The voices are insistent, more so than usual, more so than ever.


Time for what?

I buzz along the road from the cemetery, up the mountain to my home, where I linger in the trees and watch my sister as she says goodbye to Dare and waits for me. I know she’s waiting for me, because she always does.

And unless I do something, that’s what she’ll always do.


I suddenly know what to do, and I head along the path for the pier. It doesn’t matter that she wouldn’t go to the cemetery with me, because I know she would’ve tried if I’d forced the issue. She would’ve tried and she would’ve been miserable because she’s not ready. I can’t force her to be ready. It has to happen in order.

It has to happen in order.

There’s an order.







Sail away and don’t come back, a voice hisses. MakeHerSeeTheOrder.

Don’t, another one argues. ThisIsHerFaultHerFaultHerFault.

The voices argue and I let them, as I continue walking in the sea breeze toward the boat. I climb inside and lift the anchor.




When we get back home, I walk Dare to his house.

“Thank you for today,” I tell him softly. “I needed to get away.”

“You did,” he agrees with me. “And you still do.”

I swallow hard, because he’s right. I do need to get away, far from death and Astoria and here. But more and more, I feel that I can’t. I’ll never be able to truly get away, because I can’t leave Finn. Even if I follow him to MIT, I’ll still be surrounded by this forever.

But I don’t say that of course, because it’s depressing and he’d simply argue.

So instead, I simply lean up and kiss Dare’s perfectly chiseled cheek, wishing with all of my might that I could fold into his arms and he could comfort me and kiss me and hold me forever.

But I can’t because we’re waiting.

Waiting for me to work through something that can’t be worked through.

Dare disappears inside and I wait on my porch for my brother.