Page 21 of I Choose You 2

“I love you too” I said, getting comfortable on him.

“So baby, I was thinking about your birthday. What do you wanna do, something big? Small? What?” I asked him. I couldn’t wait to celebrate my baby’s birthday with him.

“I want a three-some,” he said matter of factly.

“Nigga don’t fuckin play with me,” I said, popping him upside the head. “That right there,” I said, pointing to the crotch of his pants, “belongs to me and I’m not sharing that shit with nobody,” I warned, grabbing his dick and he started laughing.

“Naw but baby seriously, just surprise me,” he said.

“Alright then,” I said.

“I’m about to head to the barber to get ready for the club tonight. I’ll be back in a few hours, if you leave let me know,” he said, slapping my thigh so I could get up.

I got up and sat back on the couch while he went upstairs to get ready. I kind of had a feeling on what I wanted to do for Otis. I would need a little help from my girls, though. I picked up my phone from off the table and called Lani.

“Hello,” she answered on the fourth ring.

“Hey sis,” I said excitedly. I hadn’t talked to her ass all morning.

“Nothing what’s up?” she asked.

“Otis’s birthday is coming up next week and part of the gift I want to do is make him a scrapbook with pictures of me. Like for each picture, a different outfit, background, and stuff,” I said excitedly.

‘Bitch and where do I fit in? You want me to be the damn camera girl?” Lani asked.

“Yeah hoe and I need you to help me with the outfits and stuff too,” I said laughing.

“Alright, so what you doing now?” Lani asked me.

“Nothing bored, Otis is about to leave too,” I said.

“Okay, we can start today, I’ll come get you and the baby. I’m going to call Tamika and ask her if we could do it at her house. So, we don’t have to worry about getting caught by Ty or Otis and them ruining the surprise” Lani said.

“Okay, we going to start getting ready now,” I said before hanging up.

I was already dressed, so all I had to do was bathe my baby and get her dressed. After I finished bathing her, I threw her on her cute little pink and white dress and her pink and white sandals. As soon as we made our way downstairs, Ka’lani was pulling up.

We ended up going to Sawgrass Mills Mall. I went in basically every store, from Victoria’s Secret and Foot locker to True Religion–you name it, I had it. We made it back to the car three hours later. I wanted to have a different way of dressing for each picture.

“I don’t know why the fuck I let your ass talk me into this shit, I’m tired as fuck,” Lani complained.

“Oh hush bitch, yo ass brought more shit than me,” I shot back.

We made it to Tamika’s house in another 45 minutes. When we got there, Kyla was there too. I walked in carrying all the bags while Lani held a sleeping Harmony.

“Leave it to Tisha to want to give her nigga a damn scrapbook with pictures of her for his birthday. Bitch how you know that nigga want to see all them damn pictures of you?” Kyla said laughing.

“Hoe please, you must not know my nigga,” I said. It was the truth. Otis ass was obsessed with me, and vice versa. This man would take pictures of me while I was sleeping, in the shower, eating, everything.

I took my baby from Lani and put her in the guest room. I closed the door all the way, because I knew we were going to be loud as fuck out here and I didn’t want to wake up my baby. When I got back in the room, the girls were going through the bags with the clothes and shoes that I had just bought.

“I already got the den set up. I got the backdrop that I borrowed from my brother since he does photography. So, each outfit will have a different background. The camera and everything is ready, we just waiting on you,” Tamika said.

“And bitch, no nude pictures, let’s keep it PG,” Lani said, eating some Lays chips with her pregnant ass.

“All y’all hoes done seen me naked before, so it don’t matter,” I said laughing.

I went to the guest room where my baby was sleeping and went inside the bag that I had packed from home. I jumped in the shower and stayed in there for about twenty minutes. When I got out, I put on my pink cotton robe that had a hoodie in the back. Underneath there, I was wearing a matching bra and thong set that I had just brought earlier from Victoria’s secret.