Page 13 of Billionaire's Trust

As Maddie finished chewing her food, she raised her eyebrows in surprise. Lifting her napkin to her lips, she dabbed at the corners of her mouth.

“Sweetie,” she hummed. “It’s simple. I can’t wear it during filming. If I left it in the trailer, what would happen if it got stolen? I’d never forgive myself. And anyway, what difference does it make? I haven’t told anyone we’re engaged. It would lead to nothing but questions.”

I frowned. Grabbing my napkin from my lap, I tossed it down on the table and stood. I gestured in the direction of the movie set.

“Well, so what the hell difference does it make now? Who cares if we’re engaged?”

Maddie smiled and after folding her napkin and placing it on the table, she stood and walked towards me.

“Honey,” she cooed. “Why are you getting so upset?”

I grimaced and exhaled as she spoke. Before I even realized it, Maddie stepped in my direction, pressing her body against mine. It was a goddamn pleasure to feel it. My torso flexed in response. Perhaps sensing this, Maddie snuggled up, reached towards my face and dragged her fingertips along my jawline.

I snatched her by the wrist. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing right now. I’m pissed at you.”

Innocence defined her features as she looked up at me. “What am I doing?”

“Watch it, woman.”

A small smile curled to the edges of her mouth. “Or what? Will you fire me?”

I let go of her wrist and pursed my lips as she teased.

Just then, she grabbed hold of my tie and yanked it. “Or fuck me?”

I chuckled at her confidence. Hard to deny its appeal. And yeah, even though I may have wanted to fuck her, I wasn’t about to let her dismiss this issue without discussion.

“I want you to wear your ring, Maddie,” I began. “Now I’m willing to be flexible when it comes to having it on during filming, but when you aren’t, I want it on you.”

As I spoke, she shook her head. “No, Grey. I won’t do it.”

I thinned my lips at her continuing refusal.

“But,” she said as she tried to cozy up towards me once again. “I don’t want to keep it a secret either.”

I nodded. “Okay, well, what did you have in mind?”

She shrugged. “How about the wrap party? That’s as good a time as any. And besides, if we wait until then, I won’t have to deal with any casting couch innuendo.”

I chuckled. “Casting couch, huh?”

“Mmm, hmm,” she whispered.

“So you suppose that’s what people will think then? That you got this role because of that?”

“Mmm, hmm,” she purred.

As she finished speaking, Maddie reached towards me and ran her fingers along the lapel of my jacket. She hummed as she traced lazy lines up and down the length of it while occasionally stealing glances at me. I watched her for several seconds. I’ll admit, she still had the ability to distract the shit out of me when she wanted something.

“So the wrap party huh?”

Maddie licked her lips.

“Mmm, hmm,” she moaned.

As she finished, she pushed herself up onto the tips of her toes and kissed me on the cheek. It had been a long time, too goddamn long and out of instinct, I snatched her and prepared to take what I needed.

“No,” she said with a soft smile on her lips. “I have to work honey. Now I don’t hang around your offices sexually harassing you when you’re trying to do your job, do I?”

I scoffed. “You don’t know where they are.”

Giggling, Maddie spun away from me. “True. But, even so. I have work to do, so you’re going to have to be a good little boy until later.”

I shook my head at her behavior. I had to admit, it was pretty fucking sexy. My eyes followed her ass as she walked around the trailer gathering up her belongings before returning to the set.

“So the wrap party?” I said, as she turned to go.

Maddie walked in my direction.

“Yes,” she said with a devious tone. “I mean, don’t you think all the other girls will be jealous when they find out they can’t sleep with the owner of the studio?”

I reached towards Maddie and grabbed her at the waist. “What’s the goddamn rush? You’ve got time. Tell Susan to wait."

Maddie flashed a mouthful of white at me. “I’m sure you’d love that wouldn’t you?”

“Fuck yes.”

She reached towards me and pressed her palms flat against my chest. Smoothing them down the length of my jacket, she looked into my eyes.

