“Why you up? Go back to sleep,” I said, acting nonchalant as I put the trunks inside the suitcase.

Her pretty, sandy brown, curly hair was all over her head, but the shit was sexy. Mahogany turned on the lamp, so I could see the sad look on her face mixed with a small pout. She was naked, but it was cold in the room, so some of the sheet was on her body. She was dead ass tired but was going to deprive herself of sleep just to see what I was doing. She watched me as I packed, putting outfits inside the suitcase that I had on the bed.

“Bari, where you going?” she quizzed. She pulled out a pair of the swimming trunks that I’d packed and held it in her hands.

“Vegas. Shorty, I told you that damn near three times. Why you taking my shit out the suitcase, bae? I’m already running late as it is. Go back to sleep for me, please,” I said as nicely as I could because I didn’t want to beef with her hours before it was time for me to go.

“You’re really not going to take me? Jabari, I thought you were playing,” she said.

I knew she thought that all along, which is why I was trying to sneak out of this bitch.

“Bae, you pregnant, man! Motha fuckas going to be smoking and shit. You don’t need to be around all of that,” I said.

She sucked her teeth, and then she felt around the bed as if she was looking for something. She found the tank top that I had on last night, and she pulled it over her head before she stood up. Although Mahogany had just turned thirteen weeks pregnant yesterday, you couldn’t tell because her stomach was still somewhat flat. Like right now, she had a very small bump that you had to be really close up on her to see. I knew she was pregnant because of her fuckin’ hormones; her skin had a different type of glow to it, her appetite had picked up a little bit, and the greatest one of all was that pussy. Swear I couldn’t stay out of that shit. I used to think niggas were cappin’ when they swore on that pregnant pussy.

“Then I won’t be around it. I can just—”

“You can just what? Sit in the hotel room and wait for me to get back? That’s what’s going to happen if you go because I ain’t about to have you roaming the streets by yourself in a whole other city that you not even from. They smoke and shit at the fight too, and that’s the main reason why we’re going. You can’t go, shorty. I’ll take you wherever you want to go when we get back,” I let her know.

I was trying to say any and everything to her for her to come to grips with the fact that she wasn’t going. She stood up from the bed, and I assumed that she was going in the bathroom, but she went inside the closet. Mahogany had mainly been staying with me since she found out she was pregnant. She barely went home, which was fine with me because I didn’t want her to go. When she came back out, she was holding a suitcase in her hands.

I sucked my teeth and shook my head as I walked over to her. The bag had clothes in it, and her pregnant ass had the nerve to be carrying that heavy shit, so I snatched it from her hands. I accepted the fact that Mahogany and I had a baby on the way, so with that said, when I had free time, I did a lot of reading. I wanted to pay attention to the things that she should and shouldn’t do. Like, holding a big ass piece of luggage with clothes in it was definitely some shit that her ass shouldn’t be doing.

“See, I was trying not to argue with your ass, but you trippin’. What part of you not going, don’t you understand? I ain’t saying you can’t go because I want to be an asshole, I’m saying it because I care too much about your wellbeing for you to be out there around that type of shit—”

“And because you want to fuck on other hoes while you’re out there!” she yelled, and her voice cracked.

I knew she was about to start that hormonal bullshit.

“Aww, man. Here the fuck we go again,” I said right before I laughed.

She really thought that she could cry and bitch her way out of everything. What happened to that tough bitch I met in the club the first time? The one who talked all that shit and made me pull my dick out in front of her. Sometimes I missed her, and that was a strong sometimes because not all the time did I miss it. I had to refrain from slapping the shit out of her ass on one too many occasions.

“It’s not funny!” she cried and pushed me. “How you just going to leave me, nigga? On top of that, you were going to try and sneak out while I was sleeping. I don’t want to go three days without you. I want to go,” she said, looking up at me with those big ass, beautiful, sleepy eyes. She wrapped her arms around my waist and peered up at me for my final answer, but I still shook my head no. If she kept on, she was going to make me give in, and I was trying to avoid that.

I was trying to go to Vegas, bet on this fight with Miami although it was for charity, spend some big ass money on gambling, and double everything that I dished out. With Mahogany there, I swear I wouldn’t be able to do all of that. I would feel bad knowing that she was in the hotel room waiting on me.

She let me go, and then she got back in the bed, pulling the covers over her body. I avoided eye contact with her the whole time because she was watching me pack as if she was waiting for me to look at her, so she could make sure I saw the sad look in her eyes. Thank God, my phone rang. I looked at the screen, and I saw that it was Miami calling.

“What’s good?” I answered the phone.

“Ain’t shit. I was just calling to make sure you were ready. The jet is leaving with or without your ass. You changed your mind on letting Mahogany go?” he asked.

“Fuck, no! I’m stuck now, trying to get out of here in peace. She ain’t making it easy either,” I said, looking dead at her because I wanted her to know that I was talking about her crazy ass.

“Mannnn, let that girl go! You trippin’. I’m bringing Taniya, so Mahogany can watch her. That works out both ways because she can watch her for the fight. I didn’t want to expose her to that yet,” Miami said, and I let out a grunt.

“Trust me, nigga, at night, you gon’ to wish you had your shorty there with you. You going to thank me in the long run. See you in an hour, nigga,” he said and hung up the phone.

“Go take a shower. I’ll finish packing your clothes in this bag,” I said, referring to her bag that was sitting on the bed.

With a smile on her face, she climbed over to me and jumped in my arms. Her arms went around my neck, and I held her up with one arm around her waist while I accepted all the kisses that she placed on my lips.

“I knew you would change your mind. Nigga, I planned to wrap my body around your leg as you walked out the door. I wasn’t about to let you leave me. I need you. We need you,” she said and put my free hand on her stomach. That shit turned me on, man.

My dick bucked at the sound of her saying that shit. I ain’t never have a woman tell me that she needed me and to say it with so much passion too. Holding her up, I pushed the clothes out of the way and laid her down on the bed. She looked up at me with nothing but love in her eyes.

“We’re going to be late,” she moaned as I removed my shirt that she was wearing over her head.