Page 3 of Surge

“Yes?” I said.

Ginger gestured with her head, back down the hallway, towards the exam rooms. “I need to get Dr. Wilcox’s next patient into number three.”

“Um, oookay,” I shrugged. “Why are you telling me? Go ahead.”

She hesitated.

“What?” I asked.

“Well, that’s just it—I can’t.”

I placed my pen down on top of my desk and looked up at her once again.

“I’m really busy right now, Ginger. I’ve got to catch up on all of these records and then turn around and get down to the race track for Dr. Wilcox later today.”

“I’m sorry,” she began. “Ordinarily, I wouldn’t bother you, but…”


Ginger exhaled a long breath. “They never came out.”

“Who? Who never came out?”

“Um, Mr. Vix and those two women. They’re still in exam three.”

I pinched my eyes shut and shook my head. I opened them once again and looked at the clock on the wall. Disgusted, I turned my gaze back towards Ginger.

“You mean to tell me they’ve been in there for twenty minutes?”

Ginger chewed her lip. “Yep.”

Without thinking, I slammed my palms flat on the surface of the desk and shoved myself into a standing position. Marching around the corner of the nurse’s station, I headed straight for the exam room, readying myself for any spectacle I might encounter.

The nerve of this man.

I licked my lips and moistened my mouth, preparing to unleash a tirade on them. But, just as I was about to reach the exam room, the door opened. I stopped dead in my tracks as Svetlana and Anastasia emerged with some of the wildest just been fucked hair I’d ever seen.

Soon after, Dyson sauntered out, smiling and pausing in front of me.

“So, sounds like I’ll see you at the track later, Ava?”

I crossed my arms and glared at him until he turned and started to walk away, arms interlocked with the two girls. I glanced in Ginger’s direction and shook my head.



A little after three o’clock that afternoon, I arrived at the racetrack and parked in the VIP section. Honestly, I was a bit overwhelmed by the size of the place.

As soon as I got out of my car, a high-pitched, thundering wail caught my attention and startled me. After the initial shock, I realized it was the sound of a car’s engine, but not like any I’d ever heard. I continued inside, following signs and asking the occasional passerby for directions while I walked. Eventually, I made my way to the pit area, where teams worked on the cars when they weren’t out on the racetrack.

Not long after I arrived, I found the team Dyson drove for and walked up to the largest man of them all. Easily more than six foot five inches, I guessed he was my guy and so approached him and cleared my throat.

“Excuse me? Are you… Darren?”

The towering figure turned and looked down towards me.

“I am. What can I do for you?”

Reaching inside my purse, I pulled out the final test results for Dyson and his teammate. I extended the folder in his direction.

“My name is Ava Walters, and I’m here on behalf of Dr. Wilcox to deliver the results for your drivers.”

Without saying a word, or hardly changing his expression, the man took the folder from me. Just then, another car screamed down the track. Still not accustomed to the sound, I covered my ears until it passed by.

Darren never flinched.

Afterward, I removed my hands from my ears and continued, “You’ll be pleased to know that there are no health problems, and both men tested negative for both recreational and performance enhancing drugs.”

He tucked the folder underneath his arm.

“Thanks. That’s one less thing that I have to think about.”

I nodded.

“Also, Dr. Wilcox wanted me to send his apologies for not being able to make it down to the track himself. However, he wanted me to reassure you he will be here on race day.”

Although the man continued to listen and seemingly pay attention, it was obvious I’d interrupted him. It didn’t matter, because now that I’d done what I was supposed to, I couldn’t wait to get out of there.

The last thing I wanted was to see him.

“Well,” I began, smiling and sliding my purse over my shoulder. “I guess I’ll be going.”

He nodded and replied, “You know the way back?”

“Yes, I do.”

Just then, he pulled the folder out from beneath his arm and tossed it on top of a nearby tool cabinet.

“You’ll excuse me for not showing you out then?”

I smiled and nodded. “Yes, absolutely. I understand. I’ll be going.”

