A bubbly blonde woman opened the door and smiled. “Mr. and Mrs. James,” she said. “I'm Bianca, Stacy’s mom. I’m so glad to finally meet you! Stacy has been having such a good time with Jane.”

“Lovely to meet you, too! I’m Vivienne, and this is Everett,” I said introducing ourselves. We had met her husband a few weeks earlier, but Bianca always seemed to be away on business. “Jane always talks about how much she likes Stacy, so I guess those two have been getting along like peas in a pod.”

“Ah yes, they certainly have been getting along well,” she said.

“Is Jane ready to go?” Everett jumped in.

“She is, she is. Let me go get her. Would you two like to come in for a while?” Bianca asked.

“I'm afraid we can't, we have a few things that we need to get back to at home,” I replied.

“I understand. But, we would love to have you all over sometime and get to know you guys a little better. I can already see the girls are going to be great friends,” she announced.

“Absolutely,” I agreed. “We'll make a time when we can all get together.”

“Great. Well, I'll go get Jane now,” she said. “I'll be back in a minute.”

We waited on the porch while she went inside to fetch Jane.

“She seems really nice,” I said to Everett.

He smiled. “She does. We'll have to take her up on that offer to hang out sometime.”

Bianca returned with Stacy and Jane in tow.

“Say goodbye to your friend now,” Everett encouraged Jane with a smile.

Jane hugged Stacy like they’d been friends forever. “Bye, Stacy,” she said. “I enjoyed playing at your house with you. You should come to my house soon.”

“Can I, Mom?” Stacy looked up at her mother with a shy smile.

“I’m sure we can work that out,” Bianca assured her daughter.

“Good,” Stacy turned her attention back to Jane. “I like you! You're my best friend.”

“Aw, isn't that so cute,” I remarked, squeezing Everett's hand.

I reached down and took Jane's hand.

“Come on now, Jane; I’m afraid we have to go. You'll be able to see Stacy again tomorrow at school.” We waved goodbye to them and headed down the steps.

“Yay!” Jane said with a big grin. “I like playing with Stacy.”

We walked out to the SUV, and Everett chatted with Jane as we got into the car.

“So, you had a good time there, huh sweet pea?” he said.

“Yeah, Daddy! We played with her Barbie dolls, and she has another doll that's like a real baby! Its eyes open and close, it can even cry! You got to hold it really careful, or it'll cry, just like a real baby!”

“That's good, that's good,” he said as he drove. “And did you just play with dolls all afternoon, sweet pea?”

“No, we also colored. Stacy has some pretty coloring books.”

“That sounds like fun. You didn't play video games or anything like that?” he asked.

She shook her head. “Stacy's mom says she can't play on tablets or cellphones or play video games. But it's okay, I think; I liked playing with dolls and coloring.”

Everett shot me a sideways glance and a wry smile. “I think we should definitely encourage this budding friendship, huh?” he remarked. “Sounds like they're good people.”