“Us, and you know that. Are you really going to leave?” I cried.

“I’ll be back, but to tell you the God honest truth, I don’t know where we stand. I’ll go and pick up Maya while I’m out,” and with that, he left.

I closed the front door and slouched down to the floor, crying my poor little heart out.

Mahogany Brooks

“Bae, you up?” I heard my husband groan from behind me.

His voice and his tugging had woken me out of my sleep. He’d gone out tonight with Miami, and I didn’t have a clue what time it was. All I knew was that he’d left a little after eleven at night. My eyes were still closed, and I was still lying in a sleeping position. I knew what Jabari wanted, but I was right in the middle of some good ass sleep that I was actually just able to get because my daughter thought that it was play time all day long. Her kicking had become more pain than enjoyment. There were nights when I would find myself up crying because she would be kicking the shit out of my ribs. Tonight just happened to be one of those nights.

My stomach was huge these days, and I wasn’t even at my nine month mark yet. Everyone who saw my stomach would always tell me that I looked nine months and like I was about to pop, but honestly, I still had a few more weeks to go.

“No. I was sleeping,” I answered with my eyes still closed, too afraid to open them because once I did, I knew that it would be almost impossible to go back to sleep.

I smelled weed on Jabari’s breath, which was a mixture of mint and liquor. I could smell the intoxicating smell of his cologne as well. Jabari and I were in a good space. That Kenyatta bitch had obviously tried to come to me with that information at my job a few weeks ago to knock me off my square, but it didn’t work. Of course, I spoke to Jabari about it, and he told me that it wasn’t his baby. If my man said that it wasn’t his baby, then it wasn’t his fuckin’ baby. Even if it was, I couldn’t be mad because that was Jabari’s past. I didn’t even know his ass back then.

I’m not condoning him making that woman have a miscarriage because I would never wish something like that on another woman. It wasn’t in my nature, no matter how much I couldn’t stand that silly bitch. I could definitely see me and her throwing down after I had this baby because something told me that she was going to linger around and try to stir up problems in our marriage. It’s like the bitch just popped the fuck up out of nowhere.

Honestly, I blamed Jabari’s hating ass mama. He could believe her all he wanted and make her out to be innocent all he wanted, but she was playing her part. Trust me, she was the one boosting that bitch’s head up and thinking that it was okay for her to play with me.

“Reach your hand back. Look at what I got for you,” he said, grabbing my hand and placing it on his dick.

I smiled big when I felt how hard his dick was. I could feel the veins in it and everything. My eyes finally popped open, and I looked at the digital clock on the dresser. It was almost three in the morning.

“Nigga, you just now getting home at three? Where the fuck were you?” I asked, turning my head back to look at him.

His hand lightly went for my neck, and he kissed me in the mouth. I was trying to argue, but he was kissing me, grinding his body onto me, and making it damn near impossible.

“Ssssh. You going to make my dick soft with all that shit,” he groaned after he placed a final kiss on my lips and reached down to pull my panties off.

“Where were you, Jabari?” I questioned.

“I told you I was out with Miami. We went to Tootsies. Swear we only went there to eat. That jerk chicken pasta be hitting. I didn’t touch on no bitches or nothing because I know that’s your next question. He beefing with his ole lady, so he wanted to go out,” he said, dick almost inside of me, but the last part of his sentence had me stopping him.

“Beefing how? What happened between him and Shae?” I asked.

“Mahogany, really? Now when my dick goes soft, and I can’t fuck you, don’t get mad. I ain’t trying to think about nobody else but you right now. Come here,” he said, grabbing me by my neck again.

My whole body was damn near on his chest with my back against him. His warm skin against mine was everything to me. I dropped it, only because I could feel myself dripping, and he was using his other hand to get his dick to slide inside of me. Once I felt it pushing its way in, I moaned and bit the shit out of his lips. Every time we fucked, I swear that first stroke brought water to a bitch’s eyes. His hand was still wrapped around my throat, and he was digging inside me, putting his weight into fuckin’ me. He was deep, hard, and quick with his strokes.

“Damnnnnnnnnnn,” I cried, never having that feeling before.

Jabari got better every time he fucked me. Something new always came from our love sessions. I think this was the first time since we had sex that I felt like I wasn’t keeping up. Like, it was honestly hard to keep up, but I couldn’t let him show me out.

“Damn, what? That shit feels good, ain’t it?” he asked with his mouth to my neck, and he bit me hard as hell on it.

I knew my light skin had marked up. All I could do was nod my head. The sex was so nasty, and it had just started. I was so gushy between my legs, and I couldn’t stop moaning. I felt like I was possessed. My legs started shaking like I was having a seizure, and before I knew it, I was having my first orgasm on his dick. He gently flipped my body over, putting me on my back. I was so uncomfortable and feeling like my baby was in my chest, but I wanted more of him, so I didn’t complain.

Jabari grabbed the balls of my feet and brought my legs up to me. With a huge, pregnant belly, I swear it didn’t stop a damn thing. My legs were spread open for him as if I was about to give birth in this room. He kissed my thighs and put that dick back inside of me, making me cry out in pleasure and pain.

“I’m hurting you?” he sweetly asked while he was still digging inside me.

For the first time, I could not keep up.

“Hmmmmm… no, not me! Just my pussy,” I moaned in all honesty.

He kissed my lips, my cheeks, my neck, anything he could find.