Only it’s not death.

It’s Olivia Savage.

I can see her face now, and she waits in the light behind Dare’s shoulder.

She nods.

It’s time.

But it can’t be. Because Dare is here, and still holding my hand. He talks to me, he tells me everything that’s happened, and when he gets tired of talking, he hums.

The same wordless, tuneless song I’ve been hearing all along.

Death moves closer, one step nearer.

I try to cry out, but nothing comes.

I try again to open my eyes, but I can’t. And I can’t move my fingers.

It’s all too much.

Too much.

I think about getting frantic,

And I almost do.

But to keep calm,

I replay the facts in my head.

My name is Calla Price.

I’m eighteen years old, and I’m half of a whole.

My other half, my twin brother, my Finn, is crazy.

Finn is dead.

My mother is dead.

Dare’s mother is dead.

I’ve spent every summer at Whitley my entire life.

I’ve loved Dare since I was small.

I’ve been floating in a sea of insanity, and I can’t wake up.

I can’t wake up.

Dare is my lifeline.

He’s still here.

I focus every ounce of strength I have, trying to force my hand into gripping his, the hands that I love so much, the hand that has held mine for so long.

But I’m helpless.