“Man, get the fuck out of my face with that bullshit! You say that like Mahogany the only one I’m fuckin’. Fuck out of here yo before I hurt your feelings with them dirty ass feet and them too little sandals you got on.”

After that, I hung up. I hadn’t even realized that I was crying until I felt a tear hit my lip.

“What happened?” Jashae asked, and I just shook my head, basically telling her to leave it alone.

I used the bottom of my shirt to wipe my face. This shit was beyond me, so I had no idea why I was sitting in this passenger seat crying like a weak bitch. Jabari had no loyalty to me and vice versa, so technically, he was free to do whatever he wanted and whoever he wanted.

At the same time, it was more than just sex with us. Lately, it had been conversations, weed sessions, we even took our first shower together a couple nights ago. This man would suck the soul out of my pussy, fuck me like he loved me, beg me to coo

k for him, spoon me from behind, and snore loud as hell in my ear, but I was just another bitch that he was fuckin’.

I was so mad that I ended up blocking his number and I deleted it. I let his dumb ass come into my life, and I became weak, vulnerable, and I had even entertained the idea of loving someone other than myself.

Toddrick “Miami” King

It was a little bit after three in the afternoon, and I was leaving the pediatrician with my daughter. It was only her third day with me, and somehow baby girl had managed to get a bad ass cold. I hated that she had gotten sick because a lot of the shit that I wanted to do with her would have to be put on pause until she started feeling better. She had to get a shot at the doctor, and she screamed her way through that entire thing, so right now, I was carrying her in my arms as I left the doctor’s office, and I would bet my last dollar that she had fallen asleep.

I didn’t want to bother Tahira about Taniya’s cold because truthfully, I wanted her to enjoy her trip. Plus, I couldn’t get in contact with her if I wanted to because they were out there on the water with no type of service. The pediatrician office that we were leaving was located at Memorial Hospital, so there plenty of other doctor’s offices on the floor.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone who looked very familiar. Her stomach was poking out big too. Funny how she wasn’t with the nigga who we all thought was her baby daddy. She didn’t see me yet, but I saw her all hugged up with that nigga, smiling from ear to ear as they looked at something together that was in her hands, which was more than likely an ultrasound.

I looked at the office door that they were standing in front of, and it said OBGYN. I probably should have kept the shit pushing and minded my business, but somebody who I cared about deeply was tied in the middle of this shit, so I had to say something.

With my daughter in my arms, I walked over to them. I couldn’t remember shorty’s name, so when I approached them, I cleared my throat. She knew who I was because I could see the way her eyes damn near bulged out of her sockets when she saw me.

“Can I help you, nigga?” was the first thing that came from her dude’s mouth.

Everything about him, from those fake ass chains to those skinny ass jeans screamed how much of a pussy he was, so I wasn’t even offended by his disrespectful ass question.

“You actually can. Walk the fuckin’ floor while I talk to her for a second.”

“Fuck you, nigga! Do you know who I am?” he asked.

This time, I didn’t laugh because the shit he just said to me were fighting words. I did, however, pull down on my beard, and I stepped up, getting all in his personal space. The fact that he didn’t hit me when I walked up on him showed me that he was pussy. As a man, you never let another man get this close to you without knocking his ass out!

“You obviously don’t know who the fuck I am because I’m worth so much more fuckin’ respect than what you showing me. If I put this baby down, I’m guaranteed to put your ass down, and I doubt you’ll be able to walk again. Like I said, go walk the fuckin’ floor while I talk to her!” I said, mugging the fuck out of him while I talked too.

I wasn’t sure if it clicked to him who I was, or if he was just actually scared, but he ended up walking away. I waited until he got down to the end of the hallway and he turned before I chose to say anything to her.

“Who is that?” I finally asked her.

“Reggie. That’s my boyfriend” she said.

“That’s not what I’m asking you, and I think you know that. Who is that, meaning is he the father of the baby that you’re carrying?” I asked.

When I did, she put her head down in shame. That right there told me everything that I needed to know. Instantly, my heart went out to Choc because I knew she was looking forward to having a grandbaby on the way. A tear fell from her eyes, and she quickly wiped it away.

“Listen, it wasn’t supposed to happen like this. I was going to tell her, but—”

“But what? You got caught? Shorty, that’s lame as fuck, yo! That woman just lost her fuckin’ son, man. She was looking forward to meeting her grandchild. You don’t do no shit to nobody like that, especially not to somebody who just took the type of loss that she did. My ole girl used to warn me about broads like you when I was younger. She started preaching to me at a young age about how some women are going to love you for you and how others will love you for what you got! You wanted Vonte to believe that this was his baby because you loved him for what he had. You knew where his talents were going to take him. Now that he’s not here anymore and he isn’t useful to you or the baby, you put the child onto the next man. Just so I’m sure, this isn’t Vonte’s baby?” I asked her, and she shook her head, still crying.

“I’ll tell his mom,” she cried.

“Nah. Stay the fuck away! I got her,” and with that, I walked away.

My heart really went out to Choc. That was fucked up for her to do her like that. If it wasn’t fucked up to put my hands on women, pregnant women at that… Mannnn, Ima just leave it like that.

I finally made it into my car and put my daughter in the backseat. Like clockwork, my phone started ringing the second I pulled out of the parking lot. We talked her up because it was Jashae calling me. She rarely called me for shit, but when she did, I made it a priority to answer the phone for her.