look, but the two men nodded and shook hands.

"You can call me Seth, Mr. Rainer. I'm the landscaper Ms. Nichols asked to consult on your project. By the way, I think this is so inspired." Seth turned back to me with another warm smile.

Rainer cleared his throat. "So, where would you like to start? Should I show you over to the garden plot or do you think you can find it from here?"

Seth sized Rainer up and then glanced across the parking lot to the plot we had cleared. "I think I can find my way."

"I'll go with you," I said. Ignoring Barbie's not-so-subtle cheerleading moves, I moved to stand next to Seth. "My co-workers are all buying up new properties, and I'm thinking of joining the trend. Maybe you can give me some suggestions for fixing up my lot before I try to sell?"

It was a good thing Seth saw neither my sister's face nor Rainer's scowl. We fell in step across the parking lot, but it was hard to concentrate on what the attractive landscaper was saying. Rainer was following close behind, and my sister could not help but trail along out of curiosity.

Seth noticed too, but it didn't seem to bother him. A light breeze ruffled his hair, and his brown eyes crinkled at the corners. "I'm not going to lie; I read up on your company. Congratulations on your recent windfall. Still, I hope you stick around the East Bay for a while longer."

"Me too," Barbie puffed. "Can you imagine our Tasha here in some big empty house? All white marble and modern lighting?"

Rainer caught his shoe on the curb. "What's wrong with that?"

"It's wrong for my sister," Barbie said.

I glared at my sister behind Seth's back. "Rainer's right. I've got to keep up with the execs."

Seth ignored the uneven terrain of the conversation, "Well, I'd be happy to swing by your place and give you a few suggestions. Still, you might find it's nice to have an oasis away from work."

"She could buy an oasis," Rainer muttered.

"Would that make all of you more comfortable?" I asked Rainer. "Would you and Berger and the other boys be happier if I spent my money in the same ridiculous ways as you?"

"I see a good vantage point from over there," Seth said. He skirted away from us and into the garden plot. Barbie followed him but kept an uncomfortably keen eye on me.

"So, I bought a new house in a better neighborhood," Rainer said. "Is that really ridiculous?"

I crossed my arms. "No, and I'm sure you and your girlfriend are going to have a great time redecorating it. That doesn't mean I have to go making the same split-second decisions about everything."

Rainer moved in front of me and tipped my chin up with one finger. "Ellison is not my girlfriend. She's just ex who stopped by. I'm not dating any one woman exclusively."

"Just eight or nine?" I bit my lip to keep more from coming out.

Rainer ran a hand through his hair. "Look, I know what you've seen at work, but I'm telling you the truth: it's all a show. Sure, I like flirting and dating and being seen with beautiful women, and it doesn't hurt the company's publicity, but that doesn't mean I'm a total jerk."

"You just play one in real life?" I scrubbed a hand over my mouth.

"Hey, Seth, why don't I show you our layout on the application?" Rainer spun away from me and headed into the garden plot.

It took longer for usual for my sister to sidle back over to me. She pressed one hand to her rounded belly and blew out a hot breath of air. "How about you suggest a path in this garden? Maybe something nice and even, not too steep."

"Very funny, Barbie." I turned back to my car then realized the clipboard I hoped needed retrieving was still in my hand.

"Tasha, you've got to tell me what's going on with you." Barbie caught my hand and gave it a squeeze.

I ground my teeth but gave in. "Let's just say it's ten times worse than the office holiday party."

My sister shook her head. "This doesn't seem so one-way to me. Didn't you see that jealous face he pulled when you went to walk with Seth?"

I snapped my pen loose from the clipboard and pretended I had something to write down. "He's just territorial. Like an ape."

Barbie smiled. "Finding it hard to say nice things about him? Sure sign you're feeling something for Rainer."

I couldn't let my sister see she might be right, but there was nowhere for me to go. Except over to where Rainer sat sizing up the landscaper. Rainer was waving his phone around and showing off the GroGreen application with great enthusiasm. Seth was studying the garden, a Zen-like smile on his tanned face.