I slipped into the stairwell and went

up. The stairwell ended abruptly, and there was nothing but a narrow door labeled Utilities. A heavy handle equipped with an alarm bar guarded what otherwise looked like a closet. I pushed it open, knowing full well the alarm was only for show, and gently closed the door behind me.

Inside, the emergency lights were the only thing illuminating a narrow hallway. The faux walls deterred any other explorers, but I kept going. The particleboard walls gave way to a grand lobby dominated by a short but sweeping staircase. I put one hand on the banister carved from dark mahogany and walked up to the arched doorway of the penthouse. I could feel over one hundred years of hard-won leadership, relentless vision, and tireless dedication as I approached the coveted office. How many people before me had entered those doors and promised themselves they wouldn't give up until they reached the top?

I pushed open the heavy wooden door on the right and stepped inside. Sunlight filtered through the dusty, forgotten windows, but even the smudges of time did not diminish the impressive view. I took a step towards the raised dais and around the massive carved wood and marble desk that still stood there.

Then a side door creaked open, and I pressed both hands to my mouth to stifle my scream.


Rainer Maxwell let loose a stream of swearing that ended with a hearty laugh. I pried one of my hands off my mouth and smacked him hard on the shoulder before I could gather my composure.

"I didn't mean to surprise you. How did you know about this place?" he asked.

"How did you?"

Rainer smiled. "I know my way around."

I dragged my other hand down and frowned at him. I usually saw the handsome junior executive conducting business in the comfort of the dining hall. It seemed he did most of his business over drinks, whether it was coffee or something stronger. I pressed a hand to my heart and wondered if a shot would settle my nerves. There was a bottle of Glenlivet whiskey in the hidden drawer of the old desk. Otto said it kept the spirits of the old office happy.

"Who told you this was still here?" I couldn't imagine Otto sharing with someone so slick. Rainer probably used the hidden penthouse for his infamous office liaisons. I cringed. "This isn't a playground."

Rainer tipped his head and smiled at me. "You surprised me too, you know. I never thought Ms. Nichols was the sneak-around type."

I smoothed down my blouse and squared my shoulders. "I'm not sneaking around. You were the one hiding in the closet."

"You haven't been back there?" Rainer leaned forward and caught my hand. "You're gonna love it."

I wanted to resist, but his grip was firm and strong. Sudden heat swept up my arm from where we touched and I felt it bloom on my cheeks. Rainer tugged me towards the hidden door panel, and I couldn't resist. Then the specter of his many office romances sprung to my mind and I pulled back. We were caught, pressed together in the narrow doorway, and all the breath left my body.

Even in the dim, filtered light, his eyes were electric blue. His wide shoulders wedged tightly against the doorframe, and I could feel the hard flex of his stomach as his breath caught too. Warm currents raced up my arm as his hand trailed up from my wrist to clasp my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

Rainer's smile returned, but it wasn't as easy as before. "Showing you the old, hidden bathroom."

He pushed my shoulder, and I popped into the surprisingly large room. A pedestal sink, clawfoot tub, and full-length standing mirror gleamed in the low light. The porcelain toilet was framed with an ornate, wood-carved seat and had a pull-chain flush. In the corner stretched a chaise lounge, its embroidered chintz still showing bright flowers.

My stern expression fled as I delighted in the opulent find. The original penthouse office was full of luxuries, and I couldn't believe I hadn't thought to look for the bathroom before. I had been so busy with my own career daydreams that I had never noticed the panel door.

"Pretty fancy, right?" Rainer asked. He leaned around me and checked his hair in the clouded mirror. "I can just imagine one of those old, fat-cat execs hiding out in here and reading the paper while his secretary did all his work."

I shot Rainer a look. "Is that what you aspire to?"

He shrugged and his smile regained its jaunty shine. "I'm not much for aspiring. I just come up here for the privacy."

I held up both hands to ward off whatever he would say next. "I don't want to hear about your conquests."

"Yeah, I heard you were a prude," Rainer said.

I knew he was just teasing me, but I spun around and marched out of the bathroom. My haven, my private place of inspiration, was ruined. Instead of imagining myself sitting at that desk, running a successful and secure business far into the future, all I could see was the ghosts of lazy, entitled men like Rainer running the company to the ground. I stared out the window and struggled to keep sight of my goals.

"Why do you come up here?" he asked, following me to the view behind the desk.

I pursed my lips and headed for the door. Rainer followed me, closing the penthouse office door behind him. He caught up to me in the faux utility closet and slipped in front to block my way. I crossed my arms over my stomach to contain the leap of excitement I felt inside. His attractiveness was an irritation, worse than the genuine curiosity in his gaze.

"Fine," I said. "I come up here to clear my thoughts and make sure I've got my eye on the prize."