I felt my brow wrinkle beneath the pressure of his palms on my forehead.

“Flowers aren’t my surprise?”

“Don’t change the subject, Maddie,” he said as he leaned in towards my ear. Kissing it gently, he continued in a voice barely above a whisper. “What kind of flowers do you see in your mind?”

Over the next minute or so, I ‘um’ed’ and ‘ah’ed’, as I rattled off the name of every scent I detected including lilac, rose, sage, jasmine, magnolia and geranium. With each one I called out, Grey kissed me on the cheek with soft, tender smacks. As I finished, he moved his fingers away from my eyes after a final press of his lips to my skin. Sunlight brightened the insides of my eyelids as I felt him step away.

“Okay,” he began. “Go ahead.”

My eyes fluttered open and as they did, a kaleidoscope of color filled my vision. In all directions and covering almost every flat surface in the entire apartment were hundreds, perhaps thousands, of flowers. Gasping at the beauty, not to mention the outlandishness of it, I covered my mouth in disbelief.

“Welcome home, Maddie, baby.”

I dropped my hands away from my mouth and pressed my lips into his. We kissed for several seconds until at last, he pried me loose and returned me to a standing position in front of him.

“Grey!” I shrieked, as I gestured around the room. “What did… Why did you do this?”

He looked at me for a moment before turning his attention to jungle of color of he’d created in the living room.

“What?” he said with a shrug. “Don’t you like it?"

I giggled at his question. “Of course, don’t be an idiot. I love it!”

Grey crossed his arms at his chest. “I’m really getting tired of being called that.”

As he spoke my eyes meandered among the blossoms. Nearly every imaginable color captured my attention. The fragrant air I breathed calmed me and was such a welcome change from the antiseptic aroma of the hospital, I only half-listened to his reply. Shaking my head, I turned my focus back towards him.

“Huh?” I asked. “Called what? What did I say?”

“An idiot,” he repeated, as he glared at me. His expression turned dark as he spoke. “Katy called me one the other day and now you’re doing it. I don’t like it.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. I couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not.

“Grey,” I began with a light chuckle. “I didn’t mean anything by it. Really. The flowers, they are beautiful and the thought you put into it was so sweet.”

Grey’s posture stiffened as he looked down at me through a scowl. Without saying a word, he turned and began to walk back towards the bedroom.

“Grey?” I said as he walked away. “Where are you going? Why are you mad? I said I didn’t mean anything by it!”

Yet his pace never slowed as he marched away from me. Unsure of exactly what I’d done to upset him so much, I rolled my eyes and walked down the hall after him. As I did, he vanished from sight, closing the bedroom door behind him as he entered the room. Once I reached the door, I grabbed the handle and pushed it open.

I walked inside and as I did, Grey emerged from the walk-in closet carrying an assortment of ties and shirts. He passed by me without a word, laid the items down on the bed and then after a quick turn, headed back in the direction of the closet once more.

Exasperated and confused, I trailed behind him.

“Grey,” I began as I entered the closet. “What is going on? You can’t really be mad at me right now.”

“Why not?” he asked without looking at me. He kept his attention focused directly ahead of him as he swished his suits by on hangers, grabbing the ones he wanted with a flourish.

Afterward, he walked by me again without making eye contact.

“Well, uh…” I stammered as he disappeared back into the bedroom. “Because I didn’t mean anything by it?”

What the hell was going on with him all of a sudden? I’d never seen Grey behave like this. Ever. Baffled, I exited the closet once more and followed him back into the bedroom. As I did, I noticed he’d grabbed his overnight bag and started to pack it.

“Grey?” I said as I shook my head. “Where are you going? Are you leaving?”

Without turning back to face me he replied, “I’m not going to stand here while you insult me, Maddie. If that’s what you’re asking.”

I reached up and thrust my hands into my hair on either side of my forehead.

“This. Is. Insane. Grey.” I bit my lip. “I don’t understand what you’re doing! Please talk to me. I’m sorry, I swear I didn’t mean anything about it!”


