Page 11 of A Miami Love Tale 2

“Shit baby I’m cummminn,” I yelled out, making the grip that I had around his neck even tighter.

“Shit!” I yelled, as I lay with my head on his chest, panting and trying to catch my breath. He had just worked me and my baby out, and my pregnant ass felt like I had just ran a damn marathon. Rashard slid me off him, but I reached my hands out to get him to pick me back up, but all he did was lean over and kiss me.

“Mani, turn around. You know I like to get mine fuckin you from the back,” he said, slapping me on my ass. I was tired as fuck, but for my baby, I would do anything. I gave my man three more rounds in that laundry room before I had tapped out for good. Sitting on top of the washing machine and out of breath, I looked at Rashard as he put back on his boxers and pants.

“I’m going to spray this machine down, meet me in the shower,” he said, and I nodded my head and sprinted off to the shower so that Breesha wouldn’t catch me naked in the hallway. Going into my room, I started the shower and ten minutes later, Rashard was joining me and wrapping his hands around my waist.

“Imani, I just want you to know that I love you too much to ever disrespect you like that. You carrying my seed girl, so I damn sure wouldn’t do no foul shit like that. I just need you to trust your man and know that I’ll never fuck with no bitch as long as I got you. You all the damn woman that I need,” he said, whispering into my ear.

I nodded my head and reached back behind me, and guided his dick back into me. I heard him, but I wanted to fuck some more.

“Then your ass got the nerve to get mad because I got you pregnant. When it really be you raping my ass,” Rashard said, holding onto my hips.

I laughed at his silly ass and enjoyed as he made love to me in the shower. It was true, I just couldn’t get enough of the kid!

Chapter 7: Nae

It was Saturday afternoon, and I had just woke up from a nap. Me and my baby girl had ourselves a busy morning today. We went to breakfast, got mani’s and pedi’s, and did a lot of shopping. My daughter was still sleeping, so I got up quietly so I wouldn’t wake my princess up. When we came home from our day’s events, it was just her and I back at the house, so I let my daughter cuddle with me in me and Sincere’s bed until we both ended up falling asleep together. I walked downstairs in the kitchen to get me a bottle of water from out the fridge, and some crackers from out of the cabinet.

“Come here,” I heard my husband say from the den. I walked over to him with the biggest smile on my face.

“Baby I didn’t know you were here,” I said, straddling his lap and kissing his lips. He paused the game and leaned back on the sofa, and palmed my ass and smiled. I poked my finger in his dimple that was so deep in his left cheek. My husband was so fine. It amazes me that over the years, I just think that Sincere gets finer and finer. Here he was sitting with only a pair of Jordan basketball shorts on. I was intrigued with all the tattoos that were on his chest, but my favorite was the drawing of me on the left side of his chest, and our daughter Janiya on the right. He had gotten that done at least three years ago, and I was still deeply in love with it.

“You act like you shocked that I’m here,” he said to me.

“I don’t know baby, I guess I’m used to you being at the studio on Saturdays,” I said to him. It was true, because honestly I can’t even remember the last time Sincere was home on a Saturday. Saturdays, I was so used to just hanging out with my daughter or swinging over to Imani’s and Breesha’s house.

“So what you had planned to do today anyway?” my husband asked me.

“Nothing really, Niy and I went out already this morning,” I said, trying to get up from his lap because I could hear my daughter coming down the stairs, and I didn’t want her to see me sitting like this on her daddy and his hands all on my ass. Certain things I just didn’t like to do in front of my daughter, but Sincere’s ass didn’t care at all. This man would shove his tongue down my throat in front of anybody.

“Sin stop, Niy is coming,” I said, standing up as he slapped my ass real hard. I sat next to him, and my daughter walked over to me and crawled in my lap. I kissed her forehead as she laid her head on my chest.

“Daddy can’t get no love, Niy?” my husband asked our daughter. She gave him a small smile and continued to lay on me. She was still in sleep mode, which is why she was being so quiet.

“I guess that means no ice cream for you then,” Sincere told my baby, and picked the controller from off of the couch.

“Okay Daddyyy,” she got up from my lap and jumped into her daddy’s arm, and rained kisses all over his face. Watching my two loves brought a smile to my face. I loved every minute of it. Janiya was a daddy’s girl all the way. Funny, because Sincere was one of the hardest, thugged out niggas that I knew, but it amazed me how he could be so soft and gentle when it came down to our daughter. Sincere spoiled me too, but he would still get in my ass whenever I fucked up; but he never raised his voice towards Janiya at all.

“Ya’ll get dressed. We gonna go to the beach,” Sincere said.

I really did not feel up to going to the beach right now. I just wanted to lay down on the couch with my family, watch movies, and eat a whole bunch of junk food. Lately, my ass has been tired as hell to do anything. All I wanted to do was sleep if I wasn’t at school. I wouldn’t dare tell Sincere that this school thing was becoming too much, because I know he would be so quick to point his finger and say, I told you so. Instead, I was just going to tough it out and do what it was that I had to do.

“Yayyy we going to the beach!” Janiya jumped up and hugged me and her daddy. My daughter loved the water, so I knew she couldn’t wait to go and swim.

I go

t up too, followed by my husband. He stopped me from walking by putting his hand on my stomach, and pulling my back into his chest. I could tell that he sensed my vibe. My husband knew me like he knew the back of his hand, so he could tell that I wasn’t feeling this whole beach outing.

“What the fuck is wrong with you Nae?” he asked me. Since I didn’t want to come off as being a spoiled brat or a party pooper, I decided to assure him that everything was okay. I turned around and kissed his lips, so he could know that I was okay.

“Nothing baby, I’m fine,” I assured him.

“Don’t lie Nae, what’s up,” he said.

“I’m good,” I said, and kissed his lips one more time and walked away. I ran up the stairs and found my daughter in her room looking for something to wear. She had clothes thrown all around on her bed and everything.

“Janiya, what are you putting on?” I asked her, walking into her bedroom and looking over the clothes that she had scattered around on the bed.