I don’t know what is going to happen, but I had to do something.

It was never going to end well.

At least this way, we’ll go down fighting.

Even if we all die.

Zuzu’s face flashes in front of me, and even though they’ve been using her to keep me docile, I know they’ll kill her too. They won’t have a choice. They’ll have to get rid of us all.

But Roger knows now.

He’ll tell Maddy and Gabe, and they’ll help us.

Gabe was an Army Ranger. He’ll know what to do.

He has to.


Chapter Twenty-Six


“You have a call,” the man tells me, bringing my phone into the room.

I stare at the phone in confusion.

“It’s him,” he adds.



I reach out my hand.


“What a nice greeting for your old friend. I hope you’ve been enjoying your time there.”

I’m silent.

The room is spinning, and I’m not quite sure if my head is sitting straight on my neck.

“Keep going,” he encourages me. “Once you get to the end, once you finish all the boxes, you will achieve two things. First, Zuzu will be sent back to her mother. Second, I will tell you what you want to know. Your mother’s last words. Keep going.”

The line goes dead.

He clearly didn’t want me to say anything incriminating on the recorded prison line. He took quite a chance to get me on the phone at all. He must’ve thought I was too doped up to focus.

That’s partially true.

I do pushups to pump the drugs through my veins faster.

I need to work it though my system so that I can get to the end.

I have to finish.

I have to save my daughter, and I have to hear my mother’s last words.