Page 11 of Billionaire's Trust

“How would I ‘get that’, Trevor? When did you ever come to me? Talk to me? Tell me?”

He waved me off. “What’s the difference anymore Maddie? It’s ancient history."

And then, in that instant, I realized something. Trevor was right. As his words came to an end, I stilled myself for a moment. The pain. I couldn’t feel it any longer. And why should I? I’d won. He’d lost. In the span of a second or two, I went from wanting to go over every last detail of our breakup to not caring at all.

In fact, I almost felt sorry for him.

“You know something, Trevor? You’re absolutely right.”

Trevor frowned at me. “What?”

I shook my head. “It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

He shook as head as he tried to decipher the change in my demeanor. For several seconds he stared at me, wondering if I’d change my mind and begin lashing out once more. But I wouldn’t. I was over it.

As his suspicion left him, he changed the subject.

“Why did you do it, Maddie? Disappear from the movie? Not that matters anymore. Call it morbid curiosity on my part.”

“I’m not getting into my personal life with you, Trevor. You lost that privilege long ago.”

“Fine, don’t tell me,” he said, as he pushed himself up from his desk. Trevor brushed his hands together as he headed back towards his office chair. “It doesn’t matter anyway, Maddie. I’ve got the authority to keep your film on hold indefinitely. I’ve got enough in the pipeline now to put it off for a year, at least.”

“A year!” I yelled. “This is bullshit, Trevor. You’re doing this on purpose, I know it!”

He slithered into his chair and rolled towards his desk, sliding his legs under it as he did.

“Don’t flatter yourself, Maddie. It’s my call on the picture. This is a simple business decision.”

“Hah!” I scoffed. “Bullshit, Trevor. You never believed in me, the entire time we were together and now you’re just jealous I’ve got the opportunity in front of the camera you never had!”

Trevor leaned back in his chair and roared with laughter.

“Maddie,” he began. “Give me a fucking break. Why would I be jealous of you? You’ve failed at everything you’ve ever tried to do. This is just more of the same.”

I glared at him but before I could reply, he dismissed me with a curt hand gesture.

“When I’m ready to get the production going once again, I’ll let you know. Until then, run along back to your little business ventures. We’re running a serious film business here, Madds.”

“Ahhhh!” I yelled, as I covered my ears. “Don’t call me that!"

Trevor chuckled.

“Feel free to show yourself out.”

With that, he picked up the phone and began to make a call. As he did, I turned and marched towards the door. I might be over him, but this wasn’t over yet. Not a chance in hell.


Less than a minute after leaving Trevor’s office, I shoved the front door to the studio open and stormed out into the parking lot. Running my fingers through my hair, I shook them loose as I considered my next move. I needed to cool off mentally as well as physically. As luck would have it, there was a picnic area behind the studio. People gathered there on breaks, for parties and so on. But, for the moment anyway, it was empty.

I walked across the parking lot, weaving between cars until at last I reached a short trail leading to it. Loose gravel crunched beneath my feet as I made my way towards one of the picnic tables. As I sat, I felt the sun-warmed wood of the bench through my clothing. It relaxed me a little. Enough at least for me to try and collect my thoughts.

A gentle breeze rustled leaves on nearby trees, soothing me with their soft rattling. Overhead, sunlight streaked through branches and shined down on me, calming me even further. After a few more minutes, I reached in my purse, grabbed my phone and gave Katy a call. If anyone could help me figure out a way to get past Trevor, she’d be the one.

“What’s up?” she asked. “I thought you were going to the studio today."

“I did.”

“Oh yay, that’s great!” she shrieked. “So what’s going on with filming? I’ve got a few minutes. Tell me all about it.”

I pinched the inside of my mouth between my teeth as she talked. Exhaling as I spoke, I said, “That’s just it, Katy. There’s nothing going on. The movie is on an indefinite hold.”

“What? Why?”

