“Run the bath water, Choc. I want to take a bath together,” I let her know.

She finished wiping the blood away from my face and finally placed a small bandage right above my eyebrow before she walked away. The tub inside this bathroom was big enough to fit at least five people. While she got the water ready, I headed out to the bedroom to get my Backwoods, my stash of weed, and take that shot that I was talking about.

Taniya was in her bedroom down the hall knocked out, so I didn’t have to worry about her coming in and cockblocking. True to his word, Jabari was somewhere on the strip at a casino gambling while Mahogany was a few doors down in her room sleeping. My ole boy liked to take chances with his money as well and gamble, so he joined Jabari.

I made a lot of money, but I would never be too comfortable to want to gamble with it. I’ll play a little something here and there at a slot machine, but that was the most that I would do.

Just as I was taking the shot, a phone started ringing in the bedroom. I knew it was Shae’s from the ringtone. It was damn near two in the fuckin’ morning, and I knew that it wasn’t her daddy or her grandmother calling her. I felt like it was Trip calling, so I walked over to where she had her phone resting on the bed. Whoever was calling, they were video calling her. After licking the Backwoods good, so I could have a perfectly rolled blunt, I answered the call with the phone in my hand and the blunt between my lips.

It definitely was this silly ass nigga calling. When he saw that it was me on the phone, one would have thought that he saw a fuckin’ ghost. He shot up quick as hell from the bed, looking like if he could kill me through the phone, he more than likely would. It was dark as fuck in his room, but the light coming from my screen made it a little bit easier to see him. He was so pressed about Shae that this nigga was really calling her from a phone that he wasn’t even supposed to have.

“I thought I gave you a cut off time, nigga. It’s 1o:30 at night here in Vegas, which means that it’s 1:30 in the morning back home. Fuck you doing call her this late?” I asked.

The blunt was between my lips now, and I was using the lighter that I’d left on the bed to light it.

“Nigga, you trippin’. You act like I’m calling some random bitch! I’m calling to speak to my fuckin’ baby mama. Somebody I been rocking with since you were living in that little ass two bedroom apartment with your folks. Quit playing with me, Miami, like I’m some square ass nigga,” he barked.

“Baby? Miami, what are you doing?” Shae called out.

I took a pull from the blunt and walked inside the bathroom where Shae was. She was in the tub already, soaking in the bubbles that she had filled the tub with, and her head was laid back. I’m not sure if she knew that I was on a video call with Trip, but she didn’t say anything. I flipped the screen on her for about two seconds and then put it back on me and took a seat at the edge of the tub. When Shae saw what I was doing, she released a sigh, but she didn’t say anything.

“That’s who you calling to speak to? She looks interested in speaking to you, nigga? I’m just having a hard time understanding why the fuck you calling. Answer me this. You sent that bitch ass nigga to her spot a few weeks ago?” I asked, and then he chuckled on the phone.

“Yeah, I did that shit for him to kill your ass. It’s obvious his ass didn’t follow through, so I’m going to hit him up again. I ain’t stopping until I get the phone call that they killed your bitch ass. What’s so crazy, Miami, is that you pulled this shit when I got locked up. You knew that if I were still in the streets, I would have killed you for even looking at my girl, and—”

“Pussy, I been looking at your girl since the moment you introduced me to her, and you ain’t kill me yet! I nicknamed your girl Choc right in front of you and called her that shit right in front of you on plenty occasions. You ain’t hard the way you think you are, homie. Listen, I done already said enough. Add me on your visitation list. I want to talk to you man to man,” I let him know.

“Fuck you, nigga! We ain’t got shit to talk about!” he barked.

“Motha fucka, we got everything to talk about!” I barked back, just as loud and stood up from the edge of the tub. “You sent that bitch ass nigga to my girl’s spot, and he put hands on her like she was a grown ass man! Fuck you mean we ain’t got nothing to talk about, yo? You called that shot, so I want to talk. Telling you over the phone that I ain’t going to play when it comes to Shae is one thing, but looking you in your eyes in person, so you can fuckin’ feel me is another.

“What? You don’t think I got p

eople locked up in there with you too? Shae ain’t even have to tell me about you dragging her in visitation because one of my homies called me and let me know. Trip, if I wanted a motha fucka to shank you tonight, I could make that happen, but out of respect for Vonte and Shae, I let your bitch ass live. Don’t think because a nigga got millions now that I done turned pussy. It’s whatever you want to do!” I let him know.

“Fuck you mean Dino put his hands on Shae? What the fuck are you even talking about?” he asked, playing dumb.

“Oh, so now you stupid, right? Listen, add me on your list because I’m sick and tired of playing fuckin’ games with your ass, aight? Next time you call, I just want to hear you telling me that you added me and that I can come. Other than that, we don’t have a fuckin’ thing to talk about. You definitely don’t have shit to be talking to Shae about either. Enjoy your night, nigga.”

I tossed the phone on the bathroom cabinet, and this time, I took a long ass pull from my blunt. I could feel Shae’s eyes on me, and I knew that she was dying to say something.

“What?” I demanded.

“Miami, I just feel like you’re making it worse. Trip already had Dino run up in my house after you provoked him, so now what? Every time you piss him off, you put him in a situation to do something reckless. I’m not trying to defend Trip. If anything, I just want to protect you and me. I want to protect what we are trying to build. Not even fifteen minutes ago, you put something in the air about us having children. How the hell can I even make a decision like that when I feel like we are living dangerously. I’m changing my phone number as soon as we get back home,” she snapped and then stood up from the tub, soap suds all over her naked body.

She snatched up her towel from the rack and wrapped it around her body. I didn’t even say shit. I just watched her stomp out of the bathroom and slam the bathroom door, leaving me in this bitch on my own. There I was, thinking that I was getting ready to receive the best ride of my fuckin’ life in this tub, but I done pissed her off, and now I was getting ready to go to bed without any pussy.

Any other time, I would have probably just powered off her phone and left the shit alone, but I’d been dying to speak to this nigga for months. Since the whole thing happened with Dino, I hadn’t spoken to Trip, so this was just shit that I had been holding in for some time.

I finished off the blunt then went over to the shower and turned it on. I didn’t step inside until the mirrors started fogging up from the steam. I loved my showers extra hot. That bitch had to feel similar to hell for me to get in. Once I knew it was, I stepped inside and let the water beat down on every part of my body. I thought about a lot of shit while I was in there.

I thought about the new enemies that I’d made because of my choice to pursue Shae. I thought about how this shit was going to end. I was smart enough to know that somebody was going to die in this shit. Trip had them niggas so fuckin’ trained and brainwashed that they thought killing me was going to make them respected or feared in the streets. I, on the other hand, I had a whole fuckin’ family that I needed to live for and protect, so the fight that was in me wasn’t the same as those niggas. They were willing to go to war for street cred, while I was willing to go to war to protect anything and anyone around me.

After almost twenty minutes, I was finally done with my shower. With the towel wrapped around my waist, I walked over to the sink to brush my teeth, use the oils that I put in my hair at night for my waves and my beard, and then I put on my do-rag.

All of the lights were off in the bathroom. I ended up having to use the flashlight from my phone to have some type of light in there. Shae was sleeping or pretended to be sleeping while I dropped the towel and stepped into my pajama bottoms. I went over to the bedroom door, made sure that it was locked, then climbed in the bed with Shae and pulled her to me.

“Don’t sleep with your back to me, shorty,” I said after turning her and making her face me.