"Your assistant should really get the credit," I said.

Topher went beet red and retreated for the door. Amy didn't want to follow but finally responded to Topher's loud whispered advice. She left the door open, but Rainer didn't make any move to follow them.

"You're really hung up on who gets credit, aren't you?" Rainer asked.

I folded my hands on my desk though my fingers itched to curl into fists. "I've learned that stealing credit is the easiest way for lazy, uninformed, and unfit junior executives to get ahead in this company. In any company, for that matter."

"But you're still willing to give credit to your team first."

I felt my chin ratcheted up a notch. "Yes."

"Good." Rainer got up and adjusted his bright cuff links. "We're going to need the whole team to fix this bad press. I've already been on camera, I'm already associated with the app, so I'm willing to step up and give a statement."

"You're going to try to be the scapegoat for our whole app team?" I asked.

Rainer chuckled. "No, that implies there's something we should take the blame for. Let's stick with credit over blame. Now, what should I say?"

I checked my watch and stood up. "We don't have time to decide that. The meeting with Stan is in ten minutes. Oh, no!"

"What? What is it?" Rainer asked, holding out a hand to me.

"I just realized that we need to compare all the information highlighted by the media before this trend started. Do you think your assistant could pull those press releases, headlines, and reviews for me? I mean, us?"

Rainer paused by my office door with a gallant gesture for me to go first. "I'll swing by Topher's desk and meet you in Stan's office."

We left Amy chewing on a pen cap while combing social media. I turned back, as if to instruct my hopeless assistant, and Rainer strode off towards his office. As soon as he was past the water cooler, I took off for Stan's office. My breakneck pace did not stop for questions, concerns, or even belated congratulations. I burst into the stairwell and took the steps at a fast trot. I couldn't risk getting held up by the other junior executives in the elevators.

"Did you run all the way up here?" Stan rocked back in his leather chair as I shut the door behind me and took a second to catch my breath.

I nodded and held up a hand to stop his laughter. "With good reason," I said.

"Where's Rainer? I thought you two might come up together," Stan said.

"What? No. Why would you think we were together?"

Stan scrubbed a hand over his chin but did not try to cover up his grin. "No reason. Just a thought. Don't get me wrong, I love a little alone time with you. It does wonders for my reputation. They keep hoping I'm going to lie down and take retirement easily, but you make me seem energetic and full of life."

"I thought you were trying to be a feminist," I said.

"Speaking of women's equality," Stan said, "I know exactly why you are here and I've got to say, I'm surprised at you."

I pushed away from the door and approached his desk with caution. "You know my concern?"


n sighed. "You already have an idea about how to fix this whole public relations debacle, but you don't want to share credit with Rainer. You think he's just hanging around to steal what he can of your good work. Does that about cover it?"

I sunk into one of the polished, wing-backed chairs that faced Stan's immense desk. "What's so wrong with that? I work hard, and I can't let some other junior executive like Rainer just trample all over me."

"So, instead, you're letting him dictate your reactions and become someone you're not?" Stan leaned forward. "Tasha, darling, you are the best damn team manager I've ever seen. It's the secret to your success. You know, better than anyone, how to create a strong team. And it isn't by worrying about who gets the credit."

I slumped back. "I just get tired of seeing people promoted before me."

"I thought you would have had Rainer's number by now," Stan said.

My cheeks got hot. "Why would I need his number? He won't leave me alone at work."

Stan grinned. "I meant figuratively. Does Rainer strike you as a man who wants the full weight of leadership?"