I spent a few minutes explaining I’d discovered a new production underway when I arrived at the studio. I also discussed the conversation I’d had with Grey and how he’d insisted I handle things myself. Finally, I got around to the real barrier to all of this moving forward, Trevor.

“So what? He may or may not start filming again?” Katy asked.

“Yes, I mean, that’s how I took it.”

“Well, I don’t understand why you just don’t blow him out of the water, Maddie.”

‘What do you mean?”

“You know exactly what I mean. Get Grey involved. Quit wasting time jerking around with Trevor. Nuke that mother fucker!”

“But that’s just it, Katy! Uh, Grey insisted I take care of the situation and get it handled myself.”

Katy moaned in frustration. “So, what difference does it make if he steps in this one time? Wouldn’t you rather just get it over with and get back to work on the movie?”

“Yes, of course,” I replied. “More than anything. But, I specifically asked Grey to let me handle my own affairs. And now, what’s it gonna seem like when I hit my first bump in the road and I go running back to him? No Katy, I can’t do it. I won’t."

“Hmm…” she muttered. “Well, Maddie. This is too important to let a weasel like Trevor control the outcome of things because of how you think Grey might react. Have you considered the possibility Grey might be furious if he found out about the games Trevor was playing? Not just with you, but with his money?”

I’d be lying if I said Katy didn’t have a point. Of course Grey would be pissed. Hell, knowing Grey he’d probably be on his jet within the hour and beating Trevor into submission in less than four. Be that as it may, it would leave me relying on Grey to fix the situation. And unless I was faced with anything short of a life or death situation, I had no intention of involving him.

“No, Katy.” I said, as I shook my head. “There has to be a way to handle this with Trevor myself. I made Grey a promise, and I intend to keep it."

Katy exhaled as I finished my thought. “Well, okay. Hmm…”

The two of us sat in silence for several seconds until an idea entered her consciousness and stirred her to speech.

“Ah!” she exclaimed. “I’ve got it! Appeal to his practical side."

I frowned, unsure of where she was going with her idea.

“What do you mean, his practical side?”

“Come on, Maddie,” she began. Her voice perked up as the plan sputtered from her lips. “Don’t be dense. You know Trevor is all about Trevor.”

There was nothing earth shattering about that revelation. Still, I wasn’t quite following. “What do you mean?”

“It’s simple, Maddie. All you have to do is frame this in a way so that it makes Trevor look like he’s the one in charge, making the decisions, solving the problems. You know how to negotiate, Maddie. Hell, you convinced one of the world’s greatest dealmakers to marry you on your own terms. You’ve totally got this!”

“Okay, Katy. I’m listening. What do you have in mind?”

“I’ll tell you in a second,” she began. Katy paused for a moment and as she did, her voice hitched. “Maddie, I want to say something.”

“Okay,” I replied. “Is everything all right Katy?”

“Yes, yes,” she replied, without hesitation. “This isn’t a bad thing at all.”


“I just want you to know how proud I am of you, Maddie. Jesus, you’ve been through so much. I know if it was me, I would be a total wreck. But you, you’ve shown tremendous courage and bravery. And now, on top of losing the baby and the engagement, here you are handling this whole thing with Trevor. It’s… amazing.”

As she spoke, a hard lump formed in my throat.

“Katy, uh, Jesus! What are you doing right now? Please don’t say stuff like that!”

“I’m sorry!” she pleaded. “I can’t help myself. I love you so much, and I’m so proud of you.”

I closed my eyes as I felt them fill with wetness.

“Katy…” I began. “Thank you. Please, I know you mean well, but you are going to have me crying all over the place here in a minute if you don’t stop.”

“Okay, okay…” she groaned. “I’m so sorry. I’ll stop.”

“Good. But, I really appreciate it, okay?”

“Mmm, hmm.”

“Now, back to business. What did you have in mind for Trevor?”

Over the next several minutes, Katy laid out her plan. It could work. Hell, it would have to work.


Fifteen minutes after I’d finished talking to Katy, I made my way back to the studio offices. A game plan now in mind, I marched across the parking lot with purpose.