It wasn’t even that Tahira lacked anything because shorty was fine with her dark chocolate skin, her naturally curly hair, her thick frame that was all hers, pretty white teeth. Her intelligence and her ability to raise the fuck out of my daughter and do a damn good job were all things that made her a good woman, but we tried that relationship shit, and it just didn’t work out. We were toxic as a motha fucka for each other, and once I felt like my freedom was at risk for being with a woman, I knew it was time to go.

“You staying in Miami? I thought you were going back,” I said because originally when we talked, that was the plan.

It didn’t matter what she did, as long as I got to keep my child for the week like we agreed.

“Just until tomorrow. I’m going on a cruise tomorrow with a friend, and we’re leaving out of Miami,” she let me know, and I nodded.

“Mommy has a boyfriend, Daddy,” my daughter said with her arm wrapped around Tahira’s leg.

That little girl loved the hell out of her mama. I remember being that way with my ole girl when I was Taniya’s age.

“Oh really? You met him yet?” I asked Taniya.

I heard Tahira suck her teeth when I asked that question.

“Nope, not yet. I talked to him on the phone, though. His name is Simon,” my daughter said, telling all of her ole girl’s information.

“His name is Simon, but he’s not my boyfriend. We’re just really good friends at the moment. His birthday is tomorrow, that’s why we’re going on the cruise. I know how you are about having her around people, so of course, I’m not going to have her around somebody that I didn’t even let you meet first. We know you and your rules,” she sarcastically said and rolled her eyes.

I didn’t give two fucks who or what Tahira dated, but because I was so overprotective of my daughter, I made it clear that she had to run that shit by me first. We hear too many fuckin’ stories on the news about little kids getting molested, and if it isn’t by a family member, half the time it’s by someone that the parent was dating. So, to prevent some sick shit like that from happening, I wanted to look a nigga in the eyes, put some fear in his heart, just to let him know that I wasn’t going to play behind my child!

I didn’t even bother responding to Tahira’s statement. Instead, I just put the bags in the trunk, helped Taniya get in her car seat, and like that, we were pulling out of the airport. I already had Taniya’s favorite movie, Boss Baby, ready, so all I had to do was press play. The movie had her attention, so she wasn’t paying Tahira and me any mind.

“I wanted to run something by you. My job is opening another office in Washington DC, and they want a few of us to go down there for five months to train some of the new workers at that office. I wouldn’t mind a change of scenery for a few months since I’ve been in LA my entire life. The only thing is, I have Niya. I could ask my mom to keep her while I’m away, but I figured that it would only be right for me to ask you first since you are her father. While I go to Washington for those five months, would you mind keeping her?” she asked.

“That’s my daughter, so of course I don’t mind. When is all of this supposed to happen?” I asked her as I jumped on the turnpike.

“Next month, on the fifteenth,” she let me know.

“I’ll be down there to get her a couple of days before that then. We’ll talk more about it when we get closer to the date,” I said, and at the same time, her phone started ringing.

“Hey, Si,” she cooed into the phone.

Not even on no jealous shit, but I turned the radio up a little bit. When I did that, she reached over me and turned the radio back down. Not even wanting to argue with her ass in front of my child, I let her have it, and I didn’t turn the music back up.

“We just landed about thirty minutes ago. Yes, he picked us up. You flew out of Washington, right?” she was asking this nigga a million and one questions, and then she kept laughing like she was on the phone with Kevin Hart or some shit. “Yes. I will. Okay, I’ll see you soon,” and then she hung up.

“That nigga from Washington?” I asked her the moment she got off the phone.

“Yes,” she said, and all I could do was sarcastically laugh and shake my head.

“That’s the real reason why you want to go to Washington for those five months, right shorty? To lay up under that nigga, huh? I mean, I can care less what you do on your personal time, shorty, but keep that shit one hundred with me. You don’t got to lie about no shit like that, yo! You always show a nigga reasons why I can’t trust you,” I let her know.

“Miami, please! Simon isn’t the reason why I took the offer, but he damn sure was a motivator in me deciding to go. I can already see where this conversation is going, so you can either pull over, and I can get an Uber to where I need to go, or you can drop me off there yourself, whichever one gets me out of this car faster,” s

he shot.

“Out of respect for my daughter, I won’t put your ass out on the side of the road. Where you need me to drop you off at, yo?” I asked.

I hadn’t even been around her ass for more than thirty minutes, and we were already about to be in this bitch arguing. Tahira could say whatever she wanted, but I knew she was taking that offer in Washington because that’s where that nigga was at. That’s cool and all, but when I looked through this shit with lenses on, it came off like she was dropping her daughter off to the side for some dick and to play house with that nigga.

Instead of answering my question, she just keyed the address into the navigation system that was hooked up to my car. It was the Four Seasons hotel on Miami Beach, which wasn’t too far from where we were. When I finally got to the hotel, Taniya had fallen asleep. Before Tahira left, she made sure to kiss our daughter a few times, let her know she loved her, and she walked into the hotel.

I wasn’t even stressing about the little mishap that just happened because I had my daughter with me, and that’s all that really mattered.

Mahogany Williams

“Oh, my Godddd. How cute is this? I have to get this. Mahogany, look at this one,” Shae said.