Page 23 of Surge

I lowered my head, looking away from him.

“I need to know what this means.”

Dyson remained silent. After another second or two, he moved towards my face and began to pepper my cheek with soft, tender smacks. The feel of his lips against my skin sent tingles down the back of my neck.

“Please Dyson,” I whispered, nuzzling him. “I need to know before I start something that I won’t be able to stop.”

Dyson kissed me a couple of more times, eventually moving up to my ear, where he paused and whispered in return, “Why would you want to stop?”

I reached towards the side of Dyson’s face and twisted small strands of his hair between the tips of my fingers for a moment.

“I’m… afraid.”

While the words left my lips, he paused and leaned away from me.

“What are you afraid of, Ava?”

What was I afraid of? Where do I even start? I was scared of him getting killed, scared of being another hookup for him, but more than anything, scared of what being with him would mean for Simon. I wanted to relax, let myself go, enjoy it and be free but I just couldn’t.

I couldn’t.

While Dyson waited for me to say something, I decided it would be best if I left. My entire body was on fire, yearning to give in to him, the heat between my thighs the worst of all, to the point of being almost unbearable.

“I-I really think I should just go, Dyson,” I stammered. “I’m sorry.”

Dyson furrowed his brow. “Go? Why?”

“I just should.”

“Ava,” he began, exasperation creeping into his tone. “Why are you so afraid of me? I thought you just told me you trusted me, like ten minutes ago.”

“I did, I mean, I do. But… this is something completely different. It’s hard to explain.”

“What is it? Anastasia and Svetlana?”

I shook my head. “No.”

“Is it about the kid? Simon? About what I said about not wanting to be with women that had kids?”

I swallowed hard, looking away from him. “Yes.”

Dyson didn’t say a word, but instead eased back into the couch. I turned and looked at him.

“I’m not upset with you, okay, Dyson? I don’t blame you for feeling the way you do. I appreciate you being honest with me about how you feel, but I can’t risk having Simon hurt. Not ever, but especially not right now.”

Dyson listened intently, keeping his eyes focused on me while I spoke.

“And so, you just automatically assume that I’m going to what… Ava? Fuck you and kick you out, never talk to you again, is that it?”

I exhaled.

“It sounds worse than it is. I didn’t mean to say that you…”

“You know, Ava, I’m single. So are you,” he began, interrupting me. “I know you think I’m just, like… this player. But believe it or not, I do have rules. One of them is not to get involved with women that have kids because it can get complicated and messy…”

“I already know that, Dyson,” I said, interrupting him in return. “I don’t have a problem with that, really it’s just…”

“Let me finish, Ava. Now that you’ve completely ruined the mood, you may as well listen to what I have to say.”

I nodded, disgusted with myself all of a sudden. He did have a point.

“I’m sorry, Dyson, you’re right.”

He remained silent for a moment.

“Okay. The point is that my rules work for me. Women aren’t confused about who I am. The thing about rules though, Ava, is that they’re made to be broken. Look, I can’t and I won’t promise anything.”

He paused and gestured towards the exit.

“You’re free to walk out that door right now. No hard feelings. I really mean that.”

I exhaled a shaky breath and looked at him but didn’t speak.

“I also mean this…” he began, staring into my eyes. “Since the very first instant I saw you, I wanted you. That hasn’t changed. And yeah, one hundred percent of the time I would not pursue you, because of Simon.”

I started to say something when he raised his index finger, stopping me.

“Nothing is guaranteed except what we have right now, this instant. So, I’m going to leave it up to you. But I don’t want to talk anymore, Ava. I want you, right now. I don’t want to wait anymore.”

With that, he went silent, leaned back in the couch, looking at me without blinking for a few long seconds.

The truth was, I didn’t want to talk anymore either. I hated having to talk about this at all.

I shook my head.

“Dyson, I’m sorry. I never should’ve led you on. I hope you can forgive me and not be angry with me.”

Dyson shrugged.

“Ava, I’m not angry with you,” he said, nodding with his chin towards the door. “Come on, I’ll walk you out.”

