With a heavy sigh, I glance at the clock.

We should leave soon. I both dread it and want to get it over with.

I spray on some perfume and venture out of my room to find Brand.

What I find takes my breath away.

Brand is leaning against the windows, waiting for me, dressed in a perfectly fitted black tux.

My breath holds on my tongue as I stop dead in my tracks and shamelessly stare.

Sweet Mary. I thought that there was nothing sexier on the planet than Brand Killien. I was wrong. Brand Killien in a freaking tuxedo is unbelievable.

He’s lean, he’s strong, he’s tanned, he’s blond. His blue eyes meet mine, and he smiles.

“See something you like?”


My knees literally feel weak as I cross the room and kiss him softly on the lips.

He smells like the woods. And man. And Heaven.

“Maybe,” I answer with a grin. “Do you have plans tonight? Because I have this thing…”

He shrugs. “I could make myself available. I mean, I’m dressed for it and all.”

Yes, he certainly is.

I look him over again, at the way his shirt and jacket snugly skim his muscle, the way his pants hug his slim hips. I feel the butterflies fluttering around in my belly again, the adrenaline rush, rush, rushing through my veins.

He’s mine.

For tonight.

For the summer.

I glance down. “Where’s your knee brace?”

Brand shakes his head. “It’s there. Under my pants.”

“What else you got under there?” I purr, my hand running over his broad chest. Brand neatly catches my hand and restrains it with his own.

“Calm down, Tiger. As much as you’d like to distract me, we’ve got to get this dinner over with.”

I sigh and I feel my shoulders droop. “Fine. Raincheck, then.”

Brand’s lip twitches. “Shall we go?”


I nod. Brand takes a step and I stop in my tracks.

“Where are your crutches?”

“I’m not using them tonight, doctor. I’ve got the brace on. The doctor told me I could bear weight as tolerated. It’ll be fine.”

I stare at him.