Page 22 of Little Miami Girl

He pulled his chair up closer to mine and we were staring at each other face to face. It’s like this moment felt so perfect, and this was how I imagined our first kiss to be. He stood up from his chair and walked closer to me, slightly opening my legs and placing himself in the middle of me. He dipped his head down and placed a soft kiss on my lips. God, his lips were so damn soft! It’s like all the shyness had exited out of my body, and before I knew it, I was slowly sucking on his tongue. His hands rested on the small of my back as I had mine draped around his neck. This was my very first time tongue kissing, but he was taking it slow with me. A few minutes into the kiss, and I had pretty much got the hang of things.

I pulled away from him and I looked at him with eyes filled with lust.

“Let me get your lil ass up out of here before I put something in your life that I know you can’t handle,” he said, picking me up off his desk and placing me on my feet.

We walked out of the office and he let his workers know that he would be gone for the remainder of the day. We walked to his BMV and got in. When he started the car, I noticed that it was 3:30 now. I had to be home by 5:00 because my aunt knew that I didn’t work Fridays anymore, and I normally would go to the library after school, leaving me to be home most days at least by 5:00.

“What you doing tomorrow?” Jah asked me.

“Nothing, you know I don’t work weekends. Wow, I totally forgot. Tomorrow is October 17th, huh?” I asked Jah.

“Yeah, why? What’s on the 17th?” he asked, looking over at me as he jumped on 95.

“My birthday.” I shrugged, like it was no big deal because honestly it wasn’t. Hell, in my house, it was just another normal day, but my little cousins would come and sing happy birthday to me.

“You say that shit as if it’s no big fuckin’ deal, Antonia. You’re going to be eighteen years old and it will be your day. How about this? I come and pick you up tomorrow, first thing in the morning, and let me spoil you. Let me buy you all the things that your heart desires. It’s your day tomorrow, and I just want to make you smile,” he said.

As tempting as that sounded, I just knew that it wouldn’t happen. Hell, it would be a cold day in hell before my aunt let me hang out with Jah.

“I’ll see what I’ll be able to come up with,” I said and I knew that I was lying. I couldn’t think of one valid lie that I could tell my aunt that she would and allow me to be gone for the whole day.

“Ion trust that. You got a number or something that I can reach you at?” Jah asked me.

“I don’t have a cellphone, and my aunt does not let me touch her house phone for any reason at all,” I told him.

He nodded his head and continued to drive, turning up the music. I watched as he took the exit on the highway and then ten minutes later, we were pulling up to the Sprint store. He turned the car off and we both got out. I didn’t know what was going on but I was just following his lead. We walked into the store and it wasn’t crowded, so we were able to walk right on up to a representative. Jah led the way, while I stayed behind him.

“Hello, welcome to Sprint. How can I help you today?” the sales lady asked us.

“Let me get the 6s Plus iPhone in rose gold, 128 GB,” he told her.

I went around the store and looked around at the other phones. Before I knew it, Jah was walking over to me, handing me the white Sprint bag and putting the phone in my hand, which was now in a rose gold case.

“Here, the phone number is inside the bag. My number is already stored in it. Don’t worry about the phone bill or none of that. I got it all covered,” he told me.

I flashed a big smile because this was the first time in my life that I had my own phone, and on top of that, it was an iPhone. I wasn’t really up to date with all of the new electronics and things like that, but I knew for a fact that this one was the newest ones, judging from all of the advertisements they had on the wall inside the store. We got back into the car and Jah pulled off while I tried to work the phone.

“Where the hell is all of the buttons on it?” I asked him and he laughed.

“Girl, your ass acting like somebody who just been in jail for a long damn time and not up to date on technology and shit. It’s touch screen, Antonia, ain’t no buttons on there,” he said, laughing.

I laughed with him, and it didn’t take long before I figured out how to work it. I pulled my book bag out of the back and placed the phone and the Sprint bag inside because I needed to hide it from my aunt.

“I’m going to call you tomorrow so that we can celebrate your birthday. Go on in the house. I’ll text you when I’m home,” Jah told me.

“Oh, wait, before I forget,” I said, putting the book bag on the floor and then opening it back up to pull out my school uniform. “Close your eyes,” I told him.

He didn’t close his eyes like I had told him to, but he did pull out his phone and focus his attention on it. I changed back into my school uniform and then placed the clothes that I had just took off into my book bag.

“Thanks for spending the day with me, even though I’m sure you had other things that you could have been doing. Because of you, I didn’t have to spend my senior skip day alone,” I said and then got out of the car and made my way to my apartment.

I promise you, today was one of the best days of my life.

Chapter 13: Tacarra

After enjoying my senior skip day with my girls, we were now in my bedroom all laid out on my California king sized bed with the door shut and the music playing. Since my mother liked to eavesdrop, we had to turn the music up so that she couldn’t hear what was being said in my room. My girls and I had a shitload of stuff that we needed to discuss, and I didn’t want to risk my mom barging in my room like she had done the last time. It was midnight, and I’m pretty sure that she was asleep, but still, we didn’t want to risk it. My girls were spending the night over tonight and we were all dressed in our onesies from PINK and getting ready to have some serious gossip.

“Okay, so clearly the elephant in the room needs to be addressed, though. What y’all think about seeing Antonia and Jah together earlier today?” I asked my girls.