Page 22 of I Choose You 2

“Alright y’all I’m ready,” I said, coming into the den.

I sat down on the chair and Ka’lani did my make up for me. When she was finished, Tamika started on my hair. The first style she did was a side roller set. After I was finished with hair and makeup, we started with the first picture. This scene was basically a romantic scene where I was going to wear something sexy, along with my Christian Louboutin pumps. After that was sleepwear. I had on a sexy silk negligee. We switched up my hair this time; we parted it down the middle with the curls falling down my back. For the next two hours, we had different themes, backdrops, outfits, and hair styles. By the time we finished, everybody was fuckin exhausted. My ass on the other hand, was still amped up. I loved taking pictures and I loved putting on new clothes and stuff like that, so this was all fun and games for me. I knew Otis ass was going to love this and cherish this scrapbook. We couldn’t show this to Harmony though, because some of the pictures in there were rated R.

“Shit Tisha, I ain’t fuckin around with your ass no more,” Kyla said.

I started laughing. I’m not going

to lie, we just really had a whole fuckin photo shoot in Tamika’s den like I was Beyoncé or some shit. I heard my baby crying, so I went to the back to go and get her. Shit, I had left my phone in the room with her and I had forgot to call Otis to tell him that I was leaving. He had been blowing my phone up for the last hour. Shit, I knew he was about to lay my ass out real good. I picked my baby up and sat her on my lap. She immediately stopped crying and laid her head on my chest as I sat at the foot of the bed.

“Fuck you at Tisha?” Otis asked as soon as I picked up the phone.

“Baby, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was leaving. I got side tracked and I completely forgot,” I said, sounding scared as all hell. Ever since the incident, this nigga wanted to know my every damn move and I understand why he’s like that, because he doesn’t want anything to happen to me like that again. I was so busy making sure I had everything at the mall that honestly I had forgot to call him and tell him that I had left the house.

“What did I tell you to do before I left the house earlier?” he grilled. I hated when he tried to chastise me like I was a little girl or some shit.

“Baby I-

‘What the fuck did I tell you to do before I left out the house?” He cut me off.

“You told me to let you know I was leaving,” I said with attitude dripping from my voice, because he was making me mad.

“How the fuck you think I feel right now? And you got the nerve to have an attitude? I came home from getting my hair cut and you or my baby wasn’t nowhere to be found. Not only that, you ain’t been answering the phone either,” he barked through the phone.

“Well that was a mistake on my part and I’m sorry. But baby its 9 p.m. now and I know you’re at the club because I can hear your background. I don’t want to go home and be bored until you get there so I’m just going to stay here with the girls,” I told him.

“Let me come home and you not there, that’s all I’m going to say to you,” he said before hanging up.

He was just going to have to stay mad at me, because ain’t no way I was about to go home. My baby had just woke up and by the time Lani drove us home, she was going to be sleep again, which would leave me to be sitting up in the house waiting for Otis to bring his ass home. I picked my baby up and went inside her diaper bag to change her pamper. When I got back in the room with the girls, they had already straightened up the den area from the little photo-shoot we just had.

“I know that look all too well. Otis just cussed your ass the fuck out,” Lani said laughing.

“Bitch shut up,” I said, sitting on the floor with my baby.

“You hoes could have told me to bring my phone out here with me. That nigga was calling my ass for an hour straight, I don’t even want to go home to his bullshit,” I said, pissed off.

“What did he say when he called?” Tamika asked me.

“He cussed me out for not telling him I was leaving. He told me I better be home when he get there too,” I said nonchalantly.

“So why the hell are you still sitting here? Your ass better go, “Lani said laughing.

“Bitch, Otis ass be making threats. He not gon’ put his hands on me, I’ll go home when I feel like it. Besides, you drove me here so if I leave you got to take me,” I said.

“Okay badass, you talking shit now but don’t call me later crying when that nigga cuss your ass out,” Lani said laughing. I waved her off and continued to hang with the girls.

Two hours later had passed before me and Lani decided to leave Tamika’s house. She dropped me and Harmony back home, and when I walked in the house and it was pitch black except the light shining from the hallway. I knew Otis was here because his car was in the driveway. I went inside my daughter’s room, carrying her and she was knocked out. I laid her down on my lap and put her pj’s on, careful not to wake her. When I was finished, I put her in her crib and left out.

When I got inside of the room that I shared with Otis, he had the lamp on, smoking weed while listening to Plies, Faithful. I knew I had fucked up this time, because Otis barely smoked. Only time he did it was to calm himself down when he got pissed off. I walked inside of the room and put my purse on the dresser. I put my phone on the charger and sat it on the night stand.

I walked inside the closet to put my clothes in the dirty hamper. Right when I got my jeans off, Otis came walking up behind me and I was left cornered into the wall. To say a bitch was scared was an understatement. I knew he wasn’t going to hit me, he was just finna cuss me out. I hated when Otis screamed at me, that shit made me cry every time.

He jacked me up by my shirt and I immediately started screaming.

“Tisha shut up because you know damn well I’m not about to fuckin hit your ass,” he said but I didn’t care, I was still scared. This closet wasn’t but so big and if I wanted to make a run for it, I couldn’t.

I stood there with tears threatening to fall. I tried so hard to hold them in, but as soon as I blinked it was too late because they had already fell. My body was shaking, the whole nine. Funny how all of this could have easily been avoided if I would have just brought my ass home. At the time, I didn’t want to come home but now I’m kicking myself in the ass for being so hard headed.

“Naw, naw don’t fuckin cry now. You wasn’t crying when you was with your girls, were you? You wasn’t crying when you was talkin’ that shit on the phone. So, be a big girl now,” he yelled at me, still holding me from the front of my shirt.