It was the way that his ass would go about it, though. Make it seem like he was doing me a fuckin’ favor and talking down on my ass whenever he did the shit too. He would drop by and visit me as a kid, probably once every two months.
I swear I didn’t see how him and Miami’s ole boy are brothers because the two of them are like night and day. As a little boy, I used to wish that God would have given me Miami’s daddy and given Miami mine. Because my mama was forced to pretty much raise me on her own, she lived by the term, ‘get it by any means necessary.’ I can’t tell you how many friends or uncles I met as a little boy. Mannn, I can’t tell you the many nights that I had to put a pillow over my head so that I wouldn’t have to listen to my ole girl in the next room getting fucked. A couple of times, I came home from school and caught her down on her hands and knees, just so she could get some money to pay the rent.
The shit that I went through as a little boy, I would say that in a way, it turned me cold. My ole girl and the shit that she had to do for money turned me into ice, and when I got older, the shit that I would see her do just stuck with me, so I guess you could say that’s why I never really wanted anything serious out of a woman.
At thirty-two years old, I’ve never in my life been in a relationship. No woman ever made me want to break down, throw in my player’s card, and be on some monogamous type of shit. It’s a bit of a stretch, but if I had to be on that type of shit with any woman, it would be this woman who had me sitting on her couch, knowing good and damn well that she didn’t even want me here.
Damn near an hour had gone by before I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I played a lot of fuckin’ games when it came to these women, so I knew what Mahogany was up there doing. Had I been a dummy, I would have just said fuck it and left. She thought that if she took a long ass time to come down, I would just probably get up and leave, but what she failed to realize was that I didn’t have anywhere that I needed to be. I was in no hurry to get home and eat because shorty just said that she was getting ready to cook something.
There were a couple of bathrooms here for me to take a shower, and I knew for a fact that she had spare toothbrushes. When she finally made it down, I smelled her before I saw her. Not even sure what type of fruity ass shit her ass had on, but it made my dick jump. I looked behind me, and she was standing in the kitchen scratching at her hair, that was now pulled up in a bun as she looked at me. She wore this itty- bitty tank top that fit more like a crop top, and because she wasn’t wearing a bra, I could see the piercings on her nipples along with the piercing that she had on her belly button. The little spandex shorts that she wore literally left little to the imagination because I had the perfect view of her camel toe.
“I was hoping you would be gone by now,” she mumbled, but I heard her good and clear.
I didn’t even bother to respond; I just stoo
d up from the couch and made my way into the kitchen where she was now over by the sink washing the salmon that she was more than likely going to prepare for dinner. For five minutes, I didn’t say shit. The only sounds coming from inside was the TV along with the little noise that she was making in the kitchen.
“Still ain’t going to tell me what the problem is?” I finally asked.
She had the salmon on a cutting board, and she was seasoning it. Mahogany looked up at me, and then she released an annoyed sigh.
“How many bitches are you fuckin’ right now? Including me,” she finally threw out.
“I’m not sure. Why you asking?”
“Wowwwww! You fuckin’ that many bitches that you can’t even throw me a number?” she asked, and I could hear the anger and the annoyance all in her voice.
“Shorty, how many niggas you fuckin’ right now, including me? You not innocent in this bitch either!” I was getting mad now. She had an attitude with me, yet she was doing the same shit that I was doing.
“You’re the only person that I’ve been messing around with for the past two months. The feel of my pussy should tell you that! Listen, I told you that I didn’t want to talk about this shit in the first place. I don’t even know why I let myself get in my feelings from the jump,” she went on to say.
“Because you’re a female with fuckin’ emotions, that’s why! I keep telling your ass that you not a nigga. You can’t do the shit that I do,” I let her know.
“What exactly is that supposed to even fuckin’ mean? I have no understanding as to why you feel that men are so fuckin’ superior when it comes to women,” she said, dropping the seasonings that were in her hands and giving me her undivided attention.
“I ain’t never make it seem like men are superior when it comes to women. Y’all have one of the hardest fuckin’ jobs in life, which is to carry a baby, so I’ll never make it seem like that. I have just been around a lot of fuckin’ women to know that y’all have feelings. If you feeling a nigga, just say that. Why we gotta do all of this shit for you to express your feelings?” I asked.
“And you express yours, right? Jabari, let’s not pretend that you didn’t catch a whole fuckin’ attitude with the dude at Five Guys a couple of months ago when you were out with one of your bitches, and you saw him looking at me. You’re here, right now at my house, after I’ve told you more than once to get out, so that’s gotta mean something. You don’t strike me as the type of nigga to stay someplace where he knows he’s not welcomed,” she said.
“Because I need to know what the problem is, so I can know whether to leave you the fuck alone or to keep doing whatever we’re doing. Let’s not get shit confused, Mahogany. Your pussy, your conversation, your time and all of that is good, but you ain’t the only woman who can give me that,” I humbly let her know.
She let out a sarcastic laugh, and then she shook her head.
“So, why the fuck are you still here then? Go find that bitch with a better pussy than mine, better conversation, and time! It’s obvious that you haven’t found her yet, which is why you’re still here!” she yelled.
“Ay, fuck you, shorty! You obviously got daddy issues, and you’re taking that shit out on the wrong nigga. Don’t make me the one to blame because of whatever daddy issues you got!” I shot back and stood up at the same time.
I could see where this conversation was going, and before I fucked around and chocked her the fuck out, I figured that it was time that I got the fuck out. Her silly ass didn’t want me there anyway.
“Fuck you too! If I have daddy issues, then you have mommy issues, nigga. No woman ever loved your stupid ass, so you don’t know how to love a woman. Get out!” she yelled.
Not going to lie, she hit the nail right on the head, but I’d never let her know that shit.
“And a nigga never loved your skinny ass either. You let me hit that shit the second time I met you! We don’t take bitches like you seriously. We don’t wife hoes like you!” I snapped, and the second I said it, I regretted it.
Swear I didn’t even mean that shit. Mahogany could play like she didn’t give a fuck about what I thought, but I knew she did. I knew that last statement would shut her the fuck up, that’s why I said it, but I swear I didn’t mean that shit. I thought nothing less or nothing more of Mahogany when she let me hit it the second time we were around each other. When I was around her, jokingly, I would call her an evil bitch and let her know that she didn’t have any feelings. Although I said it in a joking type of way, it always held a little truth to me.
I wish you could see the look on her face when I said that shit. Her eyes watered, and then she looked down and finished what she was doing with the salmon. Any other time, she would have some sort of slick ass comment to say back to me, but this time, she didn’t have anything. I was man enough to admit when I was wrong, and when it came to this shit, I was definitely wrong.