Page 1 of I Choose You 2

Chapter 1: Otis

It was one clock in the morning, and a nigga was just getting home from the club. God knows I was tired as fuck. I was supposed to go pick up my baby from Ka’lani’s house, but since I got in so late, I ended up sending Ka’lani a text letting her know that I would pick her up in the morning sometime. As I made my way inside of my house, I noticed something was off. Number one, all the damn lights in the house were off, and I knew for a fact Tisha ass wouldn’t have the house that dark with her scary ass. I took the stairs leading me to my bedroom, and when I entered the room I noticed that Tisha’s ass wasn’t even home. Last time I heard from her was this afternoon, telling me that she would be a little late coming home, which is why I had to drop Harmony over at Ka’lani’s in the first place. Now I know for a fact Tisha’s ass wasn’t at no damn salon at one in the fuckin morning.

I pulled out my cell phone and called her ass, only for it to go straight to voicemail. I told her hardheaded ass time and time again about turning off her fuckin phone! I walked out of our bedroom and checked everywhere in the house, just to make sure her ass wasn’t somewhere in there. After coming up empty handed, I started to think something wasn’t right. Now when you think about it, Tisha didn’t call me or text me while I was at the club, begging me to come home like she did every night. Hmm, something was definitely going on!

I was downstairs in the den pacing back and forth, waiting for her to call me back. I swear sometimes Tisha could really do some stupid shit. If she knew her ass was going to out after she left the salon, all she had to do was tell a nigga! I hate sneaky shit like that, and now I can’t even go snatch her ass up if I wanted to because her damn phone is off, so I don’t know where the fuck she’s at! I decided to call Ka’lani to see if she knew where Tisha’s ass was at. I dialed her number, and she answered on the third ring.

“Hello?” she answered, sounding out of breath. I don’t even want to know what the fuck Ka’lani was up to.

“What’s up Lani? Have you heard from Tisha today?” I asked, trying not to worry her or myself.

“Yeah, I was with her earlier when she went to get the tattoo. She said she had to go into the salon today, but that was earlier. Is everything alright?” Lani asked, and I could hear the panic in her voice.

“I been calling her for the past thirty minutes and her phone keep going to voicemail. I don’t know where the hell she is,” I said.

“Well did you drive by the salon?” Lani asked.

“No because I know for a fact that her ass ain’t at no damn salon at one in the morning,” I said.

“Just ride by there and check it out, because there’s nights when we don’t leave out of there until midnight, so she might still be there. Let me know what happens when you get there too,” Ka’lani told me.

“Alright I’m on my way over there now,” I told her, hanging the phone up.

On the way to the salon, all type of fuckin thoughts were going through my damn head. Since Tisha’s ass been with me, the latest she would have stayed at the salon was maybe 11:30; never have she been there this late. Even though I was going to the salon, deep down inside I knew she wasn’t there. I mean, that shit just wasn’t starting to add up at all to me.

Twenty minutes later, I pulled up to the salon and all of the lights were off inside. The gate was locked and everything, and there wasn’t any cars parked in the parking lot. I just sat there in the parking lot, looking over my surroundings. I looked in my rearview mirror, and that’s when I saw Tisha’s white Range Rover parked across the street. I shut the car off and headed over there. As I neared the car, all type of crazy ass thoughts were running through my mind. I went to the driver’s side and I noticed there was a dent on that side. I reached to open the door, and surprisingly the shit opened. I looked inside and nothing looked out of place to me. I closed the door and turned around, and that’s when I noticed Tisha’s iPhone on the ground, shattered into pieces. I picked it up and examined it. I knew it was hers because of the pink and gold Chanel case.

“What the fuck is going on?” I asked myself.

I walked back over to my car, with the phone in my hand, and headed to the driver’s side. After I started the car back up, I headed over to Ty’s and Ka’lani’s house. I’m not gon’ lie, at first I was thinking maybe her ass just went out for drinks with her friends, but now that shit was looking real fuckin suspect to me.

Pulling up to Ty’s crib, I parked the car and got out. I walked up to the doorstep and rang the doorbell. Damn near ten minutes later, Ty’s ass came to the door only wearing a pair of basketball shorts with no shirt. It wasn’t until I looked down that I noticed this nigga had a damn gun in his hand.

“Nigga your ass was about to get shot the fuck up,” he said, laughing.

I shrugged his ass off and stepped inside of the house.

“Baby who is it at the door?” Ka’lani asked, coming down the stairs in a tank and some pajama pants.

“Didn’t I tell your hard headed ass to stay in the bed and don’t move?” Ty asked her.

She paid his ass no attention as she walked in my direction, “What happened, Otis? Was she over there?” she asked with alarm in her voice.

“Naw, she wasn’t there but her car was parked across the street. I found this on the ground too” I said, handing her the


“Oh my God!” Ka’lani screamed. I knew for a fact she started thinking the worst. Tisha was her girl and just as much as Tisha talked to me, she talked to Ka’lani. Hell, I think her ass talked to Ka’lani more than me.

“Bae chill,” Ty told Lani, wrapping his hands around her waist. She continued to cry and I looked on, because I didn’t want to start shedding tears like a bitch. My gut instinct was telling me something was going on, and that Tisha really needed me right then. I don’t know what it was, but I could feel it.

“Try calling Kyla and Tamika and see if they heard from her since they was at the shop with her earlier,” Ty told Ka’lani once she had calmed down a little bit. She nodded her head and went up the stairs. That gave me and Ty some time to discuss what was going on.

“What you thinking man? Because whatever you got planned, I want in on it. That’s sis right there, so I’m willing to do whatever,” Ty let me know.

“I don’t even know what to think right now. All I know is this shit looking real suspect to me. I didn’t say it while Lani was down here because I didn’t want to scare her, but when I saw Tisha’s car it was a big ass dent on the driver’s side. Looked like somebody might have slammed her ass into the car. She probably tried grabbing her phone and that’s how the shit ended up broken on the damn ground,” I said.

“Damn, yeah that shit do sound real suspect. Do sis got any beef with any of these bitches out here? I mean I know a lot of hoes can’t stand her or the girls, but I mean do anybody just personally don’t like her? And can you think of anyone crazy enough to do this shit?” Ty asked me. I sat there thinking, and that’s when Marshae’s crazy ass popped up in my mind.

“Only bitch I can think of is Marshae’s dumb ass,” I let him know.

“We out then,” Ty said, standing up. He went upstairs to go change while I waited on the couch.

“Tamika and Kyla said that they haven’t heard from Tisha since they were at the shop earlier. They said that they left before she did,” Ka’lani said, coming into the den.