They lay together wrapped in a blanket on a rug in front of the fireplace. After they had returned to Tajik’s home, the captain had diplomatically withdrawn, saying he would see them in the morning. The servants had prepared a spare room for them, lit a fire, and brewed a pot of tea, then retired to their own quarters, wishing them goodnight. And Sorak and Ryana had made love.

Though they had known each other almost all their lives, they were still only recent lovers, still discovering things about themselves in their new physical relationship. The first time they made love, in Sanctuary, it had been a gentle, tentative, profoundly emotional experience. This time, it had been passionate and energetic. Ryana had showed a side of herself Sorak had never seer before. And he thought he knew why.

“Did you find her desirable?” Ryana asked, her face inches from his own as they lay with legs intertwined.

“I was affected by her beauty,” Sorak replied.

“And her dancing?” asked Ryana.

“She was very good,” said Sorak.

“You found her exciting.”

“Yes. She was beautiful, and I thought her dancing very sensual and seductive.”

Ryana sighed. “At least you’re honest. I wish I could dance for you like that.”

“You don’t have to,” Sorak said, kissing her.

“But I’d like to,” she replied. “I saw the way you were watching her.”

“I’ve seen women dance before,” said Sorak, “but never like that. She’s very skilled. She has a gift.”

“Do you recall her name?”


“I was going to call you a liar if you claimed not to remember,” said Ryana wryly.

“I would never lie to you.” He kissed her lips and squeezed her leg between his own. “Besides, it’s an unusual name.”

“And I suppose that is the only reason you remembered it.”

“Are you jealous?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.

“No,” she replied. Then grimaced and said, “Yes.”

“You have no reason to be,” Sorak said. “Besides, she left with Kieran.”

“Mmmm. He’s very handsome, isn’t he?”

“Yes, I suppose he is.”

“And a great body.”

“I agree.”

“And he’s very dashing.”

“I can see that, yes.”

“A girl could do far worse.”


“Damn you,” she said, poking him.

Sorak chuckled. “I have no reason to feel jealous. I do not doubt your love. Do you doubt mine?”