I could hear the seriousness in his voice. Only time I ever heard this nigga be serious was when my ole girl died and when he called me and told me that Mahogany was pregnant. Jabari was a jokey ass nigga, always feeling the need to play around and shit, so hearing him like this caused me to sit up in the chair. When the flight attendant walked and inquired if I needed anything, I put my finger up for her to give me a minute.

“You know where I’m at. I’m on the jet, on my way home. What’s good, nigga?” I aggressively asked him. I knew it was a problem. I could feel that shit.

My heart started beating like a motha fucka, and I could feel sweat beads starting to form on my forehead because I knew he was getting ready to tell me some bullshit.

“It’s Shae, she—”

“She what? What the fuck happened?” I asked, cutting him off.

It was the way he started the sentence off that I didn’t like. I knew it would be bad. Even though I had just talked to her before I boarded the flight and she told me she was going to sleep, I was smart enough to know that was well over two hours ago, and anything could happen in that amount of time.

“I don’t know all the details yet, but a nigga somehow got into the house, and he did her dirty, man. He left her face gruesome. I just got to the hospital with Mahogany, and I couldn’t even stand to see shorty looking like that, so I had to walk out and—”

“Put her on the phone,” I said.

By this time, I was pacing the aisle of the jet. Angry wasn’t even the right word to describe how I felt. A nigga was so fuckin’ mad that I could cry. I leave town for not even twenty-four hours, and my girl gets violated. Fucked up part about all of this is that Shae didn’t have beef with nobody, so whatever nigga had touched her was obviously looking for me.

I had literally just talked to shorty. She was on the phone telling me how she couldn’t wait for me to get back home. I had just made love to her ass early this morning before I left. I loved God deeply, but dammit, I was questioning his motives right now. Why was Shae all of a sudden his target? Shit was happening back to back to her, but for what? What was the purpose of all this shit? I would have thought that whatever negative shit could possibly happen in her life would be put on hold, especially after losing Vonte, but nah, fucked up shit was still happening.

“The cops and shit in the room with her. It’s a gang of people in there, including the doctor and all those fuckin’ nurses and detectives, so—”

“Bari, I sound like I give a fuck about all that shit right now, nigga? For my fuckin’ sanity, put my shorty on the phone, so I can hear her voice, yo!” I barked.

I heard him release a sigh, and then I heard some shuffling on his side of the line. I swear it felt like ten minutes had gone by before I heard…


I could hear that she was still shaken up. Her voice was raspy, and she sounded weak.

“Choc, I’m sorry. I swear to God, I’m sorry. I should have never left you there by yourself,” was the only thing that I could think of to say.

Although there was more, I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that someone had the fuckin’ balls to touch her. That wasn’t Trip’s shorty no more, she was mine, and I had made that clear too.

“Miami, where are you? I need you.”

Hearing her say that shit, I swear my heart broke. She needed me when this shit happened, and I was in a whole other fuckin’ city. As a man, when it was your job to be your shorty’s rock, and some shit happened like this, you couldn’t help but feel worthless. I felt like I had failed her.

“This plane should be landing in less than twenty minutes. Who did this shit to you? Do you know?” I asked her.

“It was Dino. The officers checked the front door, and they told me that he was able to get in by picking the lock. I’m so dumb. I should have put the alarm on, and none of this would have happened. This is all my fault,” she said and then burst out crying.

Her tears tugged at my heart.

“Fuck you mean this is your fault, Shae? Ain’t none of this shit your fault, yo. We don’t even have to say the shit, but we both know who put the battery in his fuckin’ back to do the shit. I tried to be nice to that nigga over the phone because had I lost you, I know I would have been feeling fucked up too, so I was trying to take his feelings into consideration. At the same time, I’m not about to let that nigga think that I’m some fuckin’ easy target and he can pull shit like this. I want him to call you becaus

e I want him to add me on his visitation list. I need to put a birdie in his ear. Fuck, man!” I yelled and swung my arm, but didn’t hit shit.

I can’t explain to you what I was feeling. I had Shae’s heart, so I was naturally hurt by this shit along with her.

At the hospital

I ran toward the elevator doors and hoping on like I was seconds away from Shae having my baby, and I didn’t want to miss the arrival of our child. If I could have flown the fuckin’ plane myself, I would have done that because that’s just how badly I wanted to get to this hospital, especially since I’d already missed out on so much.

The security at the hospital front desk quickly checked me in, and before he could fully let me know which room Shae was in, I took off. When the elevator doors opened, about three detectives were walking my way. I gave them a head nod, and I kept on walking. Jabari was the first face that I saw. Just like he’d told me over the phone, he was standing outside with a weary ass look on his face.

When I was close enough to him, nothing needed to be said. We gave each other a pound, and I walked inside. Everybody was inside Shae’s room; her grandmother, her ole boy, and Mahogany. For the longest, I purposely tried to look everywhere but in her direction, because I was actually scared to see her face. I didn’t want to see that nigga’s handiwork. It was only so much stalling that I would be able to do because this room wasn’t that big. The room was quiet as hell. Only sound was from the machine inside the room. I walked over to Shae, and her eyes were closed. She was in a deep sleep.

Looking down at her, I wouldn’t even lie and say that my eyes didn’t become misty. Her upper lip was busted, and I could see the dried blood. I wasn’t even sure what happened on the right side of her forehead, but there was a big bandage covering the wound. Her entire face was swollen, and black and blue bruises took up just about every spot on her face. I looked down at her hands, which had scratches, and that alone showed me that she was in there fighting for her life.