“I told you ‘no’, Grey. Now… if you don’t stop, I’ll be forced to call security on you and create a huge scene. Is that what you want?”

I smirked and looked at her for another moment or so before releasing her.

“I love you,” she said, as she walked away.

When she passed by me, I swatted her on the ass with a quick strike. “You’re lucky I feel the same way.”


A few days after Maddie and I agreed to use the wrap party as the opportunity to announce our engagement, I swung by the studio offices to delegate someone to head up planning for the event. I’d arranged a meeting in the conference room and as I arrived, the person I selected stood from his seat at the table and greeted me.

“Mr. Sinclair,” he said. “Good to see you again, sir.”


As we finished our greeting, I took a seat at the head of the table.

“How are you enjoying your trip to the coast, sir?” he began. “Have you had an opportunity to drop by the set at all?”

“Yes,” I replied. “In fact, that’s part of the reason I need to talk to you today, Trevor.”

“Oh. All right,” he said. Grabbing his pen, he clicked it open and positioned his notepad within reach. “What did you want to discuss?"

“Well, the wrap party for starters. By my estimation, we’ll be done in less than a week’s time. I’d like to make it a huge event. Spare no expense.”

He nodded and took notes as I spoke. “I can handle that for you, sir. Not a problem. Do you have a preference for location or venue?”

“Not particularly…” I paused for a moment. “You know what? On second thought, check with Maddie Olsen. You’ll need to get her input for that.”

Trevor stopped writing as I finished my thought.

“Sorry, pardon me, sir. You said consult with Maddie Olsen? Did I understand you?”

I nodded. “You did.”

“Okay,” he replied with a leading tone. “Should I talk to some of the other cast as well and see if they have any preferences?"

I shook my head. “Why would you? Did I ask you to do that?”

“No, sir. You didn’t.”

To emphasize my point, I continued, “If I was marrying anyone else in the cast, I’d want you to check with them, but since I’m not, I don’t.”

Half-listening, Trevor continued to scribble markings in his notepad for several more seconds.

“Sorry sir,” he said as he paused and turned to look at me. “It sounded like you said you were going to marry Maddie Olsen. I apologize. I was making a note here."

“Yes,” I said. “You heard correctly.”

Trevor swiveled his head in my direction. Without blinking, he said, “You… are going to marry Maddie Olsen? The lead actress on the picture?”

“Trevor,” I said as I glared at him. “What the hell is the goddamn problem with you today? Yes, I am marrying Maddie Olsen. She also happens to be the lead actress on the picture. Because of that, I want to have her input on all facets of the party. And by the way, this news is to be kept in the strictest confidence. Do I make myself clear?”

I had no clue what was going on with him. Normally, Trevor was pretty reliable as managers go but for some reason, he was acting flaky as fuck.

“Y-Yes, Mr. Sinclair. I understand.”

I leaned away from him. “Why do I get the feeling you’re out of your league with party planning Trevor? Should I get Maddie in here so she can tell you exactly what she wants?”

Almost before I finished speaking, Trevor jumped in to fill the void.

“What? No sir, not at all,” he replied, as he patted the notebook with the palm of his hand. “I’ve got everything I need right here.”

Unconvinced, I frowned at him.

“Look I don’t know what the issue is here but I don’t have time to babysit you on this. Get Miss Olsen from the set and bring her here now."

“What?” he stammered. As he muttered, the man’s face lost all its color. “Sir, really, I can handle it for you.”

“You sick Billings?” I asked. “You look like hell all of a sudden.”

He shook his head back and forth in self-defense. “No, not at all sir. I’m fine. It’s just an unusual request so there’s a number of things to consider.”

I waved him off. “Let’s quit jerking around. I’ll get Maddie in here. This is a ridiculous goddamn exercise. A couple of goddamn guys planning an engagement party. Am I right?”

Reaching for a phone in the middle of the conference table, I dialed the extension for the set. I happened to glance up at Trevor in the process. I wrinkled my brow as I looked at him. He still looked as if he was about to pass out at any second.