Page 7 of Little Miami Girl

“Yeah, I see something,” she said and then looked up from the menu. She looked at me, with those big brown eyes, almost as if she were trying to read me or something. “How old are you?” she asked.

“I’m twenty-three, how old are you?” I replied.

“Seventeen,” she said.

I nodded my head and then the waitress came over.

“Hey, Jah, how are you today?” Tynesha, our waitress said when she came over to the table.

Oh yeah, I was fuckin’ her too, but Antonia didn’t need to know that. I just prayed that Tynesha kept that shit professional though. Red Lobster was one of my lil hangout spots, so that’s how we met. We had been fuckin’ for about three months or so, nothing serious.

“I’m good, how are you?” I asked her.

“I’m good. I remember you telling me that you had an older sister, but I don’t remember you saying anything about a younger one,” Tynesha said, throwing hell of shade at Antonia.

I knew she was feeling some type of way about me having dinner with another female, but Tynesha and I were just fuck buddies, nothing more, nothing less.

“Chill with that, that’s my friend,” I told her, shooting her a look, letting her know not to fuck with me. She got the hint and then left the situation alone.

‘Okay, well can I get the two of you something to drink?” she asked us.

“Let me get a Coke. Antonia, what you want to drink?” I asked her.

“Umm, I’ll take a Sprite,” she said in a soft voice.

“Are you ready to order, or do you still need a few more minutes?” Tynesha asked.

I looked at Antonia, pretty much asking her with my eyes if she was ready or not, and she nodded her head yes.

“I’m going to have the ultimate feast, with a Caesar salad” I said, closing the menu.

“And for you?” Tynesha asked Antonia, with an annoyed look on her face.

“I’ll have the chicken pasta, with a Caesar salad as well,” she said and Tynesha wrote it down then took both of our menus away.

“Your name is Jah?” Antonia asked me once Tynesha had walked away.

“It’s Jahiem, but everybody calls me Jah,” I told her and she nodded her head.

We sat in silence for the rest of the time, and a few minutes later, our food came. I watched how Antonia ate her food fast as hell, throwing all of that shyness out of the window. It was funny as hell to me because she was little as hell, but she was tearing that food up like a person who weighed about two hundred pounds. I ate my food in silence as I watched her quickly eat hers. When we were both finished, Tynesha came and took our plates.

“You full?” I asked Antonia and she nodded her head. I didn’t even wait for Tynesha to come back with the check, I just set a hundred-dollar bill on the table, and the two of us got up and made our way to the car.

When I jumped on the highway, I looked over at Antonia and noticed that her ass was in the passenger seat knocked out. I remembered the apartments that she stayed in and I drove the rest of the way with the radio on low. Ten minutes later, we pulled up and I parked the car in the middle of the parking lot. I shook her shoulder and immediately her eyes popped open. She looked around and wiped the slob that had fallen from her face.

“We’re here already?” she asked me and I nodded my head.

She reached in the back and grabbed her bag from Walmart. She opened the door and I turned the car off and opened mine as well.

“You don’t have to walk me up. It’s okay,” she turned around and said. I paid her no mind and kept walking.

“No, seriously, you don’t have to. If someone sees me with you, they’ll tell my aunt and I’ll get in trouble,” she said, putting her hand on my chest and stopping me.

I looked down at her and I could tell that she was scared, I mean she was shaking and all. It’s like she had this fear in her of the things that her aunt might do to her once she found out.

“Let me ask you something,” I said to her. It had been on my mind since I had grabbed her arms earlier tonight when we were in the parking lot at Walmart. “Do your aunt be beating you?” I asked.

When I grabbed her up earlier, the fear in her eyes was of someone who was getting their ass beat on a daily basis, that’s why I had to let her go.