Page 26 of A Miami Love Tale 2

“Nah Jasmine, stay your ass right here. You’re a part of this shit too! You made yourself a part of this when you put those dick suckers on his damn face!” I said, walking closer to her. “Sincere told you he was married?” I asked, getting into her face.

“Yeah he told me!” she said, rolling her eyes at me.

“Bitch!” I said, and slapped the shit out of her.

This bitch had me by a whole 15 pounds, but that didn’t mean shit. People underestimated me because I was small, but I don’t care what size you were, I would still get in that ass. I slammed her ass to the ground and just continued to lay blow after blow to her face. I was taking all of my fuckin anger out on her. All them nights I stayed at home waiting on this nigga to come home, I was taking all of that on her. I hated bitches like her. Why fuck with a nigga when you knew up front that he was married?

“Hoes like you make me sick! You knew this nigga was married, yet you still trying to suck his dick!” I yelled as Sincere pulled me off her. At this point, I was too hyped up. I was trying everything in my power to get out of Sincere’s hold, but he wasn’t letting me go for shit.

“Aye Mike, take her outside,” Sincere said, referring to Jasmine.

“Sincere, put me the fuck down! Right fuckin now!” I yelled.

“Brenae, you better calm the fuck down before I fuckin slam your ass! You may have beat her, but you damn sure can’t beat me,” he said into my ear.

I was so fuckin mad that I was crying. I couldn’t believe that Sincere would disrespect our marriage like this. I struggled to get him off me, and then he slammed my back into the wall so hard that I let out a loud cry afterwards.

“Shut the fuck up! I ain’t do shit to your ass yet! Fuck is wrong with you coming down here starting shit like that?” he asked me, pinning my arms down to my side. I didn’t answer him; I just continued to cry.

“Fuck you Sincere. Go back there and get your bitch. I hope it was worth it, because I’m done! I want a divorce!” I cried, shocking myself. I knew I was mad, but I didn’t think that I would go that far and say that I wanted a divorce.

“Till death do us part! You ready to die?” he asked me. The look on his face let me know that he would kill my ass dead if I tried to divorce him.

“I hate you so much Sincere, with your arrogant ass. You only care about your fuckin self! Fuck me and Janiya, right? You don’t even call to see if we were okay, all you care about is this fuckin studio!” I yelled, kicking over the chair that was next to me.

“Man Nae, go on with that shit” he said, finally releasing my arms.

He should have never did that, because I reached back and slapped the dog shit out of him. He grabbed me by my arms and slammed me back into the wall.

“You feeling yourself right now, Nae! I ain’t never lay a hand on your ass before, but slap me like that again and I swear to God, you gon’ be picking your fuckin jaw up off that floor,” he said, and I know he meant every word.

“You fucked that bitch?” I asked, getting all in his face.

“Man, no I didn’t fuck her! That’s my damn artist!” he yelled back.

“So that’s how ya’ll doing it? You let all your artist kiss you on the cheek like that? Let me find out!” I said.

“Nae, take your ass home before I fuck you up for real” he said.

“Nigga fuck you! Until your ass can learn to respect me, I’m done with your ass. Go console your hood rat bitch! I hope I killed tha

t hoe!” I said, and took my ring off and threw it at him.

All of a sudden, Sincere came charging my way, and he slapped me so hard that I fell flat on my ass. I looked at him in shock and started bawling my eyes out. He walked over to me and bent down in front of me and placed the ring back on my finger.

“Take the shit off again, and watch what happens. Take your ass the fuck home Nae, and let you not be there when I get there and watch what happen,” he said, and sat down in one of the chairs.

I stayed my ass right there on that damn floor crying. I was not about to get up no time soon. I was hurt, embarrassed, the whole nine. I couldn’t believe this nigga had actually hit my ass. Since Sincere and I have been together, he has never raised his hand to hit me. Yes, I’ll admit he jacks my ass up every now and then, but that’s as far as that goes. I couldn’t believe that this was the same man that I fell in love with so many years ago that was causing me all of this hurt. I couldn’t believe that this was the same man that vowed to always love me, respect me, and most importantly, to never put his hands on me. I bragged to my friends and my cousins on how I had the perfect husband. I couldn’t even do that anymore, because there wasn’t nothing perfect about a man hitting his wife! I wasn’t about to sit there and make up an excuse for Sincere putting his hands on me. I hated when women did shit like that. Every time a man would hit a woman, the woman would always confess that it was her fault because she provoked him to do it. Sincere fucked up, and he was going to learn the hard way. I wanted him to know that there was going to be major consequences behind his actions. If I let him slide this one time, he may think that it was okay to knock my ass out every chance that he gets.

“Nae, get the fuck up man,” Sincere said to me. I hadn’t even realized that I was still sitting on the floor crying my eyes out. I shook my head no and continued to cry. He sucked his teeth and walked over to me and tried to touch me, but I pushed him away with my feet.

“Don’t touch me Sincere!” I cried, but this time he yanked me up off the floor by the front of my shirt.

“Nae, what the fuck is wrong with you? I’m sorry man. I didn’t mean to hit you, I should have never done that shit,” he said, carrying me in his arms.

I looked into his eyes and for this first time, I could see how stressed he was. I mean shit, I was stressed too! That didn’t mean that I went around hitting people. I hit Sincere because he pissed me off; there was a major difference. A bitch kissed him on his cheek and he didn’t do anything about it, so that slap was long overdue. I eased out of his arms and headed for the door.

“Nae,” Sincere called after me. I looked at him, but didn’t bother to answer him. “I’m not playing, take your ass home,” he said.