Page 25 of Surge

“Oh shit!” I cried out, squeezing my eyes tight. “Uuuunnhhhh!”

Dyson closed his fingers around my hips like a vice. He began to slam his pelvis into my backside with thunderous cracks. No man had ever filled me, driven me to my breaking point like this. I attempted to lift my head, arching towards him but no sooner had I done so than I felt the force of his palm against my backside.

He pushed me down, holding me flat against the countertop, pinning me there while he thrust in an out of me harder than ever before. No sooner had he done it than the heat of climax entered my awareness. Pinned in place, I felt my body radiate with the beginnings of my release. Dyson continued to massage my clit with a never-ending series of vigorous flicks, all the while claiming me with longer, harder and deeper strokes of his immense dick.

I inhaled a deep breath, mixing a scream and moan together in a sudden burst. The moment was upon me and I mewled, arching my backside into Dyson like a wild animal. Orgasm cascaded across my body and ripped through my mind in blinding waves. Too overwhelmed to scream, I whimpered a low guttural moan, willfully giving myself over to him.

“Yes, Ava, baby,” Dyson whispered. “Yes.”

My release radiated across my body for five seconds, ten—I don’t really remember. Engulfed in the bliss of my ecstasy, nothing entered my awareness until the sudden change in Dyson’s cadence caught my attention.

For so long, he’d maintained a hard, steady motion, hammering away at me with the same power he used when he tore down the straightaway. However, not long after my orgasm started to recede, Dyson accelerated the speed and power of his thrusting.

Drops of sweat from his brow spattered on my backside. I snapped my head to the side, licking perspiration of my own away from my upper lip. In my peripheral vision I caught the ferocity of his movements.

I dropped my head between my shoulders, pinching them together in a hard squeeze. The power of Dyson’s movements began to ripple through my entire body. At some stage, all I could do was hold on.

“Ava!” he called out, pausing and thrusting, pausing and thrusting. “Fuck!”

And then, over the next few seconds, the staccato motion of Dyson’s motion stopped. He froze, pinning his pelvis against my backside and crying out. The tension in my shoulders fell away and I arched my ass in his direction one last time.

Jets of warmth and streaks of heat laced me. I fell forward, resting my cheek on the countertop. The cool feel of it against my skin stood in sharp contrast to the fire Dyson unleashed within me.

Minutes later, exhausted and overwhelmed, Dyson and I collapsed into the couch and caressed. For several minutes, we kissed and enjoyed the solitude and bliss of our shared afterglow.


With one arm and one leg draped across Dyson’s naked body, I made lazy strokes up and down the center of his torso. My finger moved along in between the ridges and grooves of his chiseled midsection.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

“You okay?” he asked.

I felt the vibration of his voice inside of his chest.

“Mmm hmm,” I purred, rubbing my face against his skin. “Why?”

“Well, you were pretty upset before. I’ve got to get back out to the track soon. Just want to make sure you’re all right.”

I lifted my head off his chest and looked at him.

“I’m fine,” I replied, smiling. “I need to get going as well.”

A few minutes later, after we’d nearly dressed, I spoke.

“I hope you understand where I’m coming from now.”

Halfway back inside of his fire suit, Dyson looked at me. “What do you mean?”

I shrugged. “Well, just how I worry. You know, about you out there on the track.”

Dyson frowned at me. “I thought we already got past all that, Ava.”

I returned his wrinkled brow with one of my own. “What are you talking about? All I was trying to say is that there is a reason why I feel the way I do.”

Clearly frustrated, Dyson nodded and continued to get into his fire suit. He didn’t speak.

“What?” I began. “What did I say?”

Dyson shook his head. “You didn’t say anything. Don’t worry about it.”

“No,” I replied, glaring at him. “You’re obviously upset about something I said. What is it?”

Dyson yanked at the zipper of his fire suit. It whined with a high-pitched sound. He stared back at me.

“Look, Ava, I’m really sorry about what happened to your sister. But, to compare that situation of her in a street race alongside some bozo to what I do for living… is completely ludicrous.”

