The minutes pass, one after the other.

And then after twenty of them, he approaches.


The sexy stranger with eyes as black as night.

I feel him approach while my eyes are still closed. Don’t ask me how I know it’s him, because I just know. Don’t ask me what he’s doing here again, because I don’t care about that.

All I care about is the fact that he is here.

My eyes pop open to find him watching me, his eyes still as intense now as they were the other day. Still as dark, still as bottomless.

His gaze finds mine, connects with it, and holds.

We’re connected.

With each step, he doesn’t look away.

He’s dressed in the same sweatshirt as the other day. The irony is lost on you. He’s wearing dark jeans, black boots and his middle finger is still encircled by a silver band. He’s a rocker. Or an artist. Or a writer. He’s something hopelessly in style, timelessly romantic.

He’s twenty feet away.




The corner of his mouth tilts up as he passes, as he continues to watch me from the side. His shoulders sway, his hips are slim. Then he’s gone, walking away from me.

Five feet.




I feel a sense of loss because he didn’t stop. Because I wanted him to. Because there’s something about him that I want to know.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes, listening once again to my music.

The dark haired stranger doesn’t come back.



The rain might make Oregon beautiful, but at times, it’s gray and dismal. The sound of it hitting the windows makes me sleepy, and itch to wrap up in a sweater and curl up with a book by the window. At night, when it storms, I dream. I don’t know why. It might be the electricity of the lightning in the air, or the boom of the thunder, but it never fails to trigger my mind to create.

Tonight, after finally falling asleep, I dream of him.

The dark-eyed stranger.

He sits by the ocean¸ the breeze ruffling his hair. He lifts his hand to brush his hair out of his eyes, his silver ring glinting in the sun.

His eyes meet mine, and electricity stronger than a million lightning bolts connects us, holding us together.