I loved the fuck out of Trip, but I’ll be a lie to say that I’m not holding a grudge against him. That man left me and my ole girl. Put my mama in a situation to have to do all this shit by herself. I gotta give it to her, though. She made this shit look so fuckin’ easy, although I knew it was not easy raising a man on her own. I’m expensive too. Not that I asked my ole girl for expensive shit because I don’t, but with me playing basketball, it was always something that I needed. Whether it be new shoes, the team getting new uniforms, whatever it was, and she made it possible. That’s why I couldn’t understand for the life of me how Trip could get mad at my ole girl for saying that she was tired. At the end of the day, it wasn’t my place to say anything, so I stayed out of it.

“Baby, come on. Ask her for me. I want to get out of the house tonight. I’m just trying to spend as much time as I can with you these days because once you go off to college, our relationship is going to be long distance,” Taylor whined into the phone.

I paused the game and looked at her. She was on the screen in only her sports bra and some boy shorts. Taylor was seventeen like me. We shared the same birthday, but shorty didn’t look her age. She could pass for a twenty-four-year-old, and to me, that was a good thing. She had a young mama, just like my ole girl was young, but her mama was thirty-four. Her mama, Allison, let Taylor do whatever the fuck she wanted. Her mama would let me spend the night and all. My ole girl didn’t play that shit, though. She’ll tell me in a minute that I wasn’t about to play house with a bitch in her house. I found myself laughing because my ole girl stayed on top of me the same way that a father would stay on top of his daughter. Although she had me very young, my ole girl didn’t play that shit.

“Hold on. Let me go and ask her,” I said, and then I dropped the phone on the bed.

We lived in a two-story house, and my ole girl’s master suite was downstairs. I left my room and jogged down the steps to her room. When I walked in, I saw that she was underneath the covers, a glass of Pink Moscato was sitting on her nightstand that was half empty, and she was watching her favorite movie, Love Jones. When she saw that I entered the room, she paused the TV and looked up at me.

My ole girl was beautiful. Trip called her a black Barbie doll when the two of them were on good terms because that’s exactly what she looked like. She had this nice, chocolate skin, and then her eyes were a light brown color. My mom had long, straight hair that went all down her back. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her wear weave a day in her life. When we were out together, people just automatically assumed that she was my big sister. People would damn near want to see proof that I was her seventeen-year-old son. That’s because my ole girl had a youthful face. She could pass for some of the seniors that I went to school with.

“What’s wrong?” was the first thing she asked me.

“Why something got to be wrong? I can’t just come in here with the most beautiful woman in the world?” I asked, climbing in the bed and lying next to her.

“Now I know you want something. What do you want, Giovonte?” she asked, calling me by my full name, so I knew she was serious. I was usually Vonte to her.

I released a sigh and ran my hands through my little chin hair that were sprouting.

“Can I hold your car to take Taylor to the movies tonight? I have been in and out of practice and school all week, Ma. I just want to be able to kick my feet up tonight, you know?”

She looked at me long and hard, and I could tell she was mentally trying to weigh her options. I was a good driver, never even tapped anyone else’s car when I drove. At least, I drove like I had some sense when I had my ole girl in the car with me. Aside from that, I had the windows down, music blasting, seat laid back, all that.

“You can kick your feet up here. Tell her to come over here, and y’all can watch a movie in the den,” she voiced.

“You know you don’t want that girl over here,” I said, looking down at her.

“At least you know. Giovonte, if you so much as get a scratch on my car, I’m killing you. Don’t eat in my car, don’t put it in sport and start driving all fast, none of that. The keys are on the hook,” she let me know, and I pulled her into me then kissed her on her cheek.

“Thank you, Mama,” I said before I stood up.

“You have money?” she asked and reached over to get her wallet that was in her nightstand drawer.

“I got money, ma,” I let her know before I closed her door and jogged back up the stairs.

When I retrieved my phone, Taylor was still on the line.

“She said I can drive it. I got to take another shower and get dressed. I’ll text you when I’m on the way,” I told her.

“Okay, baby. I love you,” she announced.

“I love you more,” and just like that, I hung up the phone.

Two and a half hours later

“Yo, you can’t pick no more movies! That movie was dumb as fuck!” I voiced the moment Taylor and I walked out of the movie theater.

We were in the parking lot, and she was in front of me, while I stood behind her with my arms wrapped around her from the back as we walked to the car together. Her laugh was contagious, so when she laughed, I did the same. She looked nice tonight. Not that she always didn’t look good, though. Tonight, she was in a gold maxi dress that was pretty long on her, so she had to hold the bottom of it when she walked. Because she had gotten cold inside the theater, I’d taken off my jean jacket, and she was still wearing it although it was too big on her.

Taylor knew how to do her own make-up, so she wore light make-up tonight. She had long, thick hair like my ole girl, and tonight she wore it pulled back into a low ponytail. From the moment I picked her up, I kept giving her compliments. I didn’t know what the fuck it was, but her beauty was on another level tonight. I wasn’t even giving her compliments because I wanted some pussy either. I was saying it because it was the truth.

“What? Baby, the movie was good. It was funny as hell,” she said, referring to Tyler Perry’s: A Madea Family Funeral.

I didn’t like it. The shit was corny as hell to me. I removed one arm from around h

er, so I could reach inside my pocket and pull out the keys to the car. Once the car was unlocked, we walked over to the passenger side door, which I pulled open for Taylor. I lifted her up from under her arms and sat her in the seat. Her legs were hanging outside the car, and I opened them a little bit so I could stand between them.

“You felt heavier tonight, shorty,” I said with my lips close up on her to the point where I could almost kiss her.