Page 33 of Little Miami Girl

I nodded my head and pushed my chair into the table and made my way to the back of the room. Even though I hated my aunt for the things she’s done to me over the years and for the things that I found out weeks ago, it didn’t matter because no one wanted to be alone for the holidays. I didn’t have Tacarra to spend the day with, and Jah and I still weren’t talking, so it wasn’t like I could hang with him today. Well, he has been texting me lately, but I still wasn’t ready to accept his apology yet.

I helped all of the kids get ready, putting their swim clothes in a duffle bag, and an hour later, everybody was out the door. I flopped down on my bed, and right when I was about to close my eyes, to sleep the rest of the day away, my phone vibrated. I looked at my phone and saw that it was Jah. I unlocked it and went to his message.

Good morning, beautiful, and merry Christmas. You still mad at a nigga?

Maybe I replied, even though I was happy he had texted me.

I don’t know how many times I have to apologize, but I’m sorry for lying to you. Listen, I want to spend the day with you, plus I want to give you some gifts. Be ready in about another hour.

Like the silly high school girl that I was, I jumped up out of the bed to find something to wear. All of the clothes that Jah had bought me for my birthday, I still haven’t worn yet because hell, I didn’t go anywhere, so there wasn’t anywhere for me to wear the clothes to. Since it was Christmas, I was going to go outside of my every day wear of sneakers and step my game up a little bit. I went into the closet that I share

d with my three cousins and went toward the back where I kept my clothes. I decided on an all-white, strapless romper, that was long pants and a pair of gold sandals. I laid the outfit out on the bed and took a quick shower.

After I brushed my teeth and things, I decided to do something different with my hair. Since seeing the picture of my father, it made me fall in love with that man, so I switched things up a bit. I parted my long hair down the middle and did two big braids in my hair, like how my father used to wear his hair, only mine was longer.

By the time I finished putting on lotion and getting dressed, I received a text from Jah, letting me know that he was outside. I wrote a note and left it on the fridge, letting my aunt know that I would be gone for the day, just in case they got back home before me. I knew that she wouldn’t give two fucks about where I was, but I still did it anyway.

After locking up the door, I walked outside and took the stairs. I saw Jah standing there against the wall, talking to some of the men who were always out here. I stayed back and watched. A few seconds later, his eyes fell on mine. He smiled at me in appreciation, and I’m guessing that he liked the look that I had going on. I watched as he dapped his friends up and then he came over to me.

All the anger that I had in my body floated away, once he flashed that smile at me, showing off those gold teeth. Jah looked very handsome in his all black polo sweat suit, with the red polo emblem on the jacket and a pair of red huaraches on his feet. He had his dreads pulled up in a ponytail and my God, he was just too damn fine for words.

When he made it over to me, he pulled me into a hug, wrapping his strong hands around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. In that moment, nothing else in the world mattered to me as I stared into his hazel eyes. Before I knew it, my lips met his outside, in the middle of the day, for everyone to see. We kissed like two loves who hadn’t seen each other in years. I could hear his homies in the back yelling shit out and cheering Jah on, but I was trying my best to tune them out as I passionately sucked on Jah’s tongue, not caring who saw.

“You must have missed me,” Jah said, causing me to smirk.

“Only a little bit,” I told him, even though I had missed his ass like crazy.

It had killed me to go those weeks without talking to him, but I just didn’t want to cave in so easily and have him think that he could do whatever he wanted to do to me, and then all would be forgotten, just that fast. I’m pretty sure he’s learned his lesson and he would think about lying to me the next time.

After spending the entire day at his mother’s house, I was full as hell and happy. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think Jah’s mother was trying to fatten me up because I had eaten about three plates over there, and that’s not including the amount of desert that I had. Another shocker was the gifts that his mother and Shaniqua had gotten for me. I felt so bad and didn’t want to take them at first because I knew that I didn’t get them anything, but they damn near made me take it.

Jah’s mother had gotten me some University of Miami outfits for me to wear around campus and also a two-hundred-dollar Visa gift card. Shaniqua had bought me a pair of MK sandals like the ones she had. The last time I saw her I fell in love with them, so she bought me a pair of my own. I was so grateful for these gifts that I found myself crying in their living room as I opened them.

Jah joked around and said that if he and I were having sex, he would have sworn that I was pregnant because I was a big ass crybaby. He just didn’t understand that when you came from nothing, any little thing that someone ever gives you in life, you’re going to be appreciative of how they went out of their way to do something special for you.

Right now, I was lying in Jah’s bed, while he sat at the foot of it in only his sweats as he played the game. I wanted him to pay me some attention and make my body feel the way that he had done months ago when we were in his bed together. I kicked off my sandals and crawled over to him, wrapping my arms around him, and placing them on his abs. For the most part, I was no longer shy around him because he had been doing everything in his power to make me feel comfortable.

“Hold on, lil mama, I’m almost done with the game and then I’ll show you some attention,” he said, but I wasn’t trying to hear that.

I wasn’t as experienced as other girls; I only knew as much as what Jah had done to me. With my arms still wrapped around his waist, I leaned over and softly sucked on his neck. I remember the last time he had done that to me and it made my body feel so good, so hopefully his body would react the same way. His skin tasted so good to me, causing me to suck harder, which I knew would leave a mark him. Jah let out a low grunt and then he paused the game and turned around and looked at me with those sexy eyes.

“I’m all yours. What you want me to do?” he asked, turning around and kissing my lips. He picked me up, only to drop me back on the bed.

“I want you to do to my body what you did the last time,” I told him and he smirked.

He parted my legs and then slid up my body to kiss me. I grinded my hips under him because I was so horny. Since I was in this romper, the only way that he would be able to get to my pussy is if he took the whole thing off. So, he lifted me up and pulled down the romper and my small B cups popped out, sitting up. He stared at my breasts in admiration and held them in his large hands, causing my body to shudder at his touch.

I watched as he brought his full lips up to my right breast and he softly sucked on it. I moaned out loud and put my hands in his hair. Taking his dreads from the ponytail, I allowed his mouth to softly suck my breasts, making my body feel so damn good. Once he had showed both of my breast the same attention, he pulled my romper all the way down, leaving me only in my panties. Since the last time, when Jah had told me about shaving, I had been making sure to shave my vagina faithfully every two weeks. He pulled my panties down and when he saw that it was all shaved for him, he smiled.

“Damn, who you got her looking all sexy for?” Jah asked me, licking his slips.

“Hopefully you,” I told him as he stared at my pussy like it was a work of art. He pulled me down to the edge of the bed by ankles and I fell on my back.

“Put a pillow behind your head,” he told me.

I reached up and took two pillows, placing each of them behind my head.

Once I did, I watched as he bent down and placed a kiss on my other set of lips. I looked down at him and couldn’t believe that this was happening right now. He spread my pussy lips apart and then he stuck his tongue inside me, teasing my clit. I placed both of my hands in his hair as he feasted on my pussy like a man who hadn’t eaten in months.