Page 20 of A Miami Love Tale 2

“Oh my God, poor Bria. That’s so damn sad. How has she been?” Nae asked Breesha.

“I mean at first, she wouldn’t even sleep in her own room at Dontae’s house, because she kept saying that Fred was going to get her. It got to the point where sometimes I had to sleep in the room with her so she wouldn’t be scared. Now, I don’t even do that no more, I just let her sleep with me and Tae. She’s better, though. Only thing is, she’s been having bad dreams lately. I wake up in the middle of the night every night and go in her room, and she will be sweating, talking in her sleep, and crying. This shit is so sad and it’s hurting me, but I don’t want to talk to Tae about it because he gets mad every time I bring it up,” Breesha said as a tear fell from her eye.

I had to wipe my eyes too, because this was really sad. Bria was such a smart, sweet, and loving little girl, and I hate that something like this had to happen to her. I went to sit next to Breesha and rubbed her back as she cried. After five minutes, she calmed down and I went back in my seat. Normally, I was the one crying on Breesha’s shoulder, and now it was the total opposite. My whole life, I think I only seen Breesha cry maybe once. She kept things bottled in; it’s been that way for a long time.

After dinner, we paid for our food and went our separate ways. I called Shard to see where he was, because I didn’t know whether to go to my house or his since Breesha already let me know that she was going to Dontae’s house.

“Mani?” Shard answered the phone.

“Rashard, where are you?” I asked him, getting onto 95.

“I’m with Dontae, go ahead to the house, I’ll be there soon,” he said, and hung the phone up.

I don’t know what he was up to, but he better be able to explain this shit to me the minute he came home. Gon’ hang up the phone on me like I’m some side bitch, and like I was bothering him or something. I’m going to act just like that when he bring his ass in the house, begging for some pussy!

Chapter 14: Dontae

I got word this morning that Sharice had finally woke her ass up from her coma. I didn’t go over to the hospital to see how she was doing or anything, or to surprise her trifling ass with roses or no shit like that. I just wanted to know where that bitch ass nigga Fred rested his head at. I wanted that nigga dead by tonight. I wanted his mama in JC Penney by Friday picking out her dress and his tux, and I wanted that fuckin funeral to be held by fuckin Saturday. I had this shit all planned out. Wasn’t no way in hell I was going to let this nigga live–so that he could talk about how he raped my daughter? As long as my name was fuckin Dontae motha fuckin Harris, that shit wasn’t happening on my watch.

When I walked inside of Sharice’s room, she was lying in her bed looking out of the window. Something about her looked different; made me feel just a tad bit bad for her.

“Sharice!” I said, stepping into the room and making my presence known.

She looked at me and judging from how puffy her eyes were, I could tell that she had been crying. I stood next to the side of her bed, and she didn’t look herself. Her once flawless skin was now pale, and she looked stressed.

“Dontae, if you came in here to tell me how much of a fuck up I am, please spare me

. I don’t want to hear you say how much of a bad mom I am, either. Believe what you want to believe, but I had no clue that Fred would do something so sick like that. Best believe I tried to get me and Bria out of that house, but when he knocked me out with that bat, there was nothing else that I could do,” she said, looking me dead in my eyes.

“Say what you want to say Sharice, but this shit is all your fault. You lied about something so fuckin small, man! You said you was done with that nigga and here I am, giving you a second chance and some shit like this happens!” I yelled.

“Well excuse the fuck out of me for trying to have a life, too! You broadcast that bitch of yours in my face every fuckin chance you get! How is it that you can move the fuck on but I can’t!” she barked back.

“Watch your mouth, don’t call my ol lady no bitch, and that’s not the fuckin point, Sharice! Breesha would never do shit to hurt Bria. She fuckin loves my daughter too much! The way you should have loved her! Another woman shouldn’t have to take your fuckin spot as a mother!” I said to her.

I watched as tears fell from her eyes, and that shit didn’t faze me one single bit. She brought this situation upon herself, and I wasn’t about to show her ass no pity.

“You can keep Bria, Dontae. After I’m discharged, I’m moving to Atlanta to be with my family. There’s no way in hell I’ll be able to look at my daughter again after this. You don’t know how I felt when I walked in that room and saw that sick pedophile doing that shit to my daughter. And because of that, I can never see her again. I’m not worthy enough to be her mother or raise her. I’m handing her to you, you can have her,” Sharice said. I nodded my head and looked at her.

“One last thing before I go, what’s that nigga’s address?” I asked her.

“He lives with his mother Dontae, she ain’t got shit to do with this,” Sharice said.

“You’re absolutely right, now what’s the address?” I asked again. Fuck that nigga mama! Her ass could get it too, for all I cared.

She got a piece of paper from off the table and wrote it down. I looked at her one last time and headed for the door.

“Dontae,” I heard Sharice say. I turned around and looked in her direction.

“Tell my baby I love her and I’m sorry,” she said.

I nodded my head and left. I knew for a fact that that would be the last time that I would ever see Sharice again, and I was content with that.


11:36 p.m.

I sat in the car with Shard, the two of us sharing a blunt. We were sitting two houses down from the address that Sharice had given me early this morning on where Fred’s bitch ass stayed at with his mama. I knew for a fact that he wasn’t there, because I had been sitting there for the past five hours and nobody had come or went from the house. I was really getting inpatient with this nigga, but there was no way in hell that I could leave without lighting his ass up. I owed my daughter that much.