“Mani why would you even ask me that shit? You know damn well I love you girl. You are my world baby. I know sometimes I be too hard on you but everything I do, every move I make is for you and little man baby. I love everything about your ass. The way your ass eat, sleep, talk, every fuckin’ thing. Can’t another bitch in this world take your place li’l mama, just know that,” he told me, making me cry happy tears.

“So you don’t think I look like Martin on that boxing episode?” I asked, looking up at him. I watched on as Shard burst out laughing. I sucked my teeth at him and laid back down.

“Baby, I think you high off them damn pain meds. Why would you say that shit?” he asked me, after he finished laughing at me, making me feel like shit.

I ignored him and closed my eyes. “No matter what baby, you the most beautiful woman that I ever laid my eyes on and I love you girl,” he said to me.

“I love you too baby,” I said to him.

“Even when you do look like Martin,” he laughed. I reached over and slapped him with my good arm.

I’m just playing with you baby. Go to sleep because they gon’ discharge you in the morning,” he told me. I got as comfortable as I could in this little ass bed with him.

“And I want in on whatever you got planned to do with that bitch. I want in! This is the second time that this ho has fucked with me,” I told Rashard with my eyes closed.

“Imani, go to sleep. I got this under control,” Rashard told me.

I shook my head because Rashard always tried to act like he didn’t need my help. What was Clyde without bonnie? What was Jay-Z without Beyoncé? Nothing! I didn’t care what his ass said. I wanted in on the payback. I mean, I was the one laying up in the hospital with a dislocated shoulder, two swollen eyes, and every bone of my body in pain. I deserve to at least hit that bitch with a head shot!

2 weeks later

Chapter 6: Dontae

I rolled over in bed and looked at the time and saw that it was 9:05 in the morning on a Saturday. I looked to the left of me and noticed that my fiancée wasn’t in her spot in the bed with me. That’s when I noticed the water running in the shower. I got out the bed and ran down the hallway into my daughter’s room to make sure she was asleep. I was about to fuck with Breesha and I didn’t need for my daughter to hear us. I silently closed her door back, careful not to wake her up. I went back inside of my bedroom and noticed that the shower was still running. I picked up my camcorder from off of the dresser and hit record. I eased my way inside of the bathroom and my baby had her back to me with the water running down her body.

“Baby?” I called out huskily.

She turned around and damn my baby looked like a damn angel. The way her perky titties sat up and that flat ass stomach and diamond belly button piercing was shining, caused my dick to already be standing at attention. Breesha was in a whole league of her own. I was not just saying that shit because that’s my woman; I was saying it because it was the truth. Any nigga with a dick had to admit that this was the baddest bitch on the damn planet. Shit, even any bitch with a pussy would admit that my woman was the shit.

“Dontae put the camera down and come get in here with me baby,” she said to me in a sexy voice. I knew she wanted the dick because we hadn’t had sex in weeks. After she had the miscarriage, she had been bleeding for a while and she wasn’t giving a nigga no pussy. It got to the point I didn’t even care about the bleeding no more, that’s how bad a nigga wanted to fuck, but of course Breesha mean ass still wasn’t giving it up. I ain’t gon’ lie, she started giving me head but damn, a nigga wanted to feel the real thing.

“You stopped bleeding yet?” I asked her, walking closer into the bathroom and closing the door behind me.

“Yes daddy, I stopped yesterday,” she said, looking

directly into the camera.

“Damn, why you didn’t tell your man that yesterday?” I asked her.

“Because I didn’t see my man all day yesterday until midnight and you were drunk and daddy knows that I hate drunk dick,” she fussed. I had to laugh because it was the truth. When a nigga was gone off that Henny, that nut took forever to bust. I’d give Breesha round after round. But that’s when the sex was the best, when I made her mad. When she start biting a nigga and talking shit. Little did she know, she made my dick that much harder and her little ass would be the one prolonging my nut.

I walked over to her and slid the shower door open so the camera and I could have better access to that perfect ass body. I reached over and pinched her right nipple and watched as her body shuddered. I gently tapped her on her thigh. “Put that leg right there,” I instructed, pointing to the little bench we had in that big ass shower. She did as she was told and looked at me. I could tell my baby was ready to fuck but I wanted her to put a show on for her man first.

“Now play with that pussy while I stand right here and watch,” I told her. I watched as Breesha slid her beautiful small hands down her body and stuck one finger inside of her pussy.

“Don’t even play, put two!” I said and put the camera right on her pussy. She did it and I watched as my woman pleased herself and that shit was making me harder than a motherfucka’ right now. The way she was making those sexy fuck faces and biting on her lip was driving a nigga crazy.

“Let me know when that pussy about to cum,” I told her and then took her right nipple into my mouth.

“Shit Taeeee,” she moaned. I knew I had her right on the brink of cumming. Whenever she got to calling a nigga Tae, that meant that nut was right around the corner.

“Go ahead,” I said, stepping back because I wanted her facial expression caught on the camera.

“Fucccckkk I’m cummin’,” she said with pleasure written all over her face.

Damn, what a beautiful fuckin’ sight to see. I sat the video camera on top of the counter, facing the mirror with it still on play. I picked Breesha up from out of the shower and placed her in front of the mirror so she could rest her hands on the counter where the camera and see us fuckin’ as well.

“I thought you was going to fuck me in the shower,” Breesha told me, looking back at me. I slapped her ass, letting it jiggle and then placed tons of kisses on it.