“She loved it there too much,” Isabelle said. “And being here with Noah… She didn’t think she knew herself anymore.”

“This conversation would have had me spiraling a year ago,” I admitted. “But now, I can handle it. It’s even therapeutic to talk about it.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” she said. “Because I like talking about Daphne; it makes me feel like I haven’t totally lost my daughter.”

“How have you been, Isabelle?” I asked. “How are your travels going?”

“I’ve been in France for the last six months,” she said.


Isabelle laughed. “It was a wonderful experience. I think I might actually retire there one day. But it’s still nice to be back home… I think I’m going to stick around for a while. I don’t want to miss out on seeing Noah grow up.”

“Wait, does that mean you’re in town right now?”

“I am,” she replied. “And I’m hoping you’re going to be free to meet me?”

“Even if I wasn’t free, I’d make time,” I said. “Noah is going to be thrilled to see you.”

“I’d like to spend a day with him.”

“How does tomorrow sound?” I asked willingly.



Isabelle laughed. “I’d love that,” she said. “I can’t wait. It’s been too long since I’ve spent time with him… Has he changed much?”

“He’s a little more talkative now,” I said. “He’s come out of his shell. Kristen’s really helped him—”

The moment I said her name I faltered a little, realizing that I hadn’t mentioned Kristen to Isabelle at this point. Isabelle noticed the change immediately.

“Kristen?” she asked, and her tone shifted slightly.

“Um…yes. She’s my secretary,” I said awkwardly.

“Your secretary?” Isabelle asked, and her tone was dubious.

“Well, she’s more like a friend now.”

“Just a friend?” she asked pointedly.

I smiled. “Well…”

“If you’re seeing someone, Jake, you don’t have to feel guilty to tell me,” Isabelle said. “I’m happy that you’re past your pain and can think about getting on with your life. You’re still a young man, and you deserve to be happy.”

“Thank you, Isabelle,” I said appreciatively. “You’ve always been a good mother-in-law.”

“And, I hope to continue to be,” she said. “You know, I would like to meet her, Jake.”

I paused for a moment, wondering what Kristen would say to that. But then I realized that Kristen had no problem meeting my friends and family. She was just nervous about introducing me to her parents.

“I would like you to meet her, too,” I said. “It’s important to me that you like her.”

“I’m sure I will,” Isabelle said. “What is she like?”

I smiled. “She’s great with Noah,” I said immediately. “She cooks for him all the time. She reads to him and helps him with his homework. She was the one who took him out for Halloween this year.”