With that, he turned his back to me and resumed whatever it was he was working on when I’d showed up minutes earlier.

I started to walk away, retracing my steps from earlier. However, in the time since I’d entered the pit area, a large semi tractor-trailer had pulled in and blocked my original path. Scanning my surroundings for an alternate way out, I spotted a familiar face.

Less than thirty feet away, Dyson hovered over the top of a car, discussing something with another man. He stood there with his racing suit tugged down around his waist. For the second time in one day I got an eyeful of his muscular upper body.

Unlike before in the clinical setting of the exam room, this time with a day’s worth of effort smeared across his broad shoulders and thick pecs. My mouth drifted open a bit as I stared at him. A skin tight t-shirt clung against his chest, covered in a mix of grease and sweat. Without thinking, I slid my tongue across my lips and then, to my horror, he looked straight at me.


Immediately, I swallowed hard and looked away, now frantic to find another way out. I began to walk as fast as I could, weaving in and out among every imaginable car part and mechanic in my path.

“Hey! Ava!” I heard him call out, as I continued to walk. “Wait up!”

Jesus, was all this crap scattered everywhere like this when I walked in?

At last, I saw a way I recognized and turned towards it as fast as I could. And I’d nearly, almost, gotten out of there, when all of a sudden I felt a strong set of fingers slide around my upper arm.

I spun in place and turned to see Dyson standing in front of me.

“Why did you grab me?” I said, tugging my arm away from him.

Dyson wrinkled his brow.

“You wouldn’t stop. What choice did I have?”

I snapped my arms across my chest, closing myself off from him. “Well, did you ever stop to think that I might not want to talk to you?”

He smiled as I stood there, waiting for him to answer me.

“Why are you smiling? Do you think this is funny?”

“A little, yeah. I do.”

“Well, I don’t.”

With that, I showed him my back and started to walk away again. Unfazed by my show of disgust, he kept pace, walking alongside and annoying me further.

“Go away,” I groaned, glancing in his direction while I continued.

While I hurried along, nearly tripping twice in the process, Dyson walked at an almost leisurely pace. I got a passing whiff of him. He smelled of grease and fuel and sweat. Ordinarily, that is a mix that would send me running the other direction.

Somehow, it only made him more appealing.


“What’s the rush? Hey, why don’t you let me give you a tour?”

“No,” I said, quickening my step. “I’ve got to go home.”

“No problem. Why don’t you give me a tour of Austin later on? We can go out, grab some grub…”

I shook my head and stopped. Turning towards him, I squeezed the strap of my purse in the palm of my hand.

“You’ve got to be kidding right now. Why would I want to go anywhere with you?”

Dyson chuckled a bit but didn’t reply.

I exhaled and continued, “Look, I don’t mean to be rude, but you’re really not my type.”

“What do you mean? Drivers?”

He really wasn’t getting this.

However, I suppose when you look like he does and do the kind of thing he does for a living, it’s not often women turn him down.

Well, if nothing else, this was about to be a lesson for him.

“No, I don’t mean drivers,” I began, crossing my arms and glaring at him. “I mean womanizers.”

“Ah, I see,” he replied, leaning his upper body against a nearby wall. “It takes two, you know. I don’t force anyone to do anything they don’t want to.”

Dyson hooked his thumbs inside the front of his fire suit as he lingered there, looking at me for a moment. The way his eyes traced my figure, he’d only proved my point. I’d never been around anyone so… cocky.

“I’m sure that you don’t force anyone. But, the fact remains that I’m just not interested. Now, if you’ll please excuse me, I’ve got to get going.”

He nodded his head. “Okay, Ava. No problem.”

“Thank you,” I began. Feeling suddenly like maybe I’d been a bit rude, I added, “Good luck with your race.”

“Appreciate it.”

I smiled at him for a moment and then began to walk away, thankful I’d managed to get myself out of the situation.

“Hey,” he called out before I’d gotten not more six feet away. “How would you like to come out tomorrow? Before qualifying starts. You can get a ‘behind the scenes’ tour. I’ll be your guide. No charge.”