Page 5 of Little Miami Girl

“There you go. One hundred percent better,” Tacarra said, after spraying some oil sheen in my hair.

For the rest of the day that I was over there, we watched movies and ate popcorn. Around 5 o’clock, I got up and went to the bathroom that was in Tacarra’s bedroom and when I went to pee, I noticed that my cycle had just came on. I opened up a drawer that she had in her bathroom and took the last pad that was in there. Fuck! I had no money, so how the hell was I going to go to the store and buy some? My aunt and Porsha kept all of their personal items in their rooms, and they had locked their doors before they left. After wiping myself and putting on the pad, I went over to the sink and washed my hands.

I walked out of the bathroom and Tacarra was standing in front of her closet, as if she were looking for something to wear, with the phone glued to her ear.

“Hey, I’m about to head home now,” I told her and she waved bye without even turning around to face me.

Her mother had left hours ago with Malik, and I was hoping that Tacarra would offer me a ride home, but she didn’t, so I just left. I didn’t know what it was, but Tacarra gave off vibes like she really didn’t like me.

I shrugged it off and made my way out of her house. The sun was going down, so it wasn’t as hot out. As I was walking, I remembered that there was a Walmart on the other corner. I was going to have to do what I had to do because there is no way in hell that I would go a whole seven days with this same pad on.

I made my way inside Walmart and tried to make myself look as normal as possible. All of the feminine products were on aisle twelve, so I casually walked there. I found the purple and black Stayfree ultra-thin pads that I liked to wear and quickly put it inside my shirt.

“I can tell you’re a rookie at this shit, lil mama. You should have worn a jacket or some shit to cover it up,” a voice said.

I turned around and it was him. Hazel eyes and dreads. He was just so fuckin’ sexy to me. Right now, he was dressed in a tank top and basketball shorts with a pair of Nike slides and socks on his feet. He was dressed relaxed, like maybe he was at home chilling and his girlfriend had sent him out to the store to run and get some feminine products for her as well. I was so embarrassed that I had just got caught stealing by this fine ass man. He probably thought that I was some ratchet chick who went around stealing from different stores. I pulled the pads out of my shirt and looked at him, visibly embarrassed.

“Put it in the cart, I’ll pay for it,” he said and I shook my head no.

I placed the pads back on the shelf and was about to run out of the store, but he grabbed my arm, stopping me. I looked down at the floor, hoping he would let me go because I was already embarrassed enough. We were the only two people in the aisle, and he used his other hand to lift my head up, forcing me to look him in his eyes.

“Put the shit in the cart, man. And get whatever else you need!” he demanded and I nodded my head.

He gently let my arm go and I picked up the bags and put them in the cart. I could smell his cologne. I didn’t know what type it was, but it smelled really good.

“I know you need more than that. It’s on me, whatever you want. Just put it in the cart and I’ll get it for you,” he told me with his grills shining as he talked.

I put two more packs of pads in the cart so that I wouldn’t have this problem again for a while. I also picked up a box of Ibuprofen because I knew for a fact that I would be cramping soon. Next, I got me a hot bottle of ginger ale, and that was pretty much all I needed.

“That’s all?” he asked me and I nodded my head.

I followed him around the store as he picked up things for himself, and when we finished, we made our way to a register to check out. When it was time for him to pay, I watched as he dug in his gym shorts and pulled out a wad of cash that was held together by a rubber hand. He handed the lady a hundred-dollar bill and I looked in amazement because I had never seen that much damn money in my life. I mean, yeah, I was a cashier at Chick-Fil-A, but damn, we didn’t keep that much damn money in the register.

After he paid, we walked out the store and I took out my one bag from the cart. “Thank you. When I get paid again, I will pay you back,” I said quickly and was about to run off.

It was something about being in his presence that scared me. I could tell that he was a man with power, and it kind of ma

de me feel low because I knew I didn’t have the same status that he has.

“Why you be so fuckin’ quick to run off? I ain’t going to hurt you or no shit like that. Relax for a minute, damn,” he said, aggravated and I nodded my head.

I followed him as he pushed the shopping cart to the car. He pulled a set of keys out of his pockets and I looked around for the car that would be his. We stood in front of a beautiful burgundy, BMW X5. I looked at the car in amazement and when I looked over at him, he had this look on his face like, ‘What the hell is this girl’s problem?’ Excuse me, if I wasn’t used to seeing nice things.

“How you get over here?” he asked, popping the trunk to his car and then he started to put the bags inside.

“I walked here,” I told him.

He nodded his head as I looked on.

“Get in the car, I’ll take you back home,” he said.

I was hesitant because I didn’t know this man and I couldn’t trust getting in the car with him. It’s no telling what the hell he would do to me. Yes, he was fine as hell, but it just wasn’t worth it.

“It’s fine, I’ll just walk back,” I said, and was about to walk around him when he grabbed my arm again.

I whimpered because I was scared. Whenever my aunt would grab onto me like this, it would end with her slapping the shit out of me. He must have caught on to my fear because he let go of my arm.

“I’m not going to hurt your little ass, man! Just get in the car and I’ll take you home. It’s late, and you don’t need to be walking these streets by yourself,” he said.