“The night after the caravan leaves Grak’s Pool,” the black-clad elf replied. “Will they tarry long?”

Edric shook his head. “I doubt it. This captain is in a hurry to reach Altaruk. They’re carrying large profits from their trip to Balic, in addition to a new shipment of cargo, and the captain’s new superior is among the passengers. He is a mercenary named Kieran, journeying to Altaruk to accept a post as captain of the Jhamri House Guard.”

“Does he bring troops with him?”

Edric shook his head. “No, there is only the normal complement of caravan guards and roustabouts.”

The black-clad elf smirked. “They shouldn’t be much trouble.”

“Watch out for Kieran,” Edric said. “He knows his business. You cannot miss him. He’s a tall, strapping blond man who dresses in rare hides. Do not dismiss him for his flamboyant costume. He’s deadly. I’ve seen him fight.”

“A well-aimed arrow will put an end to that.”

“Just be careful of him. But there’s something else, perhaps even more important,” Edric said. “Among the passengers is an elfling who rides with a villichi priestess.”

“An elfling?”

“A half-breed,” Edric said. “Elf and halfling.”

“Disgusting! I did not know such an abomination was even possible!”

“Never mind that,” Edric said. “His name is Sorak. Or so he styles himself.”

“The Nomad?” said the black-clad elf.

“He may have adopted the persona from the ballad, for reasons of his own,” said Edric, “but he carries a sword that has been broken, so that a little less than half its length remains. I saw it. It is made of steel.”


“And engraved with elven runes,” said Edric, “though I was not close enough to read them.”

“Are you saying it is Galdra?” the black-clad elf asked with disbelief.

“At the very least, it seems meant to pass as Galdra, though when I questioned him about it, indirectly, he said the blade was merely an old heirloom of his family, something he carries for sentimental reasons only.”

“But you said it was broken.”

“That could be part of his ruse,” said Edric, “to explain why the enchantment does not work. According to the legend, if the Sword of Alaron is touched by a defiler, it will shatter and the enchantment will be broken.”

“And the prophecy with it, I should think,” the Shadow replied.

“Perhaps,” said Edric. “Or perhaps not. The legend is vague upon that point.”

“So this Nomad is passing himself off as the so-called Crown of Elves?”

Edric shook his head. “No, not at present, anyway. He appears to be posing as a mercenary. Perhaps he really is, I do not know. He seems to have struck up a friendship with this Kieran. But then, that would be logical, if he intends to strike a bargain with the House of Jhamri.”

“What sort of bargain?”

“I am not sure,” said Edric, “but I have an idea. He joined the caravan in South Ledopolus, as I did, but he came from across the estuary. I suspect he may have come from Bodach.”


“Both he and the priestess carry heavy packs,” said Edric. “I have not had an opportunity to examine them, but I believe it’s possible they may contain some of the lost treasure.”

“That would be very interesting if it were true. What makes you think so?”

“A hunch,” said Edric. “I have heard some stories of this Nomad’s exploits. And if those stories are true, it may be possible he has discovered the secret of the lost treasure’s location. He may have gotten his hands on a small part of it, but he could never hope to remove it all alone. That would take an army.