Page 38 of I Choose You 2

“Good baby, now let’s get some sleep. I love you girl,” Cevon said, kissing my lips.

“I love you too baby,” I told him.

Chapter 20: Tisha

The next morning, I woke up bright and early around 9 a.m. because my daughter was up crawling around on me and hitting me in the face. We let her sleep in the bed with us last night because when we came back in from the pool, she was already in the bed and I didn’t want her to wake up by me taking her out the bed.

“You not gon’ let mommy sleep?” I asked Harmony while tickling her.

My baby was dying laughing. I started raining kisses all over my baby’s face. I picked her up and took her in the bathroom with me while I brushed my teeth and washed my face. After I finished, we went downstairs and Lani was already in the kitchen feeding Aaliyah.

“Good morning sis,” I said to Lani as I sat Harmony in her high chair.

“Good morning,” Lani said back.

We were in the kitchen for about another five minutes when Tamika and Kyla came strolling through.

“Meek, I’m surprised you up, you know your ass like to get up in the afternoon,” I told her.

“Yeah but I didn’t get much sleep last night,” she said, taking a seat at one of the chairs in the kitchen.

“So Meek Meek, what’s up with you and Pat?” Lani asked her while burping the baby.

“Girl I don’t know. Since that night at the club, we been chilling. But in my eyes, he has a reputation of being a hoe. Since we been kicking it though, I haven’t noticed any females calling his phone or anything but I just don’t trust his ass,” Tamika said.

“Girl that man is really feeling you. Last night when we was in the pool, I saw the way his eyes were glued to you when you was swimming. I think he really likes you. You need to give that man a chance,” I told Tamika.

“We’ll see. I told him if I was able to put up with him this weekend then I might consider giving us a chance,” Tamika said.

“Did y’all have sex yet?” Lani asked, going right in.

Tamika took a little minute to answer, then she finally went ahead and say no.

“Well bitch, what took you so long to answer the question?” I asked her.

“Cuz he did eat me out last night in the shower, but that was it,” she said smiling.

We all started laughing at Tamika. She knew damn well she liked her some Pat, she was just playing hard to get.

“What about you bitch? What’s up with you and Cevon?” I asked Kyla.

“Girl, we just taking one day at a time,” Kyla said.

We sat around the kitchen just talking. We decided that we wanted to hit the outlet stores today.

We all went upstairs and got dressed. When I went in the room, Otis was coming from out of the bathroom.

“Baby everybody is getting ready to go to the outlets, so we need to start getting ready,” I told him.

“Good morning to you too,” he said, disregarding everything I had just said.

I put the baby on the bed and walked over to my man.

“Good morning baby,” I said to him, kissing his lips.