I thinned my lips as I fought the desire to burst out laughing. If my back hadn’t been turned to Maddie, it’s doubtful I could’ve pulled it off. But, this was too goddamn good to pass up and I’d played enough hands of poker in my day to get through this. So, feigning a level of colossal displeasure, I let out a deep exhale. I remained silent and motionless for several moments until at last the pressure grew too great for Maddie.

“Grey,” she begged. “Please, I’m sorry. You believe me don’t you?”

I shook my head. “You’ve got a goddamn funny way of showing it.”

“What do you mean? I was only joking with you. Grey. Of course I don’t think you’re an idiot!”

Turning around, I tilted my head down towards Maddie, fixing my eyes on hers. I had no choice. For this to have maximum impact, I’d have to see it all the way through. Her sapphire irises glimmered with confusion as she looked up at me. I nodded and gestured towards the chaise lounge in the corner of the room.

“Have a seat, Maddie,” I said, as I thinned my lips in a show of mock frustration and disappointment.

Tugging a strand of hair behind her ear, Maddie averted her gaze.

“Okay,” she muttered, as she walked over and sat down.

A few moments later I closed the distance between us. Raising my hands to about chest height, I clapped them together, rubbing them against each other for emphasis.

“Maddie,” I began. “I’ll make this real goddamn simple for you."

A hard swallow forced its way down her throat as I started to speak. She nodded.

“I expect, no, demand a certain level of respect from you. We’ve had ups and downs in the time we’ve been together but I’ve never, not once, treated you poorly. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Maddie twirled a strand of hair around her finger as I laid into her with my false derision.

“Yes,” she replied. “But Grey, I don’t get where this coming from. I didn’t mean anything by it and…”

Raising a hand, I stopped her mid-sentence.

“Let me finish. I’ve got something very important to discuss with you. Right now, you just need to listen and not talk. All right?”

She nodded once more.

“Losing the baby was a terrible thing,” I continued. “I think we can both agree on that. But, for whatever reason, it happened. All we can do now is move forward with our lives. The only question now is whether or not we do that separately from each other.”

I turned away from her and walked towards the bedroom window. Drawing my hands together behind my back, I looked at the busy streets below. The warm southern California sun shined on my face from above. From behind, I heard Maddie reposition herself in the chair as I cleared my throat before continuing.

“That said, Maddie, I’ve come to the conclusion that living my life without you in it is not something I want to do. I know you rejected my marriage proposal to you once before. And, frankly, I was goddamn insulted about it. I’m not a liar, Maddie. I meant what I said. My motives for being with you were, and still are, genuine. I’m not asking you to be with me out of some sense of obligation towards you and the baby we lost or on behalf of my grandfather’s mandate.”

As I finished speaking, I turned back towards her.

Sunlight framed Maddie’s face in a veil of beauty as I looked down at her. In that second, it was like I was seeing her for the first time all over again. All the bullshit we’d been through that had changed her, and us, seemed to fade away. Now, like it was then, it was just us, together. I stepped towards her and as I did she followed me with an unblinking stare, tracing my movement with focus.

I had her right where I wanted her. Now, all I had to do was close this goddamn deal once and for all.

“But here’s the issue, Maddie… If there’s one thing I can’t fucking tolerate, it’s disrespect. Do I make myself crystal clear?”

I paused and glared at her, emphasizing my point.

“Okay,” she muttered. “Grey, I’m so confused right now. What are you trying to tell me?”

I nodded. “Just this… As my wife, I expect you to behave a certain way. Anything less would be unacceptable.”

Maddie blinked in confusion. Her entire body slumped back in the chaise lounge as my demand entered her consciousness. “Your… wife?"

“Yes, Maddie.” I nodded, as I hitched up my pants. “And this time I won’t take ‘no’ for a goddamn answer. You’ve stalled me long enough with bullshit excuses and nonsensical behavior. Now what’s it gonna be?”