“That’s not what I said! I never said that!”

Dyson didn’t respond but continued to gather up his gear.

“It just seems strange, Dyson. That’s all I’m trying to tell you.”

He stopped what he was doing, looked at me and scoffed. “What’s strange?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know, I mean, Darren seems like a reasonable guy to me. I just have a hard time believing he would get so upset if there wasn’t something to be genuinely concerned about.”

Dyson chuckled and took several quick steps in my direction.

“Let me tell you something,” he began, pointing in the direction of the door. “I feel safer on that track at two hundred miles an hour than I do driving on the God damn freeway.”

I raised my arms, shaking my head back and forth at the same time.

“I’m not saying that you don’t, Dyson. All I’m saying is maybe you should at least listen to what Darren has to say. I can’t imagine he wants to see you hurt or lose the race and…”

Before I could say another word, Dyson waved his hand in front of my face, interrupting me.

“I’m not going to talk to you about how I drive, Ava,” he snarled. “Now you can drop it, or there’s the door.”

I stood there, my face frozen and my mouth hanging open. I couldn’t believe after everything I told him and what we’d just shared he’d act this way. I didn’t see anything wrong with what I’d said, and more so, I would have expected him to appreciate me caring about what happened to him.

“Dyson, you are blowing this way out of proportion. I’m not trying to tell you what to do. I’m just trying to let you know I care.”

He turned his back to me and a few seconds later disappeared into the bedroom. The next time he came out, Dyson carried his helmet. He passed by me without looking in my direction. I swiveled my head, following him with my eyes.

“You’re welcome to stay here as long as you like,” he began. “Eat something, whatever.”

When he finished speaking, Dyson placed his hand on the doorknob and turned to look at me. I clenched my jaw at his sudden indifference. Before he could open the door or say another word, I let him know exactly how I felt.

“You’re an asshole, Dyson,” I said, searching the immediate vicinity for my belongings. “You really just don’t get it.”

He didn’t say a word. I moved as fast as I could, pulling my clothes on and grabbing the rest of my things. Half put together, I marched straight towards him.

“Move,” I said, waving at him to get out of my way.

He stepped aside and I pushed the door open.

“With pleasure,” he said.

At those words, I stopped in doorway. Late morning sunlight shined into the motor coach, warming me against the sudden chill in the room. Our eyes met and I glared at him for several seconds before turning away and slamming the door behind me.

When the day began, I looked forward to seeing him.

Now, I wasn’t sure if I ever would again.


As luck would have it, shortly after my argument with Dyson, I received a phone call from the administrator of Simon’s school, Mrs. Phyllis Marberry. Not long after I’d been hired by the team, I contacted the school to arrange a meeting about Simon’s tuition, since he’d lost his funding from the state.

I had a bit of time before qualifying began, so missing a day or two from the team wouldn’t matter. After grabbing a last minute flight, I arrived in Austin, and without even going home first, I headed straight for the school. My hope was that I’d be able to surprise Simon with the good news later that day.

I’d been in such a hurry the entire day, I hadn’t had the chance to feel anxious about the meeting. That is, until I arrived at school. Suddenly, the situation was all too real and the stakes seemed higher than ever.

By the time I checked in with Mrs. Marberry’s assistant, my knees felt as if they would give way beneath me. Fortunately, I made my way to a chair in the lobby without collapsing.

Although I wasn’t in much trouble as a child, I did get called to the principal’s office once or twice. For some reason, this situation felt eerily similar. After I’d been there for about fifteen minutes or so, the door to Mrs. Marberry’s office creaked open and an older woman appeared in the threshold.

Without looking in my direction, she walked towards an assistant who helped me when I’d arrived. The two chatted for a few seconds before they looked in my direction. The assistant pointed at me. Moments later, the older woman approached me.

“Ms. Walters?” she began, extending her hand. “I am Mrs. Marberry, the school administrator.”

I stood from the chair, smiling and straightening the fabric of my clothes with a couple of quick swipes. I took her hand in mine.