“It’s not you,” Melody said confidently.

“We don’t know that for sure,” I said.

“You’re beautiful and smart and hot,” she said. “Trust me; it’s him. He’s just got a lot of shit to deal with and ends up taking it out on you.”

I sighed and glanced down at my watch. “I better head out.”

“No dessert?”

“Not today, unfortunately,” I said, craving a sweet fix to soothe my frayed nerves. “I don’t have the time.”

“Right… Well, good luck.”

“Thanks,” I said.

I paid for my meal, gave Melody a quick hug, and walked back to the office. When I got to my desk, I saw that Jake’s door was closed and there was a faint noise coming from inside, so I knew he had finally come in for the day. I sat at my desk and took a moment to compose myself.

This was my own fault, really. Even if Jake had not been my boss, I should never have consented to get involved with him. I wasn’t being honest with him about whom I was, and that by itself was enough of a reason not to get too entrenched in his life. Perhaps this was simply karmic retribution for my choices since moving to San Diego.

Almost as if to drive home the point, I noticed that I’d received two missed calls from my mother. I still hadn’t spoken to her since I’d moved out here. It was the longest we had gone without speaking to one another, but I needed the space. I was starting to feel a little guilty about avoiding her calls, however.

Taking a deep breath, I stood up, knowing that I had stalled for long enough. I went to Jake’s door and knocked twice. It was a while before the door opened and I frowned for a moment before I realized Jake was not the one answering the door.

“Noah,” I exclaimed in surprise.

“Krissie,” he cried as he grabbed me around the waist.

“Hi, sweetheart,” I said, running my hand over his head. The way he clung to me made me feel emotional instantly, and I dropped to my knees to give him a proper hug. “What are you doing here?”

“Playing rookie?” he said, sounding uncertain of the last word.

I frowned. “Playing rookie…or playing hooky?”

He laughed. “Hooky,” he confirmed. “Daddy said.”

“Where is your daddy?” I asked.

“In the potty,” Noah replied.

I suppressed my smile and straightened up. “Well, I need to talk to him.”

“You can play with me until he comes out,” Noah said enthusiastically as he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the office.

I followed him inside and saw that a little circle of toys had been set up next to Jake’s desk. There was a little b

ackpack, as well as coloring books and an assortment of pencils and crayons that littered the carpet.

“That’s quite the little play area you’ve got.”

“I’m coloring now,” he told me. “I finished playing with my toys.”

“That’s good,” I smiled. “Can I see what you’ve colored?”

Noah handed me his coloring book proudly, and I took a careful look at the pictures he had completed. “Wow,” I said, knowing that he was waiting for praise. “This is really lovely.”

“You like it?”

“I love it,” I said. “I especially love your choice of colors… It’s very outside the box.”