When Dyson began to stand, I broke my gaze on him and reached for my purse on the floor nearby. After picking it up, I stood and drew my eyes up to the sight of him right in front of me.

The corners of his mouth rounded with a warm smile.

I smiled back at him.

“We’re good, right?” he asked, nodding at me.

I smiled and nodded back at him in return. “Yes.”

He stepped towards me. When he did, Dyson’s scent drifted into my nose, testing my weakness. And in that moment, looking into his eyes, I felt pushed to my limit.

My lips parted. It wasn’t purposeful.

I couldn’t help it.

Dyson studied me for a moment and then edged closer. My gaze never left him. Less than a foot away from me now, Dyson reached towards my face, cradling my chin in his large, thick fingers, just as he had earlier.

My heart thumped, echoing in my skull with each rapid beat. Dyson looked into my eyes, and while holding my face still in his grasp, he leaned in towards me. At first, his mouth moved on a straight line towards mine but at the last instant, he passed it by, instead kissing one of my cheeks.

I could’ve pulled away, I should’ve pulled away, but, I didn’t. While his lips pressed to the side of my face, I reached towards his midsection, pressing my palms flat against the hard ridges of his torso.

Dyson took notice, and after withdrawing his lips from my cheek, he moved his head towards the other side, about to repeat what he’d done moments earlier. But when he moved, the heat from his breath brushed against my lips, tickling them and sending a terrible urge shooting through me.

I don’t remember the instant I lost control, but I do remember not caring.

I pushed my mouth against his, consuming him and at the same time digging into the meaty muscle of his rippled midsection with my hand. Dyson released his grip on my face and straightened his fingers, sliding them into my hair, curling his fingers under and grabbing two fistfuls.

He tugged me close. My eyes flickered shut.

I drifted into the firmness of his embrace, giving over every ounce of control I had to him. We kissed like never before, rocking our heads from one side to the other, devouring and consuming.

Around that time, Dyson broke his lips free of mine, sending a swath of heat across my cheek. I exhaled, sputtering a needful breath. My eyes flipped open and met his gaze.

It was then I realized I wouldn’t be going anywhere.

Without taking his eyes off of me, Dyson dropped his hands away from my head and glided them down my backside. After a few seconds, his fingers wrapped under my ass and he yanked me off the floor. Startled, a squeak escaped from my mouth. While he held me, I wrapped my legs around his midsection, hooking them together behind his back.

Dyson turned in place and began to walk. Before I realized it, I sensed a hard surface underneath my rear end. After sliding me on top of the kitchen counter, Dyson released me and with two quick swipes cleared the countertop of dishes and glasses and whatever else might have been in his way.

Only half aware of what happened, I glanced up and noticed all of the blinds inside the motor coach remained open. Needing to focus, I summoned every bit of awareness I had. The last thing I wanted was to be caught in a situation like this, with a man like him.

“Dyson,” I began, reaching out and touching him on the shoulder. “The windows, people can see in…”

Dyson glanced over his shoulder for a moment and then snapped his head back towards me.

“Let’s give them something to look at,” he replied, smiling at me with a devious curl of his lips. “Something to be jealous over, something they’ll never forget.”

Shame heated my neck in a flash. I shook my head.

“Please, Dyson… Please.”

He winked at me.

“You’re cute when you beg, Ava.”

I opened my mouth to let him know exactly how much I wasn’t being cute when he turned away from me and pressed a button on the side of the counter. Within seconds, all the blinds in the motor coach flipped closed.


“Yes,” I said, nodding. “Thank you.”

“Now, where were we?” Dyson began, raising his finger to his chin. “Oh right, you were just leaving, weren’t you?”

I felt a smile come to my lips.

“I was. Yes.”

Dyson leaned forward, straddling me with his arms and placing his palms flat on the countertop on either side of my hips.

“And now?”

I shook my head. “I’m not going.”

“Oh,” he said, leaning away from me a bit and arching an eyebrow. “So, you’re coming then?”