“I’m glad you finally realize that,” she nodded. “Now show me the fruits of your labor.”

I smiled and pulled out the red dress I had chosen from my closet. I had the satisfaction of seeing Melody’s eyes go wide with appreciation.

“Wow…not bad for an hour’s worth of shopping,” she said. “That’s definitely a va-va-voom kind of dress.”

I frowned at it. “I’m thinking it might be a little too much,” I said. “This is an office party, after all.”

“It’s a New Year’s Eve office party,” Melody reminded me. “That is the perfect dress for the occasion. You definitely have my seal of approval.”

I smiled and nodded. “Well, I do want to impress tonight.”

“Who exactly do you want to impress?” she asked, wagging her

eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes in response. “Would you believe, this is one of the first nights in a month that we’re actually going to be alone together.”


“I guess we’ve just been busy doing things with Noah,” I said. “Which I haven’t minded at all, actually. That kid is fun.”

“Apparently… I have to meet him one day,” Melody said.

“I’d like that,” I nodded. “I’d like you to meet Jake, too.”

“Are you kidding? I would love that,” she said instantly. “I’ve been wanting to meet him for months now.”

“Soon, then,” I promised.

“So, how are things between the two of you?”

“They’ve been going really well,” I said. “We’ve talked a lot over the last two months, and I don’t think we have any secrets from each other anymore.”

“I still can’t believe that his wife was your sister,” Melody said, shaking her head at me. “It’s like a soap opera.”

I wrinkled my nose. “Ew.”

She laughed. “I better head out … I have my own New Year’s plans.”

“Right,” I nodded, as I walked her to the door.

The moment she had left, I had a quick shower and then blew out my hair until it was glossy, shiny, and curling slightly at the tips. Then I applied some foundation, added a hint of blush, and opted for a dark and sultry smoky eye. Lastly, I added lipstick, and then I slipped on my red dress. It was a strapless embellished mini that hugged my body. Then I slipped on my high heels and stared at myself in the mirror.

I looked different. The makeup and dress were definitely come hither, but it was more than just what I was wearing. I could feel my own confidence translate on my face, and I smiled happily back at my reflection. A few minutes later, I heard a knock on my door. Frowning, I rushed to answer it, wondering if maybe Melody had forgotten something.

“Jake,” I said, in surprise as I opened the door to find him standing there in a smart black suit that made him look like a Versace model.

“Wow,” he said, looking at me with clear admiration. “You look gorgeous.”

“Thank you,” I blushed. “Right back atcha.”

Jake laughed and then he leaned down to kiss me softly on the lips. Then he produced a long-stemmed red rose from inside his jacket.

“Looks like red is the color of the night,” he said.

“Oh, thank you, Jake,” I said, accepting the rose. “This is the first rose I’ve ever received.”

“What?” he said, looking shocked. “Are you serious?”