“What’s up, Choc?” I answered.

“Hey, are you busy? I wanted to see your daughter. You’ve been saying for the past few days that you were going to bring her. Plus, I wanted to show you what I did to one of my guest bedrooms,” she said, and I could hear the excitement all in her voice.

Shit was bittersweet for me because she was happy now, but I knew once she found out this information, she would be back sad.

“I was going to bring her, but she ended up catching a cold. We’re leaving the doctor’s office now,” I let her know.

“Aww. My grandma used to make this homemade soup for me when I was younger, and it always helped when I got sick. I used the same recipe and gave it to Vonte, and it always cleared up his colds. Bring her over, and I’ll make it. I have everything here that I’ll need,” she said.

“Alright, shorty. I’ll be there in about fifteen minutes. Do you need anything?” I asked.

“No, just come,” and with that, she ended the phone call.

On the way over, I drove with the radio off. I needed this moment alone with my thoughts. I planned to tell Shae this shit today because I didn’t want to string something like this out. This shit was real, and she needed to know it now. I drove a little slower than usual because I was trying to stall, but it was only so much stalling that I could do before I finally pulled my car into her driveway.

Those shots that they’d given my baby had knocked her ass out because she still hadn’t woken up yet. Even when I took her out of her car seat and carried her in my arms, she didn’t wake up. Holding my daughter up with one hand, I used the other hand to knock on the door. In another minute, Choc came to the door.

Shorty was in this bitch painting. She was in a pair of denim overalls with a white crop top underneath, which exposed her flat stomach on the sides. Low top white Converse were on her feet, and her long hair was pushed back with a denim headband on her head. Specks of paint were on her forehead, her arms, even some on her chest.

When she saw me, I didn’t even exist. She went right behind me to look at Taniya and to coo over her.

“She’s even more beautiful in person. Aww, they gave her a shot?” Choc asked, looking at the bandage that was on my daughter’s thigh.

“Yeah, that’s why her ass is knocked out. Where can I lay her?” I asked.

“You can put her in my room. The soup is going to take about another hour or so to finish,” she let me know.

I felt like she was back to her normal self as she talked to me. I remember the way to her room, so I walked down the long hallway, and once inside, I placed her in the bed and put the throw blanket around her. I kissed her fore

head a couple of times, and then I left the room. Walking down the long hallway, the door was opened to the room that Jashae was painting. I walked inside, and all I could do was shake my head because this shit was going to hurt her. She’d somehow gotten all of the furniture out of there and painted the walls a light pink color with a unicorn theme going on.

“I put the furniture on the Offer Up app, and someone came and bought all of the stuff this morning. This is going to be the nursery at my house. Do you like it?” she asked.

There was a big smile on her face when she asked it too. I’m not going to lie; she did a damn good job. I didn’t even know that she could pain this well, let alone draw. She’d drawn a unicorn on the wall, but it wasn’t done yet. I could already tell how nice it was going to be once it was done.

“Yes, it’s nice. Shorty, I got to tell you something,” I said.

“Okay, let me show you the clothes I got for my grandbaby first. Let me know if I overdid it. Mahogany keeps saying that I’m doing too much, especially since I don’t know if Taylor’s carrying a boy or a girl yet. I can just feel that it’s a girl. She’s going to give me the girl that I used to want,” she said, followed by a laugh.

She opened the closet door, and there was a shit load of clothes that she had hanging up on hangers, and they were all labeled from newborn all the way up to twenty-four months. She had jeans with jeans, dresses with dresses, even sorted the shit out by colors. I could only imagine how long something like this must have taken her.

“Too much?” she asked.

“Nah. When you love, you love hard, so that’s expected. Come here for a second, though. I want to tell you something.”

She picked up one of the denim dresses and walked over to me with it in her hands.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked.

“Taylor, that’s her name? I saw her earlier at the hospital when I was leaving the doctors office with Taniya,” I said, and she nodded.

“Is she okay? God, please tell me you’re not saying that you think she was having a miscarriage. It’s too early for her to be going in labor. Shit! I’m going to call her,” she said and tried to walk away, but I grabbed her arm, pulling her closer to me.

“Choc, it ain’t that. I saw her leaving the OBGYN with another nigga. Her boyfriend at that,” I said, basically giving her a look and pleading with her to read between the lines because I didn’t want to be the one to have to say this shit to her.

“Wow! I didn’t expect her to move on so damn fast. We just buried Vonte! You know what? It’s fine! These young girls don’t know shit about loyalty any fuckin’ way,” she went on to say.

I knew she was angry. I could tell by the way she wouldn’t stay her ass in one place.