The world is mine

It’s mine

It’s mine

It’s mine.

Forgive me, St. Michael

Protect me, St. Michael.

Forgive me forgive me forgive me.

The world is a dark dark tunnel.

It’s swirling and falling and crushing and

Forgive me, St. Michael.

I’ll do anything to save my brother.

Words from somewhere, words I’ve seen before, float into my head, in Finn’s scrawling writing.

Serva me, servabo te.

Save me, and I’ll save you.

Save me, Calla.

Save me.

Chapter Sixteen

“He’s gone, honey.”

I open my eyes and I’m staring at the wall, my phone in my hand. The darkness is gone, and I can see, and Dare’s arms are wrapped around my shoulder, holding me up. He’s not bloody now. His shirt is clean as new.

My dad stares at me, and he’s shocked, and how did he get here?


I turn my face to look at him, but looking at him makes it feel too real, so I close my eyes instead.

I can’t do this.

“Calla, they found Finn’s car. It’s in the bay. He drove off the edge… your mom was in the ravine, but Finn’s car plunged the opposite way. Down the rocks, into the water.”

No, it didn’t.

He couldn’t have.

“No,” I say clearly, staring at my father dazed. “He was wearing his medallion. He was protected.”

My father, the strongest man I know, turns away and his shoulders shake. After minutes, he turns back.

“I want to see,” I tell him emptily. “If it’s true, I need to see.”

Because he’s died before in my dreams, and then he was alive. I never know never know never know when I’m crazy.