Page 48 of Surge

Without wasting a second, Simon looked up at Dyson and nodded. “Yep.”

“Okay,” Dyson said, reaching for the top of Simon’s head and rubbing his hair.

With that, Dyson took several steps in my direction.

“Not much really happening around here today. What do you say we do something fun?”

I frowned at him, shaking my head at the same time.

“Dyson, you aren’t making any sense. What are you…?”

Dyson raised his hand in front of my face.

“Okay, kid, you ready?”

Simon began to walk towards us. I glanced down at him.

“Don’t look at him, look at me.” Dyson said.

I snapped my gaze in his direction.

“I’m leaving soon,” he began, looking into my eyes. “I won’t see you until the season is over.”

I nodded at him, still eager to sneak a peek at Simon.

“I see,” I said. “I wasn’t aware that you were planning on coming back.”

Dyson smiled at me. “I have to now, you see. You’ve got something that belongs to me. Two things actually.”

Before I could say another word, Dyson grabbed my hand and yanked it upward between us. He held it there, staring me in the eye without blinking.

“Okay, Simon,” he began, not breaking eye contact with me. “Look at me, Ava.”

My eyes met his once more. And then, almost faster than I realized, I looked down and saw Dyson sliding a ring on my finger.

“Holy shit!” Jillian exclaimed, slapping her hand over her mouth at almost the exact same instant.

“Right here, Ava, right here.” Dyson repeated, aiming his index finger in the direction of his face. “It’s just us right now. No one else.”

My pulse quickened. I felt a wild thumping in my neck.

Unable to control myself, I glanced down at the immense diamond on my finger. It was actually heavy. In my entire life I’ve never seen anything like it, and nothing could have prepared me for that moment.

“I-I…” I stammered, lifting my eyes to meet Dyson’s once more. “Are you serious?”

Dyson shook his head. “Absolutely not. I’ve got a pocket full of these, and I give them to babes every day.”

I narrowed my eyes it him for a split second before he spoke once again.

“Ava, don’t be ridiculous. I don’t want to come back from Europe and waste my time. I love you. I want you and Simon in my life forever. No one else. Ever. Will you marry me?”

“Holy shit!” Jillian screamed again. Just like before, she slapped her hands to her mouth, but unlike last time Dyson turned and looked at her.

“Would you mind…?” he began, pointing to the other side of the courthouse. “I’m trying to handle some business here.”

Jillian looked at him, her mouth wide open in shock.

“I’m sorry. I’ll be quiet, I promise.”

Dyson rolled his eyes and looked back in my direction. Jillian couldn’t help herself, and a final squeak passed through her lips. Dyson let it go and instead stared into my eyes.

“What’s it going to be, Ava?”

Before I could get a word out, Simon yelped, “Say yes, Mom! Say yes!”

No sooner had the words tumbled from his lips than Dyson and I both turned and looked at him. Without a conscious thought on my part, tears of happiness streamed down my cheeks. In the middle of a city courthouse, of all places in the world, I’d found my true bliss.

Without wasting another second, I leapt towards Dyson, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him. It felt as if that went on for a minute, maybe longer, but not long enough.

When we separated, I noticed Jillian hugging Simon nearby. I smiled at both of them, eager to hug them and celebrate with them as well. But, before I could, I looked at Dyson once more.

“So what does this mean?”

“What are you talking about?” he replied, frowning at me. “It means we’re going to be married.”

I shook my head, “No, what I meant to say was…”

Before I could continue, Dyson waved me off, interrupting me.

“There’s nothing to worry about. We’ve got all the time in the world. You can plan the wedding, have it anywhere you like, but only on one condition.”

I leaned away from him, arching an eyebrow. “And that is?”

“Well, that you graduate from medical school, of course,” he said, winking at me. “After all, you can’t drive in Formula One forever. I need a hot, rich wife.”

I laughed at him.

“Come here,” he said, gesturing for me to approach.

I walked up to him and he slipped his arm low around my backside, pulling me close to him with a firm tug.

“Mrs. Ava Vix,” he began, nodding as the thought settled into his consciousness. “I like the sound of that. Don’t you agree?”

I nodded, raising the ring and admiring it.

“I do.”

“There,” Dyson began. “Now, was that so hard? ‘I do’… You see? So I’m assuming that’s a ‘yes’, then?”

I nodded, fighting back a fresh round of tears. I hugged him again, kissing him over and over.

“Of course it’s ‘yes’. What else would I say?”

“Mrs. Vix it is, then.” he replied.

No sooner had he uttered those words than a bolt of inspiration hit me.

“Give me your phone.” I said.

Dyson leaned away for me, wrinkling his brow. “What? Why do you want my phone?”

I shook my head. “Just give it to me.”

With reluctance, Dyson reached into the pocket of his jeans and a few seconds later produced his cell phone, passing it to me. I flipped around for a moment or two, locating his camera app. Once I had, I extended my arm and leaned in towards him, positioning my hand with the engagement ring between us and the camera.

I snapped the picture.

Afterward, I lowered the camera and turned my attention to Dyson’s address book.

“Ava, what the hell are you doing?” he asked.

“Shh! One second!” I grumbled.

Not long after, I found the phone numbers I wanted. I attached the picture of Dyson and me and hit send with a simple message. Dyson took the phone from me and glanced at it for a second.

“Told you so?” he said, turning back towards me with a confused look on his face.

I crossed my arms at my chest and nodded. “Yep.”

He glanced at me for a split second and then looked at his phone once more.

“You didn’t,” he began, shaking his head. “Ava… Anastasia and Svetlana? Really?”

“What?” I purred, turning towards him and draping my arms around his neck, hooking my hands together. “Why should the Grid Girls have all the fun?”

He laughed. “Why, indeed?”

We kissed and I closed my eyes. Simon crashed into my waist, wrapping his small arms around me in a firm embrace. Smiling and happy, I savored the moment feeling loved in every way and at last, complete.