It had been about two weeks since Jashae had spent those few hours in jail, and truth be told, I didn’t know if she was back to her normal self. When I got that call from Miami telling me what had happened, I was shocked. It’s so crazy because Jashae never liked Taylor from the beginning. I had listened to a lot of her rants, especially when Vonte and Taylor got together, and turns out, she was right about her from the start. I could only hope that God blessed me with that same mother’s intuition when it came to my baby.

I still couldn’t believe that Shae had found Vonte’s bag in Taylor’s room. That was some sick ass shit, and to think that I actually cried when I saw on the news that she’d died in that car accident. Fucked up part about all of this is we’ll never really know why she took his bag. All I can say is the bitch was crazy.

My relationship with God wasn’t as strong as it should have been, but these days, I found myself talking to Him more than usual. I was constantly praying for myself and my child but also praying for Shae. I prayed that she would catch a break on all the fucked up things that continued to happen to her. For her to be such a good person, I swear bad shit was constantly coming her way.

“You not happy, baby?” I finally asked Jabari after the doctor had left the room.

My stomach was wiped off from the ultrasound, and I stood up, pulled my shirt down, and buttoned my pants back up. I was holding the ultrasound pictures in my hands, which I couldn’t wait to get copies of while Jabari pulled me into him.

“I’m happy, bae. I’m just fuckin’ around. I’ll take whatever you give me, but fuckkkkk, I wanted a son.” He groaned followed a laugh and a kiss on my lips.

I was happy, so happy that my cheeks were hurting from smiling so damn much.

“There’s always a next time,” I lied, knowing good and damn well that I didn’t even want to think about having another child.

I was only at my fifteenth week, with a while to go, and I was already complaining. I didn’t necessarily get any morning sickness, which was a good thing, but I was getting migraines just about every other day, the simplest foods give me heartburn, and don’t even get me started on my damn emotions.

Jabari smirked at what I said, not even giving it a comment, and then we all walked out of the room together.

“When you going to give my man a son? Bruh said he already got his name picked out and everything,” Jabari said to Shae after we were all back out in the parking lot.

“That’s because bruh is delusional. Like I told Miami, he has other things to be worried about than getting me pregnant,” Shae said while texting away on her phone.

She was still in her work clothes because, after this, she was heading back to the office. Shae was such a good friend because she left the office just to come over with us to the doctor and find out the gender with us. Shae could talk all the shit she wanted, but a man as fine as Miami, if he told you that he wanted a son, best believe you were going to do that. I knew Shae well enough to know that that son Miami was dreaming about was getting worked on every night.

“Yeah, aight, tell me anything. Where your security at? You know Miami doesn’t let you run the streets by yourself,” Jabari joked.

Shae put her cell phone in her purse after she gave Jabari the finger, and he laughed.

“He fired him after he let me get arrested on his watch,” she said.

We stood in the parking lot for a few minutes until she jumped in her car and headed back to work. I got in the car with Jabari, with hopes of us going somewhere to get something to eat because I was starving.

“Let me swing by my store right quick, and then we can go get something to eat,” he said and shot out of the parking lot.

I nodded, although that’s not what I cared to do. I knew that whenever he went to his store to che

ck up on business, it was never something that would take just a few minutes.

“Why you don’t call your mama and tell her the good news?” he asked, catching me off guard with his question.

“Ummm, I didn’t see you pull your phone out and tell your mama either,” I smartly retorted.

“Trust me, shorty, Ima tell her. I don’t really talk to her like that every day because she got her own shit going on back home in Atlanta, but this is big. She’s about to be a grandmother to my daughter, so Ima hit her up, and you should do the same with yours,” he said.

“I’ll pass. My mom and I aren’t as close as we used to be, and I guess that was both of our faults, especially since the phone works both ways. We really haven’t been the same since years ago when I left for college. I still love her, you know. We’re just not close,” I spoke.

I was ready for this conversation to end from the moment he even spoke on my mom. She was a sensitive topic for me. I had a lot of resentment toward her, especially since she lied to me about a lot of shit over the years. The main one being the lie she kept going for years, leaving me to believe that my daddy was in the army when he really wasn’t.

“And add on the fact that you’re mad at her about something,” he said and sat up in the seat, switching lanes now that he was jumping on the turnpike.

“Okay, Dr. Phil. Fuck is you trying to diagnose me with? As much pillow talking as we do, why are you bringing this shit up now? You act like I’m going around saying that I hate my mama. I just simply don’t deal with her like that. I’m around you every day. I don’t see you calling your mama, so why are you hounding me about calling mine?” I asked, getting annoyed with him.

“Shorty, it was just a fuckin’ question, yo. Obviously, I hit a nerve, so Ima just leave you the fuck alone. If I don’t call my ole girl, it’s for a reason. She wasn’t always the best mother to my ass growing up, so—”

“And mine was? Nigga, I was twelve, and she was still telling me that my daddy was in the army! Fuck outta here with that man! I didn’t find out until I was thirteen that her ass didn’t even have a clue who my real father was. Don’t speak on some shit that you don’t know about. Trust me, I don’t deal with her for a reason. Don’t try to tell me to fix my problems when you have yet to fix yours. You moved down to Miami for a reason, Jabari. You not even from here, you’re from Atlanta. Yeah, you left to open a business down here, but we both know that you left to get away from your mama too!” I snapped.

Maybe I was keeping it too real with him because I could tell by the way that he was flexing his jaw that I’d hit a nerve. He didn’t say shit else to me, though. Instead, he just turned the music up in the car, basically preventing me from saying anything else to his ass. Not even a whole hour had passed since he and I found out that we had a daughter on the way, and we were already beefing. I really wanted to see if he and I could go a whole day without being at each other’s throats.