Page 19 of Little Miami Girl

Whew! Now that wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be.

Chapter 12: Antonia

Had I known that Tacarra was going to ditch me as soon as we got to the beach, I would have just taken my ass to school. I couldn’t for the life of me understand why she would invite me somewhere, just to dump me off by myself. I had never been to South Beach, and I didn’t know this area, but yet she was expecting me to hang out with these invisible friends that she thought I had.

I found myself sitting a very far distance down on the beach from the rest of the seniors. I had taken off my sandals and I was sitting down on the sand as I watched the seniors enjoy their time on senior skip day. I watched as boys messed with the girls and threw some in the water. They had their radios blasting and everybody was dancing and eating some sort of snack that they had out. I decided to get up and I walk toward the water, only standing near the edge and letting my feet get wet.

I never would have thought that this would have been my first experience at the beach. It’s funny because last night I couldn’t even get myself to fall asleep because I was so damn excited about today. I had been in a funk for the past two months, and when Tacarra invited me yesterday at school, it cheered me up a little bit, even if it was only temporary.

After my aunt’s boyfriend, Rick had come into my room that night, he did it twice more and he hasn’t been back yet. I don’t know if he felt guilty because the last time I cried so bad or what, but it’s been a little bit over a month, and he hasn’t touched me since. I wanted to so badly to let someone know what I was going through, but I was so damn scared. I waited two months to say something, and what if no one believed me? It’s not like I had any proof or anything. I decided to get those things off of my mind and went back over to the sand to get my shoes, so that I could go and get me some lunch because I was hungry as hell.

I remember that I had seen a Johnny Rockets, so I was just going to go there and eat. I went over to the water to rinse off my feet and slid my shoes back on. I crossed the street and now I was on the other side of the beach where the restaurants and things were.

“Antonia!” I heard someone call.

I turned around and it was Jah. Oh my God, he looked so damn fine. He was wearing a yellow and white Jordan short set, and he had his long dreads in five big plats that were nice and neat, like he had just got them done. He had a pair of tan Sperry’s on his feet and his hazel eyes shined even more because of the sun.

A smile plastered itself on my face as I made my way over to him. I couldn’t control myself, so I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same, resting his arms on my waist as I laid my head on his chest. He placed a tender kiss on my forehead and I didn’t want him to ever let me go. I hadn’t seen Jah since the night he took me over to his mother’s house, and I had missed him.

“What’s up, lil’ mama? You good? What you doing out here?” he asked me. We pulled apart from each other and I looked at him.

“Senior skip day,” I told him.

He laughed, “So why you out here by yourself? Where your friends at?” he asked.

“Well, the one friend that I did have, she ditched me to go and hang out with her other friends,” I told him and watched as a scowl formed on his handsome face.

“And she brought you out here?” he asked me.

“Yeah,” I told him.

“Don’t call that bitch your friend because a real friend wouldn’t have let you be yourself, while she went to hang with some other bitches. Shit foul as fuck, and you don’t need to be surrounding yourself with people like that,” he told me and I nodded my head.

“You hungry? Where you want to eat at?” he asked me.

“I saw a Johnny Rockets, so I was just going to go there,” I told him.

“If that’s what you want to eat, then come on,” he told me.

I smiled as we walked to Johnny Rockets. We made it there in about ten more minutes and took a spot to eat outside, at one of the numerous covered tables.

“Hello, welcome to Johnny Rockets. I’m Phillip, and I’ll be your waiter today. Can I start the two of you off with something to drink?” he asked us.

“Let me get a Coke. What you want, Antonia?” Jah asked me as he stared at the menu.

“I’ll take a Sprite,” I said.

“Okay, I’ll be right back with your drinks,” Phillip said and then he walked off.

“I ain’t never been to this restaurant, and I work right across the street. A nigga only came here because you said that this is where you wanted to eat,” Jah said, causing me to laugh a little.

“Where do you work at? I didn’t know you worked out here,” I said in disbelief.

“You see that tattoo shop right there?” he asked me, pointing across the street.

My eyes scanned the direction in which he was pointing and I nodded my head. It was a big ass red and black building called Miami Tattoos.

“That’s my business right there. I own that shop,” he said proudly.