But he did.

“Love never fails,” I tell William simply. “Pax taught me that.”

“I wish I’d been there for him,” his grandfather says seriously, and now I see the source of his sadness. “All of those years.”

“You and Paul had issues about Susanna. Pax knows that. We’re both just glad that things are resolved now, and that everything is good,” I assure him. “Pax loves you, William. Very much.”

He nods. “And I love him. He’s really doing amazing things at Alexander Holdings. And he’s a wonderful father.”

“I agree,” I tell him. “He’s turned out very well. You should be very proud.”

“Oh, I am,” he assures me. “I am.”

He hugs me, and Pax hasn’t come back downstairs yet.

“It’s possible that he fell asleep while he was reading to Zu,” I tell him. “He does that sometimes.”

“It’s ok. Just please thank him for me, for this evening. I’m tired, and I hear my bed calling to me.”

I smile and he’s gone.

I hear the front doors close, and I see the brake-lights on his car disappear into the night.

I put him out of my mind as I turn off the lights, and turn on the alarm, making my way upstairs. I wake Pax, who had indeed fallen asleep in Zu’s pink room. He climbs into bed with me, and we snuggle together for sleep.

I want to tell him that we’re having another baby.

I’m dying to tell him.

But now is not the time. It’s late, and we’re tired. He’s asleep within minutes, and I’m left trying to think of a really cool way to tell him. Maybe Zuzu can make him a cute video? Or I can have a custom shirt printed?

I’m still brainstorming ideas when the phone rings an hour later.

I grab at it, because it’s late, and who is calling?

“Hello?” I say softly, eying Pax. It didn’t wake him.

“Hello, Mrs. Tate?” It’s an unfamiliar voice, although something about it seems like I’ve heard it before. “This is Natasha, Mr. Alexander’s housekeeper.”

This snaps me to attention. She’s never called me before.


“I’m so sorry to tell you… Mr. Alexander suffered a massive heart attack tonight. He’s gone. I’m so sorry.”

I’m stunned, and words won’t come out, and when they do, they feel like wood.

“Gone?” My fingers are numb.

“Yes. He died immediately. It was very quick. Is Mr. Tate with you?”

“Of course. He’s…” I look over. Pax’s eyes are open now, wide and hazel. He stares at me, waiting. “He’s right here. I’ll tell him. We’ll be right there.”

I hang up and Pax is waiting for me to explain, and tears well up in my eyes.

He reaches for me, and he knows something terrible has happened.

“It’s your grandfather…”