Page 13 of Little Miami Girl

“You want to hang with me for a little bit? Or you want me to take you back home?” he asked me.

I knew I couldn’t go back home because my aunt wouldn’t believe me when I told her what happened. She would probably think that I was down at my job telling my manager about the ass whoopings that she passes out to me. Hell, she didn’t even believe me when I told her about earlier when I cleaned up the entire house for them.

“I’ll hang with you, but I need to be home by 11:30 because that’s the time that I usually make it home,” I told him.

“Alright, we out then,” he said and we walked over to his car.

Once we got inside, I had this feeling in me that was dying to know who it was that he was hugged up with when I had seen him a few minutes ago. The way the girl was wrapped up in his arms was almost like she was comfortable, like she was used to being that close up to him.

“Was that your girlfriend back there?” I asked him once he pulled out of the parking lot.

“Nah, just somebody that I fuck with from time to time. I ain’t really looking for a girlfriend right now,” he said, shattering any hopes that I had of us ever getting together.

I nodded my head and decided to leave the situation alone. This is why I didn’t like to ask questions because whenever I did, I felt like I was left with an answer that I didn’t like. I was beginning to think that maybe the only reason Jahiem was spending this time with me and looking out for me is because maybe he felt bad for me. Maybe he saw the bandage under my eye and caught a glimpse of a few of my bruises and felt like he had to be captain save a hoe. Little did he know, I wasn’t some charity case and I didn’t want him doing things for me just because he felt bad for me!

Chapter 9: Jahiem

For some reason, I felt like a nigga would get caught up in some shit if I were to take lil mama down to South Beach or something to chill with a nigga, so I decided just to bring her over to my mom’s spot with me so that we could just chill for a while. Plus, Antonia was still seventeen years old, and I wanted to wait until she turned eighteen to start chilling like that with her more. I’ll admit that Antonia was very beautiful, but I didn’t know if I was ready to jump into all of that so soon. When I told her that I wasn’t ready for a girlfriend yet, I noticed that all of our conversation had ceased. I don’t know if I had made her mad or what, but she hadn’t said anything else to me.

I pulled up to my mother’s house in Sunny Isles about a good fifteen minutes later. I saw her car as well as Shaniqua’s car in the driveway. Shaniqua didn’t stay with our mom, but like myself, she found herself popping up a lot. I turned the car off and both of us exited.

“Who’s house is this?” Antonia asked as we neared the door. I could sense her uneasiness.

“My mom’s. Chill, you’ll be all right,” I said, looking down at her and then going in my pocket to pull out my spare key that I had for my mom’s crib.

I opened the front door and let the two of us in. Once we were inside, instantly I could smell some of my mother’s famous cooking. I swear that I’m not just saying this because this is my mama and I love her ass to death, but my mom was the best damn cook in town. I mean, her ass could make Kool-Aid taste like some famous drink that you get from one of those five star restaurants. That’s why if I ever got with a woman on some exclusive type shit, her ass needed to know how to cook because a nigga’s standards were very much high.

We walked in the kitchen and my mom was standing over the island, while my sister sat in front of a stool and the two of them were talking amongst each other, clearly unaware of the fact that I was now in the room.

“Damn, y’all didn’t hear a nigga come in?” I asked them.

“Jah, don’t play with me!” my mother said sternly, referring to me cursing.

No matter how old I get, my mom wouldn’t allow my ass to curse in front of her, but I still did the shit because it was a bad damn habit. I looked at my mother and smiled. While Shaniqua and I were caramel colored with our hazel eyes that we had gotten from our father, my mother was a deep chocolate, and she wasn’t as tall as Shaniqua and I.

“And no, we didn’t hear you come in. Who is this that you have with you?” my mom asked, smiling at Antonia.

“Why do you look so familiar?” Shaniqua asked, looking over at Antonia as well.

“You saw me when you came to Chick-Fil-A the other day,” Antonia said shyly.

“Oh yeah. You’re right,” Shaniqua said, nodding her head.

“Well, ma and Shaniqua, this is Antonia. Antonia, this is Shaniqua and my mother,” I said, doing the introduction.

My mother was looking at me with this smirk on her face because I had never in my life brought a female over to meet my family. I honestly didn’t think anything of it because Antonia was just my friend.

“It’s nice to meet you, Antonia. How old are you? You look so young,” my mother said, smiling.

“I’m seventeen, but I’ll be eighteen in two months,” Antonia said, defending herself.

“Wow, that’s how it was when I met their father. Only I was fifteen and he was twenty,” my mom said, going back in time to when she and my father were together.

Antonia gave her a smile and then looked at me. I gestured with my hand for her to go sit at the stool next to my sister and she did. I went on over to the oven, so that I could look inside and see what my mama was in there cooking. I noticed that she had bar b q chicken, yellow rice, black eyed peas, and some blueberry cornbread that looked like it would be finished in a few minutes.

“So what school are you attending, Antonia?” my mother asked her.

“Northwestern